Whats killing America?

Probably the disinformation matrix. Which Alex Jones is a king of. He's fully bankrupt now right? Now that he's been sued into oblivion, for lying.
That's funny. Who's banning books in libraries? Oh that's right it's conservatives
Hmm you guys banned Huckleberry Fin and many more. Yes we ban porn in schools. I know you are so excited to teach 8 year olds anal and oral sex and it breaks your heart that we oppose that. I guess you just have to learn to cope with the fact most people will always oppose grooming kids for sex...
Hmm you guys banned Huckleberry Fin and many more. Yes we ban porn in schools. I know you are so excited to teach 8 year olds anal and oral sex and it breaks your heart that we oppose that. I guess you just have to learn to cope with the fact most people will always oppose grooming kids for sex...
This is going to come as a great shock to you, but you think about pedo shit way, WAY more than we do.

Are you okay? I'm sincerely, earnestly asking. Why are you so mad about so many things?
This is going to come as a great shock to you, but you think about pedo shit way, WAY more than we do.

Are you okay? I'm sincerely, earnestly asking. Why are you so mad about so many things?
What books are you talking about idiot? Those are the books being banned assclown... Also yes our side calls out child sex trafficking, while your side would rather not shine a light on it and look away...
The illusion of a 2 party system...and the fake right left paradigm is a good place to start
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The illusion of a 2 party system...and the fake right left paradigm is a good place to start
I don't know, guy. It's not perfect by any means, and nothing is, but that system seems to have made us the greatest nation on earth.

Y'all love to rant and rave about freedom this and freedom that, even though we (white men in America) have enjoyed more freedom than any other demographic in any society ever. Not one single liberty or right has been taken away from you or me since the day we were born. What you're really mad about is that everyone else is getting theirs now too.
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I don't know guy. It's not perfect by any means, and nothing is, but that system seems to have made us the greatest nation on earth.

Y'all love to rant and rave about freedom this and freedom that, even though we (white men in America) have enjoyed more freedom than any other demographic in any society ever. Not one single liberty or right has been taken away from you or me since the day we were born. What you're really mad about is that everyone else is getting theirs now too.
Why did you choose to be an agent of future totalitarianism?
What’s killing America today?

I’d say the biggest culprit is the Government itself.

We have allowed the government too much power and it has been corrupted by the people within. Purposely and intentionally misleading the citizenry with no accountability is the downfall.

Add that to the fact that the Government has been allowed to collude with the media to stifle the voices of its citizenry and we have an unsustainable path forward.

Americans will not agree to be governments by such filth.
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I question your use of punctuation here. If you used a period, I’d understand, but using a question mark???????? That’s an odd choice ….
I was asking whether you'd know. It was a question, therefore the question marks.
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Extremism and intolerance is killing this country. There's a firm belief LOTS of Republicans and Democrats that the "other party" is out to destroy the country. You see it right in this thread. That's not the case. MOST Dems and Republicans love our country and want us to thrive. They just have different ideas on how to go about it.

Dems can't get their whole agenda passed alone. Ditto for the Republicans. To get substantial improvements both parties are going to have to work together, and compromise. That's the way it's always been and rightfully so IMHO. BUT when one side or the other starts off by saying that the other is looking to destroy us all, that doesn't really help with the whole working together thing. Compromise has become a dirty word.

THAT'S what's killing this country.
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Extremism and intolerance is killing this country. There's a firm belief LOTS of Republicans and Democrats that the "other party" is out to destroy the country. You see it right in this thread. That's not the case. MOST Dems and Republicans love our country and want us to thrive. They just have different ideas on how to go about it.

Dems can't get their whole agenda passed alone. Ditto for the Republicans. To get substantial improvements both parties are going to have to work together, and compromise. That's the way it's always been and rightfully so IMHO. BUT when one side or the other starts off by saying that the other is looking to destroy us all, that doesn't really help with the whole working together thing. Compromise has become a dirty word.

THAT'S what's killing this country.
Wow, you've positioned yourself quite nicely in this thesis of yours. You and Jonah Goldberg would get along well.
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Wow, you've positioned yourself quite nicely in this thesis of yours. You and Jonah Goldberg would get along well.
We moderates are a dying breed. Although I don't follow Goldberg closely, he seems a bit more conservative than I am, but given some of his stances (especially on MSNBC's and FoxNew's political commentators), I'd think we could work together for sure. Both he and I seem to have little patience for political talking heads that have an agenda and cherry pick the facts on the daily to further those views.

I don't know that my views are anything coherent enough to be a thesis... Just some common sense ideas (at least to me). For instance, I can be against gun control in general and still have no problem with passing laws that keep guns out of crazy people's hands.
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We moderates are a dying breed. Although I don't follow Goldberg closely, he seems a bit more conservative than I am, but given some of his stances (especially on MSNBC's and FoxNew's political commentators), I'd think we could work together for sure. Both he and I seem to have little patience for political talking heads that have an agenda and cherry pick the facts on the daily to further those views.

I don't know that my views are anything coherent enough to be a thesis... Just some common sense ideas (at least to me). For instance, I can be against gun control in general and still have no problem with passing laws that keep guns out of crazy people's hands.
Cool 👍The Goldberg thing wasn't about politics. Y'all just share a strong and proud sense of "this is everybody's fault but mine."
Cool 👍The Goldberg thing wasn't about politics. Y'all just share a strong and proud sense of "this is everybody's fault but mine."
Huh? I don't get what you are saying at all. I always take responsibility for my mistakes and FWIW, I fully believe that I'd make a terrible politician.

My point was that we are better as a country when we work together instead of tearing each other apart. As a general rule, more people working on a solution to a problem tends to lead to better solutions. And there's a substantial number of Dems and Republicans that believe that the other party is actively working to destroy the country. And when you start a conversation off by saying the person you HAVE to work with to get anything of substance done is evil, you generally aren't going to get far.

That was my point that the extremes of both parties don't have any desire to work with people on the other side of the aisle. That belief shows up in the population as well and it's REALLY BAD for the country as a whole.
I think what’s killing America is the fact the both sides don’t mind getting focked over by the govt as long as it’s their party focking em over. Both parties are LOST, just like NCAA conferences they need to tear it down and build it back

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