Here are just a couple reasons why
IPTAY cost are getting out of hand
It takes years and thousands of dollars giving to IPTAY to get outstanding parking and tickets in the lower level between the 40's.
Somebody has to pay the expenses
Winning and National exposure drives up the cost.. There is a demand
Having said that, I say this. You want to know why I want top dollar for any extra tickets I may have? Because it's not actually TOP dollar. When you factor in all of the cost of IPTAY and divide by games and number of seats. You are still probably going to get a better deal than the 30 year IPTAY member that is giving enough to get those tickets. Help a fellow TI member out? My son is flying home from Texas etc etc.
I tell you what I will help you out.... Just as soon as you step up to the plate and write me a check so I can give it to IPTAY!!
I'm not complaining about how much I give to IPTAY...... That's self imposed so when I decide to sell tickets I'm looking to recoup some of my cost.
Some of you might choose not to give to IPTAY that's great ( they seem to be doing fine without you) and then you will be willing to pay $500 for great lower level seats to a huge national game. Congrats because you are probably smarter than the rest of us that have given for years. I applaud you.
Has Clemson taken the Normal person out of the picture with the cost. If they haven't yet they sure are trying.
Anyway back to my point the cost are what they are!!! Take tickets or leave them. It's all a personal choice!!!
Having said that I have two still for sale. Check out the other ND ticket thread created by Chris for info on them... Go Tigers
IPTAY cost are getting out of hand
It takes years and thousands of dollars giving to IPTAY to get outstanding parking and tickets in the lower level between the 40's.
Somebody has to pay the expenses
Winning and National exposure drives up the cost.. There is a demand
Having said that, I say this. You want to know why I want top dollar for any extra tickets I may have? Because it's not actually TOP dollar. When you factor in all of the cost of IPTAY and divide by games and number of seats. You are still probably going to get a better deal than the 30 year IPTAY member that is giving enough to get those tickets. Help a fellow TI member out? My son is flying home from Texas etc etc.
I tell you what I will help you out.... Just as soon as you step up to the plate and write me a check so I can give it to IPTAY!!
I'm not complaining about how much I give to IPTAY...... That's self imposed so when I decide to sell tickets I'm looking to recoup some of my cost.
Some of you might choose not to give to IPTAY that's great ( they seem to be doing fine without you) and then you will be willing to pay $500 for great lower level seats to a huge national game. Congrats because you are probably smarter than the rest of us that have given for years. I applaud you.
Has Clemson taken the Normal person out of the picture with the cost. If they haven't yet they sure are trying.
Anyway back to my point the cost are what they are!!! Take tickets or leave them. It's all a personal choice!!!
Having said that I have two still for sale. Check out the other ND ticket thread created by Chris for info on them... Go Tigers
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