"Do something" is not science...


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Dec 26, 2003
So this golden nugget was published in New York Times earlier this week. I guess all the stupid people who said it wouldn't make any difference to wear masks were right. Even though we were not following TEH science.

All the shaming, condescension and ridiculing was completely out of step with reality as usual. Those of us who believed in actual science from the beginning will never get the apology we deserve, but I guess this type of article will have to suffice. This is why people like Dr. Fauci should be sued out of existence and lose his entire retirement for what he perpetrated on the American public in such a divisive and false way. He can just go to hell as far as I'm concerned. No evidence masks made any difference whatsoever in any way no matter the type of mask. Well except for the devastating difference it made in learning for our children and the decay of the social fabric in this country.

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So this golden nugget was published in New York times earlier this week. I guess I'll a stupid people who said it would make any difference to wear masks were right Even though we were not following TEH science.

All the shaming and condescension and ridiculing was completely out of step with reality as usual. Those of us who believed in actual science from the beginning will never get the apology we deserve but I guess this type of article will have to suffice. This is why people like Dr fauci should be sued out of existence and lose his entire retirement for what he perpetrated on the American public in such a divisive and false way. He can just go to hell as far as I'm concerned.

Fraud Fauci
So this golden nugget was published in New York times earlier this week. I guess all the stupid people who said it wouldn't make any difference to wear masks were right. Even though we were not following TEH science.

All the shaming, condescension and ridiculing was completely out of step with reality as usual. Those of us who believed in actual science from the beginning will never get the apology we deserve, but I guess this type of article will have to suffice. This is why people like Dr. Fauci should be sued out of existence and lose his entire retirement for what he perpetrated on the American public in such a divisive and false way. He can just go to hell as far as I'm concerned. No evidence masks made any difference whatsoever in any way no matter the type of mask. Well except for the devastating difference it made in learning for our children and the decay of the social fabric in this country.

What a disgusting far-right, ignorant, MAGA-y thing to write. Sure man, Fauci wanted people to wear masks because he wanted you to be shamed for not wearing one. And you're the reasonable guy who wants us all to get along. GFY

"Yet what the report actually found was complicated and easily misunderstood and/or mis-explained by the media. The paper wasn’t saying that masking doesn’t work — it was saying that mandates don’t work at the community level. In other words, if you are wearing a high-quality mask and making sure that it fits properly, you are doing a decent job of protecting yourself from others. It’s just that too many people weren’t masking, or weren’t wearing a proper mask, for it to make much difference at the population level. Tayag wrote:

The population-level detail is important: It indicates uncertainty about whether requiring everyone to wear a mask makes a difference in viral spread. This is different from the impact of individual masking, which has been better researched. Doctors, after all, routinely mask when they’re around sick patients and do not seem to be infected more often than anyone else. “We have fairly decent evidence that masks can protect the wearer,” Jennifer Nuzzo, an epidemiologist at Brown University, told me. “Where I think it sort of falls apart is relating that to the population level.”

Naturally, such nuances get obliterated by bad-faith commentators — like Bret Stephens of The New York Times, who writes today that the study shows masking doesn’t work, period, and that those who pushed for mandates should apologize.
Stephens does include a to-be-sure paragraph acknowledging that individual mask-wearing may make sense, but he blows right past it"

Nicholas Christie-Blick
Bret Stephens does a disservice to New York Times readers by spreading disinformation about masks and attacking the CDC with a false narrative. Is it really that hard to get your facts straight, Bret?

Masks Revisited | Science-Based Medicine

So this golden nugget was published in New York times earlier this week. I guess all the stupid people who said it wouldn't make any difference to wear masks were right. Even though we were not following TEH science.

All the shaming, condescension and ridiculing was completely out of step with reality as usual. Those of us who believed in actual science from the beginning will never get the apology we deserve, but I guess this type of article will have to suffice. This is why people like Dr. Fauci should be sued out of existence and lose his entire retirement for what he perpetrated on the American public in such a divisive and false way. He can just go to hell as far as I'm concerned. No evidence masks made any difference whatsoever in any way no matter the type of mask. Well except for the devastating difference it made in learning for our children and the decay of the social fabric in this country.

And your motto of “do nothing” is absurd.

When you go in for your inevitable tummy tuck surgery, be sure to tell the docs to remove those surgical masks since they don’t work.
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And your motto of “do nothing” is absurd.

