“Cotton to Congress” - Tim Scott

Can you have a Pres and VP candidate from the same state or would that be considered too austantatious?
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Haley and Scott made the state proud. Hershel Walker was great and Vernon Jones was awesome too
I will give you the first three for sure, but Vernon Jones is an idiot. As someone who lives in a neighboring county here in Georgia, he was incompetent as the CEO of DeKalb County.
I will give you the first three for sure, but Vernon Jones is an idiot. As someone who lives in a neighboring county here in Georgia, he was incompetent as the CEO of DeKalb County.

I am sure he was. He's a Democrat. But he's still not wrong!
I am sure he was. He's a Democrat. But he's still not wrong!
You are missing my point. He is not credible. He is an idiot. I'm glad you liked his speech, but it's not worth the paper it is written on. He was playing to the audience and clearly it worked.
He did great.

Follow-up--just how much cocaine did Don Jr. snort before he went on? He was a man possessed. Impressive.
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You are missing my point. He is not credible. He is an idiot. I'm glad you liked his speech, but it's not worth the paper it is written on. He was playing to the audience and clearly it worked.

did you watch it?

like him or not, a “person of color” (his words) and member of the Democrat party switching to support Trump and spewing facts and bills as to why was a good listen.

I don’t feel he was playing to any crowd. Just stating facts as to how Trump has helped the black community. I don’t know a lot about him honestly but his speech had a clear, precise and factual message
well got done watching both conventions

This shaping up just like Dukakis did

the Dems message was of hate

and no clear agenda except higher taxes and more people in govt trying to tell you how you should live your life

Joe Biden is going to steam


and its not going to be even close


he can actually communicate REAL policies


just raising taxes

then we will see


will not resonate to 60 million americans

not that many that dumb
did you watch it?

like him or not, a “person of color” (his words) and member of the Democrat party switching to support Trump and spewing facts and bills as to why was a good listen.

I don’t feel he was playing to any crowd. Just stating facts as to how Trump has helped the black community. I don’t know a lot about him honestly but his speech had a clear, precise and factual message

I think Jones shows something else too.......

From what I can tell (as a white dude), the democrats feel like they are entitled to the black vote. Like it is a forgone conclusion.

Jones shows that they do not have a right to that vote. They have to earn it. If black people overall vote for the dems, that's fine. That is their right as American citizens. But the fact that the dems feel like they are ENTITLED to that vote should be offensive.
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I think Jones shows something else too.......

From what I can tell (as a white dude), the democrats feel like they are entitled to the black vote. Like it is a forgone conclusion.

Jones shows that they do not have a right to that vote. They have to own it. If black people overall vote for the dems, that's fine. That is their right as American citizens. But the fact that the dems feel like they are ENTITLED to that vote should be offensive.

that entire lineup just whipped the other convention speakers

wasnt even close

ive been trying to pretend im a moderate dem and see what i can pull positive fro the dems convention but there wasnt anything really said that was important to the GDP
As to Tim Scott's speech - I did not hear it but I have heard Tim Scott speak. He is outstanding. Personally I'm a huge fan.
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I think Jones shows something else too.......

From what I can tell (as a white dude), the democrats feel like they are entitled to the black vote. Like it is a forgone conclusion.

Jones shows that they do not have a right to that vote. They have to own it. If black people overall vote for the dems, that's fine. That is their right as American citizens. But the fact that the dems feel like they are ENTITLED to that vote should be offensive.

I think people are finally opening their eyes...the violence has not been created by Trump...follow the riots, follow the problems, follow the hysteria....

If you take the name Trump off of some of these policies, people would be raving about them. Is Trump perfect? Hell no

Is Trump a dick to the media? Absolutely but I would be too if my words were constantly twisted, there was an agenda to get me outed of my position as President, and there sole goal was to instill hate and division among the America people

Listen, I do not think Trump is the perfect President but if you watch the DNC versus the RNC, you will see the difference. Last night was calming and instilling hope among Americans, policies discussed, and people reminding America of the good that has happened under Trump. The left wanted to talk doom, gloom, scare the citizens, and tell us how bad Trump was.

