p*ssies than france, britain and canada. https://www.campusreform.org/article?id=17032
Unfortunately this is true. Can’t wait for the mid terms.p*ssies than france, britain and canada. https://www.campusreform.org/article?id=17032
And as long as you acquire the “free speech permit” and not leave the designated “free speech zones.”Man you’re free to express ANYTHING in our Universities...
So long as it is exactly what they say you should express.
Can some one explain it like im 12 years old what the big huff is about?
"“We see a movement coming from the United States and frankly, I don't think it's like us,” he explained. “What's really disturbing is that more and more people are feeling intimidated. They feel forced to self-censure, lest they get insulted and expose in the public square.” "
Who is the snow flake here?
oh this guy:
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