When you go in for your inevitable tummy tuck surgery, be sure to tell the docs to remove those surgical masks since they don’t work.

Keep them coming brother. Your insults and childish attacks give me fuel. It tells me you have no way to rebut anything so all you have left is insults. It reveals your true colors for all to see. Have a fabulous weekend.

And by the way, where did I ever say do nothing was the answer? You keep on assuming because there isn't much else you can do in that house of cards of yours.
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Keep them coming brother. Your insults and childish attacks give me fuel. It tells me you have no way to rebut anything so all you have left is insults. It reveals your true colors. Have a fabulous weekend.

And by the way, where did I ever say do nothing was the answer? You keep on assuming cause there isn't much else you can do in that house of cards of yours.
Speaking of true colors, yours reveal a political affiliation that drives your beliefs with a total disregard for the actual science. And that becomes clearer with your insane, wildly out of bounds attack on one of the world's foremost experts in epidemiology. You want that 80 year old man, who has dedicated his life to public health, to burn in hell because you felt embarrassed one time. How do you even look yourself in the mirror when you use that kind of rhetoric? To believe that Fauci was interested in anything other than protecting lives is an egregious, non-sensical, partisan endeavor on your part and you should be ashamed. Enough with re-litigating every single aspect of covid prevention strategies to make yourself feel better about being an asshole. This shit has just gone way too far - get over your ****ing self.
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Keep them coming brother. Your insults and childish attacks give me fuel. It tells me you have no way to rebut anything so all you have left is insults. It reveals your true colors for all to see. Have a fabulous weekend.

And by the way, where did I ever say do nothing was the answer? You keep on assuming because there isn't much else you can do in that house of cards of yours.

I have rebutted you many times, including when I got you to admit that your small government philosophy has never had sustained success in modern history. Never.

Yet, that did not stop you from continuing to say that small government is the only answer and anyone who disagrees with you is stupid.

You are not a serious person. You are a joke of a human being. That is why you will receive no respect from me. You don’t deserve any.
I have rebutted you many times, including when I got you to admit that your small government philosophy has never had sustained success in modern history. Never.

Yet, that did not stop you from continuing to say that small government is the only answer and anyone who disagrees with you is stupid.

You are not a serious person. You are a joke of a human being. That is why you will receive no respect from me. You don’t deserve any.

I never said that. I said it hasn't been truly done in the modern era. We would be so much better off with a very small government. But that's another matter entirely. It's a long discussion/debate that would require you to discuss in good faith. Based on your seriously incomplete and inaccurate summaries of what you think I have posted, it's clear reading is a hurdle for you.

I don't need to say anything about you. You do a good job of demonstrating exactly who and what you are with nearly every post.
I never said that. I said it hasn't been truly done in the modern era. We would be so much better off with a very small government. But that's another matter entirely. It's a long discussion/debate that would require you to discuss in good faith. Based on your seriously incomplete and inaccurate summaries of what you think I have posted, it's clear reading is a hurdle for you.

I don't need to say anything about you. You do a good job of demonstrating exactly who and what you are with nearly every post.
We would be better off with a smarter government, not a smaller one.
I never said that. I said it hasn't been truly done in the modern era. We would be so much better off with a very small government. But that's another matter entirely. It's a long discussion/debate that would require you to discuss in good faith. Based on your seriously incomplete and inaccurate summaries of what you think I have posted, it's clear reading is a hurdle for you.

I don't need to say anything about you. You do a good job of demonstrating exactly who and what you are with nearly every post.

Free speech is a great thing

It allows people to hear what is being said and then research and decide if the information makes sense

From there one can establish credibility of the speaker

I personally believe in hearing from people as after like the cat plays with the mouse one tires of the cat and mouse game where the eventual winner is generally predetermined by the very nature of the game

Happy hunting willance
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I never said that. I said it hasn't been truly done in the modern era. We would be so much better off with a very small government. But that's another matter entirely. It's a long discussion/debate that would require you to discuss in good faith. Based on your seriously incomplete and inaccurate summaries of what you think I have posted, it's clear reading is a hurdle for you.

I don't need to say anything about you. You do a good job of demonstrating exactly who and what you are with nearly every post.

It's been tried. It has failed every time. Every time. Let me repeat that. Every time.

You constantly accuse others of being disingenuous on this site. You are the most disingenuous one by far.
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So this golden nugget was published in New York Times earlier this week. I guess all the stupid people who said it wouldn't make any difference to wear masks were right. Even though we were not following TEH science.

