“High risk” coworker


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Dec 4, 2009
One of my coworkers won’t let a single soul forget how she’s “high risk” for Covid and complains the second anyone comes within 6 feet or doesn’t have the mask on just right or doesn’t immediately wipe down every surface they touch.

yet she takes multiple smoke breaks every day. And she’s high risk bc she’s diabetic - yet the food she brings from home is basically all fat and carbs and she washes it down with some delicious Starbucks sugar coffee.

People panicking about the virus while blatantly disregarding the responsibility for their own health are just as annoying as those who throw temper tantrums when a business asks them to wear a mask.
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One of my coworkers won’t let a single souls forget how she’s “high risk” for Covid and complains the second anyone comes within 6 feet or doesn’t have the mask on just right or doesn’t immediately wipe down every surface they touch.

yet she takes multiple smoke breaks every day. And she’s high risk bc she’s diabetic - yet the food she brings from home are basically all fat and carbs and she washes it down with some delicious Starbucks sugar coffee.

People panicking about the virus while blatantly disregarding the responsibility for their own health are just as annoying as those who throw temper tantrums when a business asks them to wear a mask.
I have a coworker that eats 2 Honey Buns a day but because she drink Diet Coke she is healthy. I feel your pain. Some people just step on themselves daily.
One of my coworkers won’t let a single souls forget how she’s “high risk” for Covid and complains the second anyone comes within 6 feet or doesn’t have the mask on just right or doesn’t immediately wipe down every surface they touch.

yet she takes multiple smoke breaks every day. And she’s high risk bc she’s diabetic - yet the food she brings from home are basically all fat and carbs and she washes it down with some delicious Starbucks sugar coffee.

People panicking about the virus while blatantly disregarding the responsibility for their own health are just as annoying as those who throw temper tantrums when a business asks them to wear a mask.
sounds a little judgmental
One of my coworkers won’t let a single soul forget how she’s “high risk” for Covid and complains the second anyone comes within 6 feet or doesn’t have the mask on just right or doesn’t immediately wipe down every surface they touch.

yet she takes multiple smoke breaks every day. And she’s high risk bc she’s diabetic - yet the food she brings from home is basically all fat and carbs and she washes it down with some delicious Starbucks sugar coffee.

People panicking about the virus while blatantly disregarding the responsibility for their own health are just as annoying as those who throw temper tantrums when a business asks them to wear a mask.

Maybe you should slip some Covid into her cigarettes, let natural selection do its thing...
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Maybe you should slip some Covid into her cigarettes, let natural selection do its thing...
I’m in management for a production facility, so I hear things nonstop. It’s either people that believe anything and everything will give them Covid or people that believe it’s a hoax. Both are annoying as hell and I’m am sick of it from both sides. Hell, we even had one person complaining like she had just had her most cherished thing stolen because someone was not wearing a mask that was near her, but followed up with “I think it’s a hoax, so it really doesn’t matter”. Both sides are past the point of minor annoyances and it’s hard to bite my tongue for much longer. I will say that the ones that think it’s a hoax are less argumentative about it. We have had zero cases at the facility and the cleaning is as extreme as it can be, but the Covid panickers look for every opportunity to try and get us to evacuate the plant. I wish I was exaggerating, but sadly I’m not. The bad thing is most of them have used their allowed payable days off for reasons that they could have managed without taking those days, so if we did end up closing for a period of time they would be screwed.

Every employee that has been exposed to Covid was exposed by family members and our HR department has done really well in educating everyone on what to do if this happens. Not sure when it will happen, but I’ll be so glad when this chapter of life is done and we can get back to some form of normalcy.....well as much as is possible for 2020 anyway. If we don’t have college football this year, I think that may be my tipping point.
I’m in management for a production facility, so I hear things nonstop. It’s either people that believe anything and everything will give them Covid or people that believe it’s a hoax. Both are annoying as hell and I’m am sick of it from both sides. Hell, we even had one person complaining like she had just had her most cherished thing stolen because someone was not wearing a mask that was near her, but followed up with “I think it’s a hoax, so it really doesn’t matter”. Both sides are past the point of minor annoyances and it’s hard to bite my tongue for much longer. I will say that the ones that think it’s a hoax are less argumentative about it. We have had zero cases at the facility and the cleaning is as extreme as it can be, but the Covid panickers look for every opportunity to try and get us to evacuate the plant. I wish I was exaggerating, but sadly I’m not. The bad thing is most of them have used their allowed payable days off for reasons that they could have managed without taking those days, so if we did end up closing for a period of time they would be screwed.

Every employee that has been exposed to Covid was exposed by family members and our HR department has done really well in educating everyone on what to do if this happens. Not sure when it will happen, but I’ll be so glad when this chapter of life is done and we can get back to some form of normalcy.....well as much as is possible for 2020 anyway. If we don’t have college football this year, I think that may be my tipping point.
We are paying people even if they are out for pretty much any Covid related issue. Entire stores have had to close bc one person tests positive and everyone is still getting paid.

So I’m very surprised that, at least to this point, we’ve not had more people trying to manipulate that system and just stay home by saying they were around someone who had Covid or something of the like.
One of my coworkers won’t let a single soul forget how she’s “high risk” for Covid and complains the second anyone comes within 6 feet or doesn’t have the mask on just right or doesn’t immediately wipe down every surface they touch.

yet she takes multiple smoke breaks every day. And she’s high risk bc she’s diabetic - yet the food she brings from home is basically all fat and carbs and she washes it down with some delicious Starbucks sugar coffee.

