Would you rather...

Would you rather...

  • Clemson win the natty

  • Biden lose tomorrow

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54 of you (to this point) need to stop watching cable news. Goodness.

Can't believe this is a poll but shocked at 40+% on politics.

Literally just stop watching the news. Get off Facebook. Life goes on and it's fine.

It’s amazing that some feel like this election won’t have any impact on them! I guess that’s what has us in this place to begin with. A Biden presidency opens the door for socialism. I hope I never get the opportunity to say “I told you so!”
I still laugh at people ignorant enough to believe this asinine conspiracy theory.
Joe literally called himself "Joe Biden's husband" yesterday...
Anyone with a half a brain can tell he's suffering from sort of dementia which is not uncommon for a person his age...
But the sad truth is that these things don't reverse course & it's hard to see him being mentally stable enough to hang on for four years...especially given the mental toll the job takes on a person ..
Clemson NC with a Biden presidency is a win-win for me, so option 1.
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Wow, 128 people are really so offended by Biden they would rather him lose than Clemson win a Natty this year?

Everything I’ve said is coming right in your face! If Trump wins, we’ll have some more time. If Biden wins it’ll come fast & furious! That’s a Fact!

I love the assuredness without anything concrete. Also, your opinion isn't Fact
It’s coming right up your Ass & in your face

Right up my ass??? That's a little aggressive don't you think? Again, I'm struggling to understand how any Christian can feel that Donald J Trump whose actions his whole life don't embody and Christian beliefs, is somehow the savior for Christians and moreso,how he will save us from the end times happening. It just boggles my mind the mental gymnastics that this belief takes.
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Right up my ass??? That's a little aggressive don't you think? Again, I'm struggling to understand how any Christian can feel that Donald J Trump whose actions his whole life don't embody and Christian beliefs, is somehow the savior for Christians and moreso,how he will save us from the end times happening. It just boggles my mind the mental gymnastics that this belief takes.
GOD Changes people, Saul was a murderer, who killed Christians but JESUS blinded him, changed his name to Paul & chose him to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles.

Moses Murdered an Egyptian but GOD chose him to lead HIS people out Egypt!

David was King of Israel when he slept with Bathsheba, Uriah’s wife & had Uriah killed. Did GOD punish David, Absolutely!! He spent a large portion of his life running for his life, including his own son, who tried to kill him!

But GOD later said, David was a man after MY own heart! Because David repented for what he did but he still paid a heavy price! GOD uses flawed men!

I didn’t mean any disrespect, I’m just trying to get your attention. You have no idea the Danger we’re all in, if Biden is elected!

I’ve been telling people what’s Really going on since Covid-19! Some believe, some aren’t sure what to believe & other scoff! The ones who scoff are the ones I get in their face because I care about & I’m trying To get their attention.

Trump can’t stop the Tribulation but he can buy us some time & slow the Beast/Antichrist & the NWO down some. If Biden get in the following will happen....
1. He Will Raise Taxes on Everyone
2. He will introduce a Socialist Agenda
3. Our Religious Freedoms will be Compromised
4. He will come after our guns
5. He will confiscate property under Agenda 21, which was signed into law by George Bush Sr in 1992! Under the guise of environmental protection due to their Chemtrail program, which has been in place since the forties. I can put you on the phone with someone who ran for Congress, he is an anti Chemtrail Advocate. His brother is a Chemtrail pilot. They no longer speak. This guy speaks all over the country warning people about Chemtrails. He’s been threatened by the NWO, specifically, the FBI, who has been infiltrated by the NWO. He will implement a Global Climate Change Tax & a Global Carbon Footprint Tax
6. Little to No Air Travel under the guise of Climate Change Crisis & Environmental Protection
7. He will tell you where you can & can’t visit & where you can & cant live! Again, this will be done under the guise of environmental protection & the Global Climate Change Crisis
8. He will implement the “Mark of the Beast” as recorded in Revelation 13. The “Mark of the Beast” could come in the form of a vaccine or the RFID Chip in Obamacare. It could very well come in the form of a vaccine to cure & prevent COVID-19. Bill Gates , a Committee Of 300 Member in the NWO, is currently working on the Quantum Dot Vaccine. This vaccine has a computer chip in it. The enzyme that makes the vaccine work is called Luciferase. Biden will mandate, everyone, small & great, rich & poor, free & bond to receive this vaccine (Mark of the Beast) ... whoever does not receive the Vaccine/Mark of the Beast will NOT be able to Buy or Sell. (Revelation 13) .... whoever does receive the Vaccine/Mark of the Beast, will be the recipient of one or more of 16 Plagues from GOD, starting in Revelation 6, the 6th Seal. After one who has received The Mark of the Beast dies, they will pend Eternity in the Lake of Fire. (Revelation 14 &Revelation 20:15..... I believe if Trump is elected, there will be a vaccine available but it WON’T be Mandated!
8. Biden will implement the Worship of the Beast/Antichrist..... Those who worship the Beast/Antichrist will suffer the same fate as those who take the Mark of the Beast. Those who refuse to Worship the Beast/Antichrist will be Beheaded (Revelation 13)

We are in the Tribulation right now! The Beast/Antichrist is in Power right now! The preferred government type of the Beast/Antichrist is Socialism as recorded in Revelation 13.... the Bear’s feet represents Socialism!

Again, those who scoff, go ahead & scoff but the things I shared are Biblical & are part of the NWO’s Plans! These things are going to happen! If Trump is elected, it will buy us some time because he will be a roadblock to what they want to do! If Biden gets in, these things will be expedited!
But what makes you think Trump cares or is even aware or what you think is happening? There is nothing in hi behavior that would lead anyone to think Trump is a Christian. He doesn't even claim to be a Christian or to have been saved.

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