All the shaming, condescension and ridiculing was completely out of step with reality as usual. Those of us who believed in actual science from the beginning will never get the apology we deserve, but I guess this type of article will have to suffice. This is why people like Dr. Fauci should be sued out of existence and lose his entire retirement for what he perpetrated on the American public in such a divisive and false way. He can just go to hell as far as I'm concerned. No evidence masks made any difference whatsoever in any way no matter the type of mask. Well except for the devastating difference it made in learning for our children and the decay of the social fabric in this country.

Imagine posting an opinion column from a known conservative writer and trying to pass it off as a “golden nugget” of trustworthy news from the NYT
It's been tried. It has failed every time. Every time. Let me repeat that. Every time.

You constantly accuse others of being disingenuous on this site. You are the most disingenuous one by far.

Please point to examples. :) I'd love to see what you're referring to.
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Please point to examples. :) I'd love to see what you're referring to.

Bush 2.
Boris Johnson and Liz Truss

All examples of your conservative values being implemented, and in less than a decade ended in economic calamity for the country where they were implemented.

And yes I know you will retort by blaming everything on democrats. But that is only because you are a disingenuous asshole.
Bush 2.
Boris Johnson and Liz Truss

All examples of your conservative values being implemented, and in less than a decade ended in economic calamity for the country where they were implemented.

And yes I know you will retort by blaming everything on democrats. But that is only because you are a disingenuous asshole.

Are you referring to Brownback in KS? He was an idiot and a state economy is different from a national economy. As someone who lived in the KC area for 10 years, Kansas is a conservative state but it has had a number of successful and effective Democratic governors. I even voted for one.

I did like Ronald Reagan. I thought he was a very good President, but he also made a lot of mistakes and had his share of scandals.

Bush 2 is a decent man but a terrible President. He did so many things I don't like that it's hard to know where to begin. He was NOT a conservative. Big government neo-con. No thank you!

Trump again, not a conservative. Big government guy all the way.

Boris Johnson and Liz Truss - No conservatives

Basically none of these people really represent my values and again, they aren't kings. They have to work within the framework of their governmental structure. My views on government are something I wish you'd actually open your mind to let me convey without always putting words in my mouth (on through my keyboard in this case) that I have not said and don't believe.

My fundamental viewpoint is the government is a necessary evil. It is a vehicle through which people will seek to seize power over time. That's not a political party thing. It's an everyone in government thing. I do not think the government should have control over the people in the ways we have implemented today. Most government programs, though well-intentioned, ultimately fail because of corruption and the fact they become fodder for demagoguery. I prefer a much smaller central government and then we can have our states govern themselves as the people of those states see fit to do. The smaller we can make the more significant centers of power the better because at least then the people in a given area will have a true voice.

Our nation is almost evenly divided these days. Abuses at the state level (mostly gerrymandering) have created a far more partisan and toxic Washington DC than is beneficial for anyone. We all suffer as a result of that because we get elected representatives who just won't work with anyone on the other side. They view it as a sign of weakness and compromise is not something they are interested in. That's not good for anyone.

However, at the state level, things tend to be less partisan though there are states where it is really bad on both sides. Ultimately though, we're going to be far better off letting the states work through their own issues and problems. Do you disagree with that?

Lastly, I get that you don't care for me. I'm not the person you seem to think I am. Could we perhaps try to hit reset and stop this? I apologize for any personal insults I may have cast in your direction. It is an area I have worked very hard to improve because it's not a good way to be. It's up to you of course, but I would welcome discussion on the basis of our disagreements and agreements on a non-personal level. Just because we disagree so strongly on some things doesn't mean we have to treat each other so badly. The same goes for @dpic73. Would much rather discuss matters than constantly tear into each other in such vitriolic ways.

Hope you have a great afternoon!
The same goes for dpic73 Would much rather discuss matters than constantly tear into each other in such vitriolic ways.

Hope you have a great afternoon!
Sorry dude, you'll need to earn my respect and vitriol like this will not help your cause. This is vile. this is evil and I won't tolerate it.
This is why people like Dr. Fauci should be sued out of existence and lose his entire retirement for what he perpetrated on the American public in such a divisive and false way. He can just go to hell as far as I'm concerned.
Sorry dude, you'll need to earn my respect and vitriol like this will not help your cause. This is vile. this is evil and I won't tolerate it.