People panicking about the virus while blatantly disregarding the responsibility for their own health are just as annoying as those who throw temper tantrums when a business asks them to wear a mask.
This deserves all the likes! Well said!
No one takes personal responsibility for anything anymore. It’s one of the biggest weaknesses of our society right now.
Even worse than that is the outright denial that being overweight and eating a bad diet is unhealthy. I know a morbidly obese fitness trainer in Columbia who is all over social media telling people what to do to get healthy. Can’t people just be honest and say that they have no self control or don’t really care?
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We are paying people even if they are out for pretty much any Covid related issue. Entire stores have had to close bc one person tests positive and everyone is still getting paid.

So I’m very surprised that, at least to this point, we’ve not had more people trying to manipulate that system and just stay home by saying they were around someone who had Covid or something of the like.
That’s crazy. The government allows us to pay up to 10 days if it can be proven (employee has to provide doctors notes etc) that the absence was/is Covid related. Anything beyond the 10 days is up to the employee to file for unemployment and prove that it is Covid related.
One of my coworkers won’t let a single soul forget how she’s “high risk” for Covid and complains the second anyone comes within 6 feet or doesn’t have the mask on just right or doesn’t immediately wipe down every surface they touch.

yet she takes multiple smoke breaks every day. And she’s high risk bc she’s diabetic - yet the food she brings from home is basically all fat and carbs and she washes it down with some delicious Starbucks sugar coffee.

People panicking about the virus while blatantly disregarding the responsibility for their own health are just as annoying as those who throw temper tantrums when a business asks them to wear a mask.
Nothing like seeing a two pack a day smoker wearing a mask. Got a coworker like that myself. That’s like wearing a mask while riding a motorcycle with no helmet.
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One of my coworkers won’t let a single soul forget how she’s “high risk” for Covid and complains the second anyone comes within 6 feet or doesn’t have the mask on just right or doesn’t immediately wipe down every surface they touch.

yet she takes multiple smoke breaks every day. And she’s high risk bc she’s diabetic - yet the food she brings from home is basically all fat and carbs and she washes it down with some delicious Starbucks sugar coffee.

People panicking about the virus while blatantly disregarding the responsibility for their own health are just as annoying as those who throw temper tantrums when a business asks them to wear a mask.
Buy her some smokes.
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One of my coworkers won’t let a single soul forget how she’s “high risk” for Covid and complains the second anyone comes within 6 feet or doesn’t have the mask on just right or doesn’t immediately wipe down every surface they touch.

yet she takes multiple smoke breaks every day. And she’s high risk bc she’s diabetic - yet the food she brings from home is basically all fat and carbs and she washes it down with some delicious Starbucks sugar coffee.

People panicking about the virus while blatantly disregarding the responsibility for their own health are just as annoying as those who throw temper tantrums when a business asks them to wear a mask.

There is a very simple thing you need to do if you are high risk for Covid - and that is to do anything you can to get out of the high risk category.

Elderly/Immuno-suppressed/diabetic/asmatic there isn't a ton you can do. But if you're simply obese, but down the jelly donut, swap out that mountain dew for a diet mountain dew, and walk around the building a couple of times. IT will work wonders.

From a diet and fitness standpoint I am far from perfect. But I've made a good bit of progress in the past year.
One of my coworkers won’t let a single soul forget how she’s “high risk” for Covid and complains the second anyone comes within 6 feet or doesn’t have the mask on just right or doesn’t immediately wipe down every surface they touch.

yet she takes multiple smoke breaks every day. And she’s high risk bc she’s diabetic - yet the food she brings from home is basically all fat and carbs and she washes it down with some delicious Starbucks sugar coffee.

People panicking about the virus while blatantly disregarding the responsibility for their own health are just as annoying as those who throw temper tantrums when a business asks them to wear a mask.

I gave you the like b/c you definitely have a point. And it's a really good one. If we lived in a socialist country, I wouldn't even argue with you. But we don't. She is absolutely free to kill herself however she chooses. Overeating and smoking it up will kill you eventually for sure. But you mention, she has to take "smoke breaks". Why can't she smoke at her desk and kill herself just as well. The answer of course is because 2nd hand smoke is bad for everyone around her and while she has the right to kill herself, she DOES NOT have the right to help kill those around her.

It's the same thing here. What she is doing to herself is FAR more likely to kill her than COVID AND if she does catch COVID, what's she's doing to herself is going to HELP it kill her as well. But again, that's freedom for you. She's got that right. However, if you are infected with COVID, you don't have the right to give it to her. Wear the mask, stay 6ft away.
I’m in management for a production facility, so I hear things nonstop. It’s either people that believe anything and everything will give them Covid or people that believe it’s a hoax. Both are annoying as hell and I’m am sick of it from both sides. Hell, we even had one person complaining like she had just had her most cherished thing stolen because someone was not wearing a mask that was near her, but followed up with “I think it’s a hoax, so it really doesn’t matter”. Both sides are past the point of minor annoyances and it’s hard to bite my tongue for much longer. I will say that the ones that think it’s a hoax are less argumentative about it. We have had zero cases at the facility and the cleaning is as extreme as it can be, but the Covid panickers look for every opportunity to try and get us to evacuate the plant. I wish I was exaggerating, but sadly I’m not. The bad thing is most of them have used their allowed payable days off for reasons that they could have managed without taking those days, so if we did end up closing for a period of time they would be screwed.

Every employee that has been exposed to Covid was exposed by family members and our HR department has done really well in educating everyone on what to do if this happens. Not sure when it will happen, but I’ll be so glad when this chapter of life is done and we can get back to some form of normalcy.....well as much as is possible for 2020 anyway. If we don’t have college football this year, I think that may be my tipping point.
I’m praying for your family members that have Covid!