I don't know about you, but I've come to realize that We The People have been experiencing a whole lot of taxation without representation, and I'm getting pretty tired of it.
Time for a good Civil unrest that makes BLM and January 6 look like playground pussies. I'd give it a go and I'm one-legged, deaf and almost 70.
I picture the Senate...Congress...White House...FBI and Justice Department DM's on the their knees facing a jury of We the People live on camera on the lawn of the White House. I'd banish them to play in Area 51 as targets while taking every over the top lifetime pension for little to no service they were elected for by honest people that foolishly believed these monumental power hungry liars that believe they are smarter than us to a man.
And they fvcking are.
We have too many lazy minded citizens that think nothing of what's happening. They're the GD sheep...and it comprises the overwhelming majority of the people. A fvcking shame we let down our forefathers that beat the British in the worst of conditions to found THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
If We the People are lucky, they'll try to abort the Second Amendment and physically try to take our guns. I imagine we'd find millions marching on Washington. It's not like we don't have more experienced military leadership in our plate. There are over 100,000,000 gun owners. Think about that. That happens and it's pushed to the limit just before whoever calls the shots gives the go ahead.
It's hard to convey to those younger people why we older people love America so much because we grew up in a different America. Our leaders in Washington for the past 30-35 years has been almost as evil as any regime we don't agree with when we invade their country. I used to think Socialism and Communism was the enemey(it's thriving here). It's not anymore. It's our Government.
We better have used the 3 trillion missing dollars ( see 911). That's not conspiracy. The conspiracy is within our "leadership". There are many people that believe we already own superior weapons born from a different planet. The Chinese sure as hell aren't afraid of us with that nut Xi in power.
Throw this old man's rant out, but you folks believing in milk and honey and all is well will find it contains arsenic when it's too late. But one thing we can all agree on is Gooooo Tigers!!