Are you Dr. Fauci? If not then my vitriol wasn't directed toward you. How was what I said vitriolic in any way that you haven't said the same about Trump whom you absolutely abhor? Both have hurt this country. That's where we run into problems is because you want me to go your way or the highway and that's just not going to work out. I just want us to be respectful toward each other. If you're not interested in that then okay. I can't force you to do something that you don't want to do.
Curious, what are you going to do about it?

I've tried every Olive Branch I know how to. I guess the only way to really get along is to go along 100%. That ain't going to happen though. I reserved my right to an opinion especially when he is correct about what happened being vile and evil. We just disagree about where that lies.
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Are you Dr. Fauci? If not then my vitriol wasn't directed toward you. How was what I said vitriolic in any way that you haven't said the same about Trump whom you absolutely abhor? Both have hurt this country. That's where we run into problems is because you want me to go your way or the highway and that's just not going to work out. I just want us to be respectful toward each other. If you're not interested in that then okay. I can't force you to do something that you don't want to do.
Dr Fauci is not a politician and he does not make policy, he only makes recommendations based on what he knows from 55 years of experience in the field and what he learns along the way. If you truly believe that he is doing anything with the intent of harming the American public, you are just being a partisan dick who needs to find someone to blame for things you can't control. We all know the real reason though - he disagreed with Trump and therefore he must pay.

It's disgusting what people like you have done to that man due to your rhetoric that has caused him to hire 24/7 security while getting bombarded with death threats and vile messages left for his wife and children as well. How dare you treat this 80 year old public servant this way, who did the best he could with what he knew at the time.

How would you feel if people wanted to kill you and your family and wanted you to burn in hell because you made a recommendation that some people didn't like?
I've tried every Olive Branch I know how to. I guess the only way to really get along is to go along 100%. That ain't going to happen though. I reserved my right to an opinion especially when he is correct about what happened being vile and evil. We just disagree about where that lies.
This is a lie. I can't count how many times you've responded to some of my posts with hysterical over the top criticisms that weren't grounded in reality. I also can't count how many times you've called me stupid or unable to form a thought without twitter and numerous other insults. You'll be pleasant for a while but then out of the blue you'll make some kind of obnoxious post that reveals the hatred in your heart. Hate is not an olive branch.
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This is a lie. I can't count how many times you've responded to some of my posts with hysterical over the top criticisms that weren't grounded in reality. I also can't count how many times you've called me stupid or unable to form a thought without twitter and numerous other insults. You'll be pleasant for a while but then out of the blue you'll make some kind of obnoxious post that reveals the hatred in your heart. Hate is not an olive branch.

I have said that about you and Twitter a lot of times. Mostly because you always are linking twitter stuff as though that validates anything really. I just wanted to discuss things with you and not someone from Twitter. And yes, I have called you stupid before. But let's not pretend this has been a one way thing. You've done the same so many times. Heck, you did it in this thread with your post about Dr. Fauci. Just take giant leaps with stuff I have stated. I don't have any hatred in my heart. Nothing could be further from the truth. And as for hysterical posts, yours today on Fauci is pretty in line with that. I'm not going to apologize for caring immensely about our society and our country. I want to see us thrive and see people have opportunity to be all they have it in them to be.

If you truly believe that he is doing anything with the intent of harming the American public, you are just being a partisan dick who needs to find someone to blame for things you can't control. We all know the real reason though - he disagreed with Trump and therefore he must pay.

Here is an example. Never said he was trying to harm the American public. I believe he's always wanted to help and he's always wanted to make sure he gets credit for problems being solved. Are you implying that I don't like him because he disagreed with Trump? If so, you know better. From the right, there aren't many people on this board who dislike Trump more than I do and you are well aware of this yet you continue to lump me in there. Why? Because without that, there aren't a lot of arguments to make.

It's disgusting what people like you have done to that man due to your rhetoric that has caused him to hire 24/7 security while getting bombarded with death threats and vile messages left for his wife and children as well. How dare you treat this 80 year old public servant this way, who did the best he could with what he knew at the time.

Does this mean you think I want violence against him? I'm a party to the absurdity of the things imbalanced people on either side will do to people they don't like? How dare I point out how he spoke out against and marginalized known experts on the subject of public health that disagreed with him? He has a history of doing that to any opposition you know?

