Mackensie Alexander Arrested


All the sheeple in the USA that are sitting on their hands waiting for somebody else to step up.........heaven forbid......even the government, are part and parcel to the problems we have now.

It does need to be front and center.

And, thank you Army for your service that allows people the freedom to do just that: nothing.
except complain
call people names that don't agree with you

Yeah, things are going swimmingly ALL over the USA

seems the about the same on here

I don’t disagree with the premise of what you’re saying. I’m just saying, even as a right leaning voter, this kind of stuff doesn’t belong on a thread that’s simply meant to update the status of Mackenzie Alexander’s father. Dude is dead for all we know (hopefully not) but the message is completely lost because two or three people decided to voice their opinion on something completely unrelated to the OP’s post. There’s a time and place ... this wasn’t it.

Back to OPs original message - hope he’s found alive and healthy.
I think I'll start reporting every politcal post in a non-politcal thread. Im sure that will get old for whoever Mods this board and might get something done.
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We don't know all of the facts but on the surface it's hard to blame Mackensie on this one. Maybe the guy didn't do anything wrong but I'd just chalk this one up to him being upset.

Hopefully they just arrested him to try to let him cool off a little bit.

If the Bengals cut him for this, I hope to hell they do just well enough to miss out on a good QB in the next couple of drafts and then go O forever.
We’re talking about the organization that drafted Joe Mixon so hopefully they’ll turn the other cheek.
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@Cris_Ard JMO but you're going to start losing customers if all these threads turn into either political arguments or political echo chambers. This message board is why a good many customers gladly pay you. We can't even get past four replies into a Clemson-related thread without it turning to politics. Just giving my $0.02.
If something doesn't change, i'm done. I know my $100 a year is pennies but I'd be willing to bet there are more that are tired of this bullshit.
Thankfully someone started a new thread about the real issue of amissing man...father
The ignorance, bullying and personal attacks that continue to be allowed on this board amazes me!!! THERE IS NO CIVIL DISAGREEMENT FROM THE PARTY WHO PREACHES TOLERANCE!!!!! You liberals distort and lie continuously! This thread is a prime example. I didn’t start anything. I gave an opinion which I think is 100% fact with what is happening in our GREAT country. And then it’s my post that continues to be quoted and bullied by the same classless SOB’s on this board.

Usually… I take the insults and the name-calling and don’t say a word. But this time, when that little bitch JohnHugh called me a dumb ass I fired back. I have been called a racist, ignorant, ugly, dumbass, the worst poster on the board, train wreck.... and I’m supposed to sit back and keep my Mouth shut and take it because I’m a woman with an opinion? So many of you that sit anonymously behind a keyboard and attack and insult… Would you want your wife, parents, friends or children to see what you post? You are pathetic!!!!Disgusting human beings. I’m ashamed you’re Tiger fans! We all cheer for the same team for goodness sake‘s. And you want to hate me because I love my President!??? Liberals want to run their mouth and then want to tag @Cris_Ard when the damn truth is being told about all the riots, looting, burning, and killing going on in this country by the left!

It’s a free country and I’ll say what I want! You can all kiss my lily white, God fearing, President Trump loving, Tiger football loving ass! To use the words of someone we all love, “PRINT THAT TWEET THAT”.
The ignorance, bullying and personal attacks that continue to be allowed on this board amazes me!!! THERE IS NO CIVIL DISAGREEMENT FROM THE PARTY WHO PREACHES TOLERANCE!!!!! You liberals distort and lie continuously! This thread is a prime example. I didn’t start anything. I gave an opinion which I think is 100% fact with what is happening in our GREAT country. And then it’s my post that continues to be quoted and bullied by the same classless SOB’s on this board.

Usually… I take the insults and the name-calling and don’t say a word. But this time, when that little bitch JohnHugh called me a dumb ass I fired back. I have been called a racist, ignorant, ugly, dumbass, the worst poster on the board, train wreck.... and I’m supposed to sit back and keep my Mouth shut and take it because I’m a woman with an opinion? So many of you that sit anonymously behind a keyboard and attack and insult… Would you want your wife, parents, friends or children to see what you post? You are pathetic!!!!Disgusting human beings. I’m ashamed you’re Tiger fans! We all cheer for the same team for goodness sake‘s. And you want to hate me because I love my President!??? Liberals want to run their mouth and then want to tag @Cris_Ard when the damn truth is being told about all the riots, looting, burning, and killing going on in this country by the left!

It’s a free country and I’ll say what I want! You can all kiss my lily white, God fearing, President Trump loving, Tiger football loving ass! To use the words of someone we all love, “PRINT THAT TWEET THAT”.
...or better yet, become a White Policeman & Shoot Him In The back 7 times in front of his children!!!

