Body for Life author Bill Phillips

The Tifoon

Lake Baikal
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2004
I'm not sharing this in regards to whether or not you should or shouldn't get a vaccine.

Many of us who lift weights at one time or another have either taken a supplement or read this guy's book.

Pretty sad --hope Bill gets better soon.

Short Cliff notes if you don't want to read the whole thing he had Covid before and thought he had the antibodies. He did not get vaccinated after. Got Covid again and ended up in the ICU for 40 days.

The following is post from his wife on the Bill Phillips body for Life transformation page on Facebook:

I will never forget walking into the ICU for the first time and seeing my smart, strong, healthy, and full of life husband laying prone on his stomach, in a medically induced coma, because of all the damage Covid-19 was doing to his lungs. This photo is from June 27th. Bill’s 3rd day in the ICU. These were some of the darkest moments where I couldn’t do anything but stare at my phone waiting for the hospital to call with updates. I wasn’t allowed in his room for 10 days because of Covid protocols and so I lived in the ICU waiting room, hoping I could stand outside his glass door for a few minutes just so I could catch a glimpse. I couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, all my thoughts and entire being was consumed with praying for Bill to be given a second chance at life.

Today, Bill has come a long way from this photo. It has been 42 days in the ICU and counting, with every complication you could imagine along the way including a staph infection in his lungs, sepsis, being extuabated after 17 days and reintubated 12 hours later, I could go on and on... there was a lot of bad... but as I focus on the good I would like to share that he just stood up for the first time in 6 weeks, with lots of assistance. He is not able to walk yet, but I know we will get there. He’s lost 50 lbs of muscle and has lost most of the coordination we all take for granted. I am sitting in his ICU room right now holding his hand and trying to distract him with some olympics.

If Covid can knock Bill down like this, after he already had the virus and thought he had enough antibodies, with all his strength, no health issues, tons of energy and will-to-live... it can knock down any one of us. As we drove to the emergency room on June 25th, I heard Bill say “damn, I should have gotten vaccinated.” One day I hope to be able to process everything that happened since he was admitted and put it into words to help others.

I would like to encourage anyone who will listen to please consider getting vaccinated. Do it to improve your odds. Nothing is 100% and we all know that. Do it so that your wife, kids, parents, family and friends don’t have to suffer watching this nightmare. You might not understand until it’s too late so I am just begging you to be proactive.

Bill had full blown Covid pneumonia (which isn’t like typical pneumonia) and we didn’t even know it — his oxygen saturation was in the 50’s when he got to the ER. He walked in like nothing when he should have been unconscious. He was minutes away from death and that’s the scariest part, we almost didn’t know until it was too late. He did not respond to high flow oxygen or the BiPAP machine. After they exhausted all options, the ER doctor looked at me to make the decision- the options were he was going to die on the table or we could try to get him on a ventilator to save his life. He was immediately intubated while I was in the room, I teld his hand as they sedated and paralyzed him, about 10-15 different people surrounded Bill’s body.. doctors, nurses, pharmacists, etc., while outside the room was an emergency team in case he went into cardiac arrest. He was intubated and they still couldn’t get the oxygen numbers up. Bill was rushed to the ICU, flipped onto his stomach and the doctor came out to the waiting area, I was told they did everything they could, now we had to wait and pray that Bill’s lungs and body would respond. Slowly his oxygen saturation started improving.

God made sure that Bill got to the hospital in time, HE had all the right people in place to save Bill’s life. One of the top Covid experts in the country was randomly doing rounds in our little Lakewood ICU the day Bill was admitted. That was God. No one can tell me otherwise.

The virus is no longer active in his body... the real challenge now is healing the destruction caused by the virus.

The journey will be very long, and I am so grateful that God’s got this! The miracles I have seen over the last 40+ days have given me an indescribable faith... I literally watched Bill come back from the brink of death... he opened his eyes for the first time after 2 weeks having no idea what happened and feeling like 20 years had passed.

Please protect yourself and your family ❤️

-Maria Phillips

*I am sharing this photo with Bills expressed consent.

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