He totally tried to sabotage the Great Barrington Declaration doctors and they ended up being right. He totally mangled the mask situation in every way possible. He literally took every position and his first one was actually the right one. Very highly informed doctors like Dr. Marty Makary have demonstrated over and over again how faulty his advice on so many things was yet he never changed course. He didn't pull together the best minds to try and gather all the information he could on the matter. If so, those people would have been involved. There were many doctors early on publishing in JAMA about concerns related to the path we were on based on their research and information they had gathered on COVID. Most were ignored and many were essentially silenced by Fauci and his control over the health apparatus.

Public servant? That's a funny term to use to describe a guy whose gotten really wealthy working in government for over 40 years.

Is he going to donate all his massive speaking fees to science? Or maybe he'll buy more artwork, pictures and memorabilia of and about himself.

How would you feel if people wanted to kill you and your family and wanted you to burn in hell because you made a recommendation that some people didn't like?

I could not care less what you have to say or feel about me really. I've had so many bad things said to me and been wished dead more times than I care to recall. It's not about his recommendation. It's OK if he was wrong. Everyone was wrong at some point through this process and it's not right to crucify people for that. What's bad is when you are squelching the voices of those who disagree with you and your ego takes over and leads you to do a disservice to the nation in order to glorify yourself. He never had to be so prominent in all this. But he can't resist a camera and a chance to glorify himself. He's a bad guy and while I don't want anything bad to happen to his health or well being. I do very much think he should forfeit his pension and be exposed to lawsuits for what he said to silence those he disagreed with through this process. Lastly, go to hell is something people say when they don't like someone. I don't like Fauci. He's gotten so much credit for things he didn't do and I'd just like to see him be held to account.

And all this is without even going into his advocacy and help getting funding for gain of function research...even in Wuhan. He's a slimy guy and there's ample evidence of this.
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Moderna paid an organization previously headed by Fauci $400 Million in “royalties” on COVID-19 vaccine sales…

Moderna Paid NIAID $400 Million in 'Royalties' on COVID-19 Vaccine Sales​

The Covid vaccine maker paid a $400 million 'catch up payment' to the NIAID, formerly headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci.​

Kyle Becker

Feb 24

A Covid vaccine maker that received clinical trial approvals from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), formerly headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, has just paid $400 million to the "public health" organization.
A huge part of this scam is the US taxpayers are footing the bill for the vast majority of the money going to big pharma because the US govt ordered it directly and supposedly gave the shots out for free...what a scam. Big Pharma got guaranteed money no matter how many people took the shots or not and are totally protected from any liability. INSANE!!

They then had lead henchman Fauci going on TV and beating down any suggested alternative treatment like ivermectin and even vitamins and minerals as well as singing the praise of the experimental mrna jab. These people are evil and have no soul.
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What a disgusting far-right, ignorant, MAGA-y thing to write. Sure man, Fauci wanted people to wear masks because he wanted you to be shamed for not wearing one. And you're the reasonable guy who wants us all to get along. GFY

"Yet what the report actually found was complicated and easily misunderstood and/or mis-explained by the media. The paper wasn’t saying that masking doesn’t work — it was saying that mandates don’t work at the community level. In other words, if you are wearing a high-quality mask and making sure that it fits properly, you are doing a decent job of protecting yourself from others. It’s just that too many people weren’t masking, or weren’t wearing a proper mask, for it to make much difference at the population level. Tayag wrote:

The population-level detail is important: It indicates uncertainty about whether requiring everyone to wear a mask makes a difference in viral spread. This is different from the impact of individual masking, which has been better researched. Doctors, after all, routinely mask when they’re around sick patients and do not seem to be infected more often than anyone else. “We have fairly decent evidence that masks can protect the wearer,” Jennifer Nuzzo, an epidemiologist at Brown University, told me. “Where I think it sort of falls apart is relating that to the population level.”

Naturally, such nuances get obliterated by bad-faith commentators — like Bret Stephens of The New York Times, who writes today that the study shows masking doesn’t work, period, and that those who pushed for mandates should apologize.
Stephens does include a to-be-sure paragraph acknowledging that individual mask-wearing may make sense, but he blows right past it"

Wilience post facts.

You call names.
Our humble servant priest Fauci made all that money?

