I couldn't agree more... I'd vote for her.
But she won't, b/c Republicans can't get it together and she's WAY too brown for a lot of these guys. Anyone remember what some state rep from the lower part of the state said about her when she was running for the Republican nomination for SC Governor back in the day? Out loud in front of Reporters that we didn't need a Rag Head as a governor. That guy got reelected that same year.
Racial slurs aside, I mean DAMN man... if you are going to be a bigot, at least be smart enough to get your racial slurs correct.
Republican's best best IMHO is the former governor of Maryland... But he's WAY too boring and moderate to make it in today's Republican party. I'd vote for him though.
I may be an exception or an outlier but I take disagreement with Nikki Haley being too brown
I know her and consider her more pleasantly olive
Since I an the traditional white Southern classic male I find your statement that white people find her too brown is a racist statement based on your bias
Being a part of the white establishment you are referring too I both voted for her when she ran for governor
Even went into her parents store Exoctica in Bamberg SC where they sold eclectic clothes and items
Let’s use some science here in that white is all colors of the spectrum and black is absence of all light
Not a perfect metaphor but the point is my color does not define who I vote or support politically
It is the ideology
Love Ben Carson supported him
Love the people who support agency
White South Carolina elected Nikki Haley
Right now I personally would prefer a ticket of Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley
Hopefully one two terms with Nikki to follow for 2 terms to destroy the socialist and left agendas
In the meantime the abominable fake hoax of Russian Collusion against Trump by a cabal of people who destroyed the sanctity of The Declaration of Independence and Constitution
Those people who openly and knowingly supported the myth without any credible evidence need to be permanently barred from government positions if that were an option
In the meantime white people are not as racist as you want to portray us white folks for your own agenda and narrative