You obviously don't know much about Bidens either.I don't know much about Jorgenson's religious beliefs, but based on church attendance alone it would have to Biden. He's a life long devout Catholic. He can actually name some books of the bible unlike Donald Trump. The notion of Trump as a Christian is frankly hilarious. His interviews on the subject are laughable. Hearing him talk about the Bible is exactly like hearing a school child doing a book report on a book that they've never read.
You obviously don't know much about Bidens either.
Cardinal Burke: Biden should not receive Holy Communion
Cardinal Raymond Burke, a canon lawyer and formerly the prefect of the Church’s highest court, has said that Catholic politicians supporting abortion should not receive Holy Communion, including pro-choice Catholic presidential candidate Joe
All true Catholics are pro life. It is not a grey area like in many protestant churches. Abortion is a grave sin according to Catholicism. There is no debate about this. I am not a Catholic, so I have no personal stake in this. It would be like me saying I am a Baptist, but I don't think murder is a sin, or don't believe in Christ.That is completely because he is pro-choice. Cardinal Burke is also very conservative and very anti Pope Francis and is a large critic of the Pope. He has had quite a few scandals.
All true Catholics are pro choice. It is not a grey area like in many protestant churches. Abortion is a grave sin according to Catholicism. There is no debate about this. I am not a Catholic, so I have no personal stake in this. It would be like me saying I am a Baptist, but I don't think murder is a sin, or don't believe in Christ.
Catholics are pro choice but its a grave sin in their religion?Is there something you don't understand?
You right, I'm wrong. I meant pro life, lol.Catholics are pro choice but its a grave sin in their religion?
All true Catholics are pro life. It is not a grey area like in many protestant churches. Abortion is a grave sin according to Catholicism. There is no debate about this. I am not a Catholic, so I have no personal stake in this. It would be like me saying I am a Baptist, but I don't think murder is a sin, or don't believe in Christ.
There is ZERO grey area as to whether or not it is a sin in the Catholic church. Are priests allowed to forgive that sin. Absolutely, just like they are allowed to forgive any other sin. Just because there are some in the Catholic church who ignore the fact that it is a sin or don't want to believe it is a sin doesn't make it so. There is no question at all that there are millions of people, probably including some priests, who call themselves Catholics that do not believe it is a sin. However, what they believe has absolutely no bearing on whether or not it is a sin according to Catholicism. That is determined by the pope as I understand it.There is some grey in that he has a priest who still performs eucharist for him. It's a point of some controversy in the Catholic church and was first a big issue with John Kerry. say that it is t as cut and dry as you make it out to be in the Catholic Church in practice.
There is ZERO grey area as to whether or not it is a sin in the Catholic church. Are priests allowed to forgive that sin. Absolutely, just like they are allowed to forgive any other sin. Just because there are some in the Catholic church who ignore the fact that it is a sin or don't want to believe it is a sin doesn't make it so. There is no question at all that there are millions of people, probably including some priests, who call themselves Catholics that do not believe it is a sin. However, what they believe has absolutely no bearing on whether or not it is a sin according to Catholicism. That is determined by the pope as I understand it.
Popular opinion, large segments of people who go to Catholic churches and likely the media would try to persuade you it is a grey area where the "view" of the church is evolving. According to the pope they are all 100% wrong.
I thought we were discussing Abortion? Again, there is ZERO grey area on this issue. This is from just over a month ago- “The church cannot stop defending life or give up proclaiming the need to protect every human being from conception to natural death,” he said. “On this question, we can accept no compromise.”
I get that, but pretty much every politician is going to attend a church, whether or not they truly are Godly people. Personally, I don't think either one of them are particularly good people as human beings.I agree that his being pro choice is an issue with his denomination, but he also is a regular church attendee who goes to mass frequently. While I don't know what is in his heart,he does have a very long and we'll documented history of church attendence. That was really the point I was trying to make when comparing him and Donald Trump and their faith.
Gay marriage and abortion are cool man lol, Jesus would approve man lol, let’s hold hands and listen to the dead man lol, maybe we can trip some acid and sacrifice an orphan to the pagan gods man, Jesus wouldn’t mind he’s a cool dude man lol
Honestly Jesus was all about love and loving everyone. Jesus never spoke about abortion or gay rights, He brought a new covenant that replaced the legalism of the old testament. He was kind of a Hippie. He also would have probably been a big fan of social programs.
Matthew 22:36-40
New International Version
36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a](A) 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b](B) 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”(C)
What is wrong about what I said?