Sure, Biden was mentioned last year but just to remind people that he has been in Washington for 47 years...and I am surprised more talk was not directed at the fact that what he is running on inn no wway fits his voting past.

I researched yesterday and these are the last Bills I could find that he put into action:'

2008 bill that made sentencing harsher, put more police officers on the streets, and opened more prisons. Trumps Prison Reform bill is much more proactive than this to help the people Biden claims to want to help

2008 he put a bill in place to attack international drug trafficking and stopping submarines and semi-subs from bringing drugs into the country. Goes along with Trumps immigration policies trying to eliminate drugs and criminal from entering the US. actually liked this bill...see that...I do not have to disagree with everything on the left

2008 bill to work along side law enforcement to help create safer communities...wait...his voting base wants to defund police forces and keep them out of their neighborhood. Once again he has flipped his "view" to fit what his voting base is screaming about.

2008 bill to allow volunteer organizations to obtain criminal background mean to volunteer I have to provide my personal information but I don't need to in order to vote? Again, does this not fall under the discrimination they are now talking about in the voting world?

Also, he says he is here for the black communities. In his 47 year career, only 2 things have been a lower percentage of the policies and bills he has proposed helping Civil Rights, Liberties and Minorities and that is Science, Technology, Communications and Health were both at 8% while Civil liberties and Minorities were at 9%.

Crime and Law Enforcement: 18%
Government Operations and Politics: 19%
Internal Affairs: 17%
Military and National Security: 11%
Economics and Public Finance: 10%
Yeah, you want the Republicans to flip the country? Have a ticket in 2024 of Haley and Scott. you would see crazy demographics and possible shifts of parties.

And I had no idea Nikki was a minority.
Yeah, you want the Republicans to flip the country? Have a ticket in 2024 of Haley and Scott. you would see crazy demographics and possible shifts of parties.

And I had no idea Nikki was a minority.

It is tough to have a card with two people from the same state but it would be one hell of a ticket.
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Yeah, you want the Republicans to flip the country? Have a ticket in 2024 of Haley and Scott. you would see crazy demographics and possible shifts of parties.

And I had no idea Nikki was a minority.

Democrats love to refer to her a Nimrata when they are mad at her. Like most (not everyone I presume) people who know anything about her don't realize she is a Sikh. First generation born here I think.

IMO when the haters refer to her a Nimrata, they are showing their true racist selves and hatred of those who do not agree with her.

Her parents ran a store in Orangeburg county - later moved to Bamberg I think - that did custom clothes. You picked a style of clothing (say a dress), then picked a material, and they made it for you.
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It is tough to have a card with two people from the same state but it would be one hell of a ticket.

True, but it might be a better idea (if they are both home-run candidates) to have Nikki run in 2024 and Scott in 2032. But the liberals would still find ways to hate her.

I do think Haley/Scott would be a great Presidential/VP combo. But that's different from being electable. Typically you need some space between the candidates - perhaps if a Prez candidate is weak on the economy, put someone with a strong economic background at VP.

That's what Pence brings to the Trump/Pence ticket. He is the moral high ground, while Trump is, well, Trump.

Hell - they hate Condi Rice, a successful African-American woman who was involved in the Civil Rights movement and who is rumored to be a homosexual.

That said - Nikki does have some supposed skeletons in her closet. No idea how true they are but there are rumors of her cheating on her husband. Of course, nobody believed the guy who made the claims. And I'm not saying I do either, for the record.
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Tim scott was very good.

It's clear none of yall actually watched the entirety of last night, or any portion of the DNC and are just parroting talking points.
True, but it might be a better idea (if they are both home-run candidates) to have Nikki run in 2024 and Scott in 2032. But the liberals would still find ways to hate her.

I do think Haley/Scott would be a great Presidential/VP combo. But that's different from being electable. Typically you need some space between the candidates - perhaps if a Prez candidate is weak on the economy, put someone with a strong economic background at VP.

That's what Pence brings to the Trump/Pence ticket. He is the moral high ground, while Trump is, well, Trump.

Hell - they hate Condi Rice, a successful African-American woman who was involved in the Civil Rights movement and who is rumored to be a homosexual.

