Who do I need to murder

I was wondering to myself last night if he’s overdone and they’re working against him now. I’ve never seen anyone have back to back to back commercials before.
Well if we vote Lindsey back in that woman's oxygen will be cut and she'll die.
I never knew Lindsey's thing was killing old sick lady's.. But apparently that's his MO.
If you or your family have prexisting conditions, he has voted to exclude those mandates because he’s getting paid by the insurance companies, so yes it is true her life would be gravely altered if he and his policies continue to be pushed theough
Coming from you, correct
He never mentioned any political affiliations or stances. He is not talking about policies. He’s talking about every other ****ing commercial for the last six months being the same crap and getting tired of it. I am right there with him. Would be the same if the commercials were for a damn chia pet
It’s not political it’s just common decency to not have every ad on my TV and phone be about you. I never knew who Jamie Harrison was until 2 months ago. I know none of his policies. I do know that now I hate him and think he’s an asshole because of all of his commercials.
Coming from you it’s political
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You seem upset

You seem upset if you can’t help me with whom I should kill then see yourself out this thread . I was hoping for serious replies only .
I’m so upset I post dribble about individuals on the other side of the political aisle than myself and question how to eliminate other humans because the messages they are putting on TV are actually making me think about What’s right or wrong.
I know it’s partially in jest but this is the level of proactive intelligence that some of your fellow voters showed with the Michigan governor last week. May I suggest you download an encrypted app and continue communications from your mothers basement closest to the router for best results
I’m so upset I post dribble about individuals on the other side of the political aisle than myself and question how to eliminate other humans because the messages they are putting on TV are actually making me think about What’s right or wrong.
I know it’s partially in jest but this is the level of proactive intelligence that some of your fellow voters showed with the Michigan governor last week. May I suggest you download an encrypted app and continue communications from your mothers basement closest to the router for best results

I’m so upset I post dribble about individuals on the other side of the political aisle than myself and question how to eliminate other humans because the messages they are putting on TV are actually making me think about What’s right or wrong.
I know it’s partially in jest but this is the level of proactive intelligence that some of your fellow voters showed with the Michigan governor last week. May I suggest you download an encrypted app and continue communications from your mothers basement closest to the router for best results

Are you crying ?
I’m so upset I post dribble about individuals on the other side of the political aisle than myself and question how to eliminate other humans because the messages they are putting on TV are actually making me think about What’s right or wrong.
I know it’s partially in jest but this is the level of proactive intelligence that some of your fellow voters showed with the Michigan governor last week. May I suggest you download an encrypted app and continue communications from your mothers basement closest to the router for best results