From the interview:

Adam Andrzejewski: We’re letting China get away with too much. And it’s been going on for decades. It’s a Chinese strategy. For example, last fall, our organization at, we highlighted the strider technologies report, where up to 150 former employees of the los alamos national lab, our crown jewel national lab, aren’t working in America anymore. They’re working back in China on behalf of the Chinese communist party and against our military national interests…
…We investigated Dr. Fauci because I don’t even think it’s arguable that he is one of the most powerful bureaucrats ever in the history of the country. And obviously, in crafting America’s COVID response during the pandemic, we gave oversight to the Fauci family finances. Here’s what we found, Liz. We found that Dr. Fauci was the most highly compensated federal employee, and he out-earned the president. Last year. He made $480,000. And Mrs. Fauci, Christine Grady, she’s employed as the chief bioethicist at Fauci’s employer, the National Institutes of Health. So while Fauci was crafting national healthcare pandemic policies, she was backstopping those policies through her office on ethics and moral studies. She actually out-earned the vice president of the United States. Now, Dr. Fauci’s retired at the end of the year, and he’s retired on the largest pension in federal history. We estimate that pension at $375,000 a year…
…We’ve researched a 50-page document that empirically shows that as Dr. Fauci’s positions during the Pandemic changed Mrs. Fauci’s positions on ethics studies during the Pandemic changed to match her husband’s positions. And so we’ll be ready in a couple of weeks to release that report. Look, Dr. Fauci’s net worth, we showed that during the Pandemic years of 2019 through 2021, it increased from $7.6 million to $12.6 million. We show exactly how Fauci profited during the Pandemic.
It’s safe to say the pandemic was very, very good to Dr. Tony Fauci.
Willence posts propaganda

Then I call names

Sorry. Is the New York Times too right-wing for you?

Propaganda =Anything that doesn't fit your world view.

You could always try something new like arguing why something posted is wrong in your view.
Sorry. Is the New York Times too right-wing for you?

Propaganda =Anything that doesn't fit your world view.

You could always try something new like arguing why something posted is wrong in your view.
To be fair, it’s an opinion piece, and the NYT Opinion desk absolutely posts hyper right wing opinion pieces.

Then again I don’t read opinion pieces because I find them to be incredibly biased.
To be fair, it’s an opinion piece, and the NYT Opinion desk absolutely posts hyper right wing opinion pieces.

Then again I don’t read opinion pieces because I find them to be incredibly biased.

It was an opinion piece about a factual study that was done by the medical institute that is the gold standard of these kind of things in the entire world. My interest really wasn't in the author's opinion as it was in the fax conveyed by the study which were detailed in the op-ed. The data that was used to come to the findings that the author discuss are not opinions.
It was an opinion piece about a factual study that was done by the medical institute that is the gold standard of these kind of things in the entire world. My interest really wasn't in the author's opinion as it was in the fax conveyed by the study which were detailed in the op-ed. The data that was used to come to the findings that the author discuss are not opinions.
Sorry, Bret Stephens is a shill. Reading an opinion piece about a topic some neocon journalist doesn’t know dick about isn’t really my cup of tea. It’s very easy for a layman to cherry pick scientific results to form a narrative. Even the title “mask mandates did nothing” is nonsense. If people had actually worn the proper mask and practiced social distancing then the mask mandate would’ve been more successful. however, half the country thinks everything is a conspiracy so they didn’t follow the guidelines and the mandate looks like a flop.

Mask mandates had statistically significant decreases in county-level daily COVID-19 case and death growth rates within 20 days of implementation. Per the same cdc report that Stephens based his article on.
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Sorry, Bret Stephens is a shill. Reading an opinion piece about a topic some neocon journalist doesn’t know dick about isn’t really my cup of tea. It’s very easy for a layman to cherry pick scientific results to form a narrative. Even the title “mask mandates did nothing” is nonsense. If people had actually worn the proper mask and practiced social distancing then the mask mandate would’ve been more successful. however, half the country thinks everything is a conspiracy so they didn’t follow the guidelines and the mandate looks like a flop.

Mask mandates had statistically significant decreases in county-level daily COVID-19 case and death growth rates within 20 days of implementation. Per the same cdc report that Stephens based his article on.

Yes he is. I don't even like him or agree with his views on almost anything. The study that he referred to is what I am talking about.

Here are two separate links. One is to an article talking about the findings is in the other is to the actual findings themselves. Hopefully that will get you past your objection which was pointless when considering the actual data that we're discussing.

Bush 2.
Boris Johnson and Liz Truss

All examples of your conservative values being implemented, and in less than a decade ended in economic calamity for the country where they were implemented.

And yes I know you will retort by blaming everything on democrats. But that is only because you are a disingenuous asshole.
The fact that you think are examples of small government in the last 50+ years shows your ignorance.

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