Which country currently has the worst President?


  • Uruguay

  • Poland

  • Mother Russia, comrade

  • Switzerland

  • Japan

  • USA

  • Germany

  • Canada

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Mother Russia, imo has the best. Purely musical. No politics.
How dare you not include Mexico. I really enjoy their anthem. They also play it everyday at midnight. It’s actually pretty cool. Start the new day with some patriotism

Mother Russia, imo has the best. Purely musical. No politics.
A more worthwhile poll would be asking how many months until Biden steps down and Kamala is president. And yes, I see your "no politics" but idc

Mother Russia, imo has the best. Purely musical. No politics.
Surely we have more than 5 liberals on here. Only 5 votes for Russia!
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Mother Russia, imo has the best. Purely musical. No politics.
Only you would ask such a stupid ass question!

Have to put in the Brazil national anthem while David Luiz is tearing up and yelling the lyrics.
I have no idea how the Jamaican national anthem didn't make it on the list. Just fantastic.

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I am not familiar with other ones off the top of my head with the exception of Canada so my answer is USA USA USA!
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