“Biden Has Been a Huge Failure In Every Way that Matters” – Why Dems Are So Furious About ‘Let’s Go Brandon’


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Dec 21, 2001
We saw the Joey "Poops" Biden effect on the governor elections and its only going to get worse.

By Joe Hoft
Published November 2, 2021 at 2:30pm

The Democrats HATE the phrase ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ because it destroys their lies that the majority of Americans voted for Biden. It shines the light on the truth.

In an article at Twitchy about recent tweets that have not yet been censored and taken down at Twitter, John Hayward pinpoints why the Democrats hate the phrase ‘Let’s Go Brandon’. This phrase started with “F&ck Joe Biden” and morphed into the current phrase after a reporter intentionally replaced the two phrases after a Nascar win by Brandon Brown.
Hayward makes some clever observations on the phrase now hated by the communist left.

TRENDING: NBC News and NY Times Call Virginia Governor's Race for Republican Glenn Youngkin, 50.9% to 48.4%

Biden is a huge failure and they want us to believe that we are the only ones that see it.

The communists hate America. They want to destroy us. Keeping us in isolation is a big part of their strategy.

Left is pissed because "Lets go Brandon"

1) Is hilarious
2) When the Left organize they ruin, riot, destroy, threaten, and assail. All the unoriginal modern day left knows is violence. Meanwhile the "Right" organizes and rallies around a simple phrase, that accurately conveys their opinion and position.
3) It just shows how the media protects the left at all costs. You have a NBC reporter up there, knowing full well what is being said, and yet tries to change the narrative. AND even if she did misunderstand the crowd, it opens the door for doubt and spin. Where was the media when leftists were threating to blow up the WH? Where were they when a leftist decapitated 45 in effigy?

Now .... Ive made my position on Trump clear.... dont like him one bit ...... but last night showed the GOP a path to victory in 2022 and 2024 without Trump and the Left is furious over it.
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Democrats called trump a racist fascist for 4 years then went out to vote for a career racist with decades of racist policies.

The working class rejects Dems. It’s a party of rich whites that intimidate minorities into voting for them.

in macon ga I live in the rich area. You’ll find plenty of BLM and other woke lawn signs, what you won’t find is many black neighbors. It’s always been a way for the rich to segregate minorities… but anyone who looks up democrats history should know this.

Biden Looks Angry and Wiped Out and Blames President Trump for the Impact on the US of His (Biden’s) Horrible Policies – Americans See Right Through It​

By Joe Hoft
Published November 3, 2021 at 4:29pm

Joe Biden’s response to reporters today was to bash President Trump again. Americans aren’t buying it.

Joe Biden looked wiped out today when responding to a question from reporter Steve Doocy.

TRENDING: New Jersey Governor Race Called for Democrat Murphy by 20,000 Votes After He Mysteriously Gained 40,000 Ballots Overnight
Other comments were gold:

Biden also said the jab mandate was a lie. He lied when saying this. And then again, the election steal is known as the Big Lie.

He finished by bashing Trump again.

Biden may not yet know how much he is disliked. This happens when you give terrorists billions in arms while being responsible for 13 dead soldiers.

Americans see right through Biden – Virginia proves it.