It’s nothing more than mental gymnastics trying to reconcile religious doctrine with your political beliefs.
“Jesus would’ve been kind of a hippy”. Ok, sure. Social programs... Ok, yeah maybe. Probably even.
Abortion and gay marriage? Are you honestly going to try to convince anyone that those two are reconcilable with the Bible?
I didn't say reconcile with the bible,I said reconcile with Jesus. I absolutely believe that Jesus would show love,comfort,and support to someone who is gay,or dealing with abortion. He was a man who ministered to the lowest of the low. Some Christians need to have a refresher on who Jesus was and what he stood for. Jesus was and is love.
Yeah, that’s fine and I agree. Everyone is to be treated equal and given equal respect. But let’s not blur the lines, homosexuality is a sin. Simple as that. It’s not to be condoned and certainly not encouraged.
It’s very cut and dry
Yeah, that’s fine and I agree. Everyone is to be treated equal and given equal respect. But let’s not blur the lines, homosexuality is a sin. Simple as that. It’s not to be condoned and certainly not encouraged.
It’s very cut and dry
Says you. Not really a universal truth in Christianity and we could debate that all day. I assume that you are going to say that being Gay is a choice as well?
You can do all the assuming you want. I’m not arguing that because I have no idea and it’s impossible to prove/disprove
But the Bible is pretty clear, you feel free to interpret it how you want. That’s between you and God
Is it worse than the sins you commit? Or is it a worse sin because it's the one you're least likely to commit?
I’m a raging alcoholic, do you see me running around crying because those big, mean gray-haired Baptist’s say mean things to me? No, I’m an adult, I worry about myself and don’t cry like a baby because a specific group of people disapprove of the things I do
As to to your questions, leave that for God to decide. But yeah, I’d say abortion is probably worse than drinking 10 Dos Equis instead of 4
Got it, so you're cherry picking the sin that most disturbs you for special scorn.
There are plenty of sins in the Bible that we all commit unthinkingly; polyester/cotton blends in clothing are strictly forbidden. So are family gardens as you can't plant more than one type of crop in a field. So everyone sins.
I personally don't believe that being gay is a sin. It makes no sense to pick things out of the Bible to obey and ignore the rest without paying attention to the truths behind the writings. An example: the Bible says a woman must marry her rapist. There is a lot of irrelevant crap in the Bible. Jesus never spoke about homosexuality and he was very tolerant and accepting of everyone. He said, "Pull the board out of your own eye before you criticize the speck in someone else's."
I'm sad to hear you're an alcoholic but it doesn't surprise me - we could tell. Alcohol killed my father so I've experienced the harm it does up close. I hope you'll get help with your problem and your prejudices towards people that aren't just like you.
You are one confused and conflicted individual
i love this line of reasoning. the bible is pretty clear on almost nothing unless you only read some sections and parse out the information as it fits your current story.You can do all the assuming you want. I’m not arguing that because I have no idea and it’s impossible to prove/disprove
But the Bible is pretty clear, you feel free to interpret it how you want. That’s between you and God
i love this line of reasoning. the bible is pretty clear on almost nothing unless you only read some sections and parse out the information as it fits your current story.
You are well aware that it is against our law for a Jew to associate with or visit a Gentile. But God has shown me that I should not call anyone impure or unclean.
The word translated as “homosexuals” and “men who have sex with men” is the Greek word arsenokoitai, which more accurately translates to “men who sleep with male prostitutes”.
You obviously don't know much about Cardinal Burke. Guy likes to dress up in long gowns and parade around. As a Catholic, he embarrasses me. He also cares little about Catholic Social Teaching and instead focuses everything on abortion. He is the furthest from being an ambassador for Christ that exists in the College of Cardinals.You obviously don't know much about Bidens either.
Cardinal Burke: Biden should not receive Holy Communion
Cardinal Raymond Burke, a canon lawyer and formerly the prefect of the Church’s highest court, has said that Catholic politicians supporting abortion should not receive Holy Communion, including pro-choice Catholic presidential candidate Joe
Yeah, I can't imagine why any Church leader would be so focused on something as trivial as murdering children!You obviously don't know much about Cardinal Burke. Guy likes to dress up in long gowns and parade around. As a Catholic, he embarrasses me. He also cares little about Catholic Social Teaching and instead focuses everything on abortion. He is the furthest from being an ambassador for Christ that exists in the College of Cardinals.