Originally posted by CUT93:
You are a moron. You are no better than Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, the NAACP, and all of the biased media - and on top of that you are an IDIOT. The two cops that were shot WERE NOT WHITE! They were minorities as well.
It is people with no reasoning skills like you, that create the false narrative that racial discrimination (predominately by white people) is rampant within the USA.
The facts as reported by the grand jury in the Ferguson shooting clearly indicate that the officer should not have been charged. The ONLY reason there was a story was because the media never misses a chance to promote the false narrative of rampant discrimination.
In the case in NY, I do not think race was an issue. I DO think the family has sufficient grounds for a civil lawsuit against the police department due to the lack of quick medical attention that may have saved his life.
There is no doubt in my mind that both the Ferguson and NY incidents have been (incorrectly) publicized as racial situations by all the leaches in society including the media.
HOWEVER - when people like you throw out equally idiotic claims it only makes things worse.
Are there still examples in everyday like of racism? Yes there is still racism in the USA. Is it the most widely held view and rampant in American society? Absolutely not. Clearly, you can look at many of our government representatives and prove that the majority of white(American) people are not racist. We have a bi-racial President whom a large percentage of white Americans voted for. There are several Black conservatives who are widely supported by the faction of Americans(conservatives) the media, and race whores like Sharpton and the national NAACP would have you believe are made up of almost entirely racists.
In my opinion, people like Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and much of the national leadership of the NAACP are the biggest racist in our country (or maybe it is just trying to ensure their own job security). Then there are people like the OP who are either too stupid to read or comprehend or are racist. In any case, all of the above mentioned groups and their blind supporters should all be dropped of together on an island somewhere so the rest of us can live our lives in peace.