That said - Nikki does have some supposed skeletons in her closet. No idea how true they are but there are rumors of her cheating on her husband. Of course, nobody believed the guy who made the claims. And I'm not saying I do either, for the record.
I dont think Condi is gay. SHe and W were knocking the Big Bopper for awhile until Lauren put a stop to it. .
Democrats may not receive 40 million votes

This is turning into a disaster for them.

As soon as one police officer dies during a "protest"

The Democrat Party will be done for at least a decade maybe.
I dont think Condi is gay. SHe and W were knocking the Big Bopper for awhile until Lauren put a stop to it. .

It's always been a rumor that she was gay. Per Wikipedia she did used to date a football player (years ago) so maybe not. True or not - I don't honestly care. She is absolutely brilliant.

I think she'd make a pretty good President, honestly.
It's always been a rumor that she was gay. Per Wikipedia she did used to date a football player (years ago) so maybe not. True or not - I don't honestly care. She is absolutely brilliant.

I think she'd make a pretty good President, honestly.
She is very smart. She doesnt like trump, though.
Yep, Trump and company can gaslight with the best of them for sure...

Got a question though. Remember this... Here's Trump's acceptance speech in 2016...


He tells us that he's all about law and order and every American is going to be safe starting January 20th 2017. How's that working out? You feel safe after almost 4 years of Trump? I don't remember cities burning before he became America's Leader. All these Dem run cities seemed quiet enough under Obama and Bush (and every other President)... what's changed?

Remember when it was a HUGE deal when Hillary f'd up and got 4 Americans killed (and then covered it up)? Not such a big deal when 180K die while our President doesn't even bother to follow his own task force's guidelines. Look around... how's the country doing? China and Russia are moving all around and America is ... well, I'm not sure what we are doing. Has respect for American gone up or down these past 4 years?

Our national debt is getting bigger, faster. We are in a recession. There's civil unrest. And who is in charge? Is this what you expected from the stable genius, the smartest guy in the room, the guy who believes he's the only one that can fix it. How's that working out?

As a whole, I'm not seeing how we are in better shape than we were in 2016 (although to be fair, I'm financially better off... but our country isn't).

Remember the last 4 years? Do you really want 4 more like it? The Republicans stand a pretty good chance of losing the Senate while what I've read indicates that the Dems will hold on to the House. Trump couldn't get much done with majorities in both. He got NOTHING done with the Dems in control of the House. How's that going to improve if the Republicans control the Senate as well? It won't and you'll have 4 more years of nothing.

Why not try something different. Biden has always been a centrist. I saw the film of him riding that bike the other day. He didn't look so sleepy to me. He was pretty smooth, in fact. Especially for a 78 year old. I bet Trump couldn't look that good at ANY form of exercise. And I saw Biden't speech. Yep teleprompter, but he didn't look sleepy or out of it to me. I have difficulty believing that he's a puppet of the extreme left.

Why not try a moderate for a change.. someone that can actually work with every group on both sides of the aisle? Will you get everything you want? Nope. But everybody gets something that they can live with... That's the way that Democracy works. For those of you that think he's a leftist puppet, here's how he answered a green new dealer about him refusing to ban fracking...


Again, consider a moderate... What would you think about Biden rolling back the tax cuts on the wealthy but making Trump's tax cut for the middle class perminate? Could you live with that? What about no funding cut to the police, but more training and some assistance to the police (like trained folks that can help calm situations down BEFORE people get killed... riding WITH cops. Could you live with that? What about legalized abortion, but as a LAST RESORT? Maybe easily accessible birth control and enhanced adoption services. I've read studies that say that this could cut abortion rates by 90%. Could you live with a 90% cut in abortion? The possibilities are endless IF we have an honest broker that can deal with both sides of the aisle.
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I'd vote for her in a heartbeat, based off of what I know of her.
I could vote for her over trump , without a doubt. Without running a recheck on my memory, I believe she was a history major, with an emphasis in Russian history or something like that. She does not like the whole Trump-Putin bromance , nor the Russian tinkering ( to put it mildly) in our elections. However, she is not as outspoken as I think her feelings would dictate. Not many Republicans are brave enough to face the potential wrath of a Trump Tweet. She is one sharp cookie, though.