Was my Robert E. Lee thread removed? If so why?

Unfortunately he died...

Just wandering why in the world a thread about a Cofederat general who freed his slaves before The War of Northern Aggression was removed. People demanding that his stature not be removed and have a lawful march permit are attacked by a mob of hooilgans and we are not allowed to post it. WHY????
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Just wandering why in the world a thread about a Cofederat general who freed his slaves before The War of Northern Aggression was removed. People demanding that his stature not be removed and have a lawful march permit are attacked by a mob of hooilgans and we are not allowed to post it. WHY????

Mob of hooligans might have been the folks wearing the pro-Hitler shirts, holding the signs supporting the holocaust while also carrying firearms and tiki torches.....just sayin.
Just wandering why in the world a thread about a Cofederat general who freed his slaves before The War of Northern Aggression was removed. People demanding that his stature not be removed and have a lawful march permit are attacked by a mob of hooilgans and we are not allowed to post it. WHY????

Because it was a shitty troll attempt - kind of like the peaceful protest you reference. I respect anyone's right to peacefully protest. I also feel like 95% of people participating in protests are now are pathetic asshats. They're allowed to protest. I'm allowed to hold my opinion regarding their protest. Yesterday's protest was nothing more than an antagonisation. The white nationalist crowd that showed up is a fringe group of lunatic shitheads. They should be marginalized and delegitimized. Their message is hate filled and it sucks. The divisiveness they propagate is hypocritical in the highest order. The Antifa crowd sucks just as much.

The violence that ensued should shock no one. It was sad and it was embarrassing for those of us on both sides of the political spectrum that hold even reasonably intelligent and moderate views. Violence of any kind when manifested as it was yesterday is a travesty.

There are legitimate grievances coming from both sides. Yesterday did nothing to address those and despite claims to the contrary that isn't what yesterday was about - not even remotely. While I agree that the whitewashing of history is fallacious. I also feel strongly that if black Americans feel unsafe in their own country and have legitimate grievances, the country and its populace have a responsibility to address that and should make it a priority of the utmost importance. This issue is far more nuanced than any message board discussion has the capacity to deal with. But, the responses to yesterday's events are almost as disheartening as the events themselves - OP's included. They were nothing more than symptomatic manifestations of broader issues that both sides continue to double down on refusing to deal with. I can't understand why either side can't recognize the legitimacy of certain grievances and allow a healthy productive dialogue to flourish instead of propping up caricatures that should be marginalized as representative of an entire side of the debate, thus conflagrating the issue, destroying any meaningful middle ground, and worsening the issue.
Just wandering why in the world a thread about a Cofederat general who freed his slaves before The War of Northern Aggression was removed. People demanding that his stature not be removed and have a lawful march permit are attacked by a mob of hooilgans and we are not allowed to post it. WHY????
These "people" you are painting as lawful boy scouts holding a peaceful and lawful vigile around a statue to protect it were not just good ole boys doing so in peace, with no intentions of violence. These were white nationalists, neo-nazis, and KKK members who came with their anti-American flag carrying militias decked out in full battle gear carrying assault weapons.

There are bad folks and radicals on all sides of all political issues who do stupid and immoral crap. I don't condone anyone who breaks the law, harms others, or damages other people's property in an effort to make a political point. But you are defending some extremely deplorable and repulsive human beings with twisted and anti-American views. Anyone who broke the law yesterday should be dealt with appropriately. But it baffles my mind how people can let their hate for one group of people draw them to sympathize and defend some of the most awful and deplorable people in this world. Evil is evil. These white nationalist, neo-nazi, KKK members holding a rally yesterday led by the likes of David Duke among many others are the scum of this country. They have a right to hold their idiotic views and a right to free speech. But hopefully they are drown out by others who utilize their same free speech to oppose them and not defended by people like you.
Because it was a shitty troll attempt - kind of like the peaceful protest you reference. I respect anyone's right to peacefully protest. I also feel like 95% of people participating in protests are now are pathetic asshats. They're allowed to protest. I'm allowed to hold my opinion regarding their protest. Yesterday's protest was nothing more than an antagonisation. The white nationalist crowd that showed up is a fringe group of lunatic shitheads. They should be marginalized and delegitimized. Their message is hate filled and it sucks. The divisiveness they propagate is hypocritical in the highest order. The Antifa crowd sucks just as much.

how exactly does a crowd that is there to combat and decry the nazis "suck just as bad"?

i don't agree with antifa's general tactics and frankly the members seem like a bunch of weirdos but putting them on the same level as the actual nazis and white supremacists involved here is some "both sides equally bad" bullshit.
Just wandering why in the world a thread about a Cofederat general who freed his slaves before The War of Northern Aggression was removed. People demanding that his stature not be removed and have a lawful march permit are attacked by a mob of hooilgans and we are not allowed to post it. WHY????

You gotta be shitting me. And LOL at War of Northern Aggression.
Just wandering why in the world a thread about a Cofederat general who freed his slaves before The War of Northern Aggression was removed. People demanding that his stature not be removed and have a lawful march permit are attacked by a mob of hooilgans and we are not allowed to post it. WHY????

Yesssssss. Let the idiocy and racism flow through you... Yesssssss.
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