Sorry, God Forgive Me!
Serious question. When was the last time a black was shot by the police who were fully complying? Every one of these situations involve belligerent behavior and questionable actions by the perp where the cops are put in no win situations. The guy shot 7 times would be alive had he simply listened and not acted in a reckless foolish manner. When he resisted and reached into the car he bought the bullets with his stupidity. Why was he reaching into the car? To give the officers flowers? You know he has a violent past involving women and children, right?
Serious question. When was the last time a black was shot by the police who were fully complying? Every one of these situations involve belligerent behavior and questionable actions by the perp where the cops are put in no win situations. The guy shot 7 times would be alive had he simply listened and not acted in a reckless foolish manner. When he resisted and reached into the car he bought the bullets with his stupidity. Why was he reaching into the car? To give the officers flowers? You know he has a violent past involving women and children, right?

The ignorance, bullying and personal attacks that continue to be allowed on this board amazes me!!! THERE IS NO CIVIL DISAGREEMENT FROM THE PARTY WHO PREACHES TOLERANCE!!!!! You liberals distort and lie continuously! This thread is a prime example. I didn’t start anything. I gave an opinion which I think is 100% fact with what is happening in our GREAT country. And then it’s my post that continues to be quoted and bullied by the same classless SOB’s on this board.

Usually… I take the insults and the name-calling and don’t say a word. But this time, when that little bitch JohnHugh called me a dumb ass I fired back. I have been called a racist, ignorant, ugly, dumbass, the worst poster on the board, train wreck.... and I’m supposed to sit back and keep my Mouth shut and take it because I’m a woman with an opinion? So many of you that sit anonymously behind a keyboard and attack and insult… Would you want your wife, parents, friends or children to see what you post? You are pathetic!!!!Disgusting human beings. I’m ashamed you’re Tiger fans! We all cheer for the same team for goodness sake‘s. And you want to hate me because I love my President!??? Liberals want to run their mouth and then want to tag @Cris_Ard when the damn truth is being told about all the riots, looting, burning, and killing going on in this country by the left!

It’s a free country and I’ll say what I want! You can all kiss my lily white, God fearing, President Trump loving, Tiger football loving ass! To use the words of someone we all love, “PRINT THAT TWEET THAT”.

Whether the facts of your statement were 100% accurate or not is irrelevant. The comment itself had no place in a thread about MA's dad. The two are not related at all.

It would be like talking about the weather and you yelling "I like cookies."
Ain’t that the sad truth in our shitty country right now?

@Cris_Ard JMO but it’s typical for liberals to try and censor posts when facts are being told and they don’t like what they hear. This is a civil discussion and as usual.... I’m the one being attacked and I can handle it. Just giving my $0.02.

@amynhop you can’t say this and then get upset when people clap back.
Whether the facts of your statement were 100% accurate or not is irrelevant. The comment itself had no place in a thread about MA's dad. The two are not related at all.

It would be like talking about the weather and you yelling "I like cookies."

Well forgive me but I thought it was a message board where we converse and give our opinions. Just because Mack played football for Clemson… Doesn’t make it a football thread. And it wasn’t.
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@amynhop you can’t say this and then get upset when people clap back.

I was responding to the liberals post above mine on that. It was a play on words so to speak. Really thought you were brighter than that. It apparently went right over your head.
Well forgive me but I thought it was a message board where we converse and give our opinions. Just because Mack played football for Clemson… Doesn’t make it a football thread. And it wasn’t.

Opinions should pertain to the topic. Jock McKissic played football at Clemson. That doesn't make a thread about him a time to become a film critic on the "liberals" racist history of Gone with the Wind.
Opinions should pertain to the topic. Jock McKissic played football at Clemson. That doesn't make a thread about him a time to become a film critic on the "liberals" racist history of Gone with the Wind.

Your OPINION. And it’s noted.

"I say what I want because I can take it!"

(Several responses in kind.)


FWIW, I'm a republican that catches all kinds of hell on another board for it. But when I bait them, I don't get all bent out of shape when they clap back. It is what it is. Say what you want and ignore what comes back. It's really not that hard.
If something doesn't change, i'm done. I know my $100 a year is pennies but I'd be willing to bet there are more that are tired of this bullshit.
I'm approaching that place myself. I was hoping the start of the season would diminish some of the political vitriol, but I now anticipate it will only get worse between now and November.
I'm approaching that place myself. I was hoping the start of the season would diminish some of the political vitriol, but I now anticipate it will only get worse between now and November.
I've seen you baiting some folks too iirc. I think we all fall into it. It's just these over the top folks that need to go.

I have asked @Cris_Ard to give me the ban hammer for YEARS!! I would have this stamped out within 4 hours. There may only be 10 of us left posting, but whatevs.
The ignorance, bullying and personal attacks that continue to be allowed on this board amazes me!!! THERE IS NO CIVIL DISAGREEMENT FROM THE PARTY WHO PREACHES TOLERANCE!!!!! You liberals distort and lie continuously! This thread is a prime example. I didn’t start anything. I gave an opinion which I think is 100% fact with what is happening in our GREAT country. And then it’s my post that continues to be quoted and bullied by the same classless SOB’s on this board.

Usually… I take the insults and the name-calling and don’t say a word. But this time, when that little bitch JohnHugh called me a dumb ass I fired back. I have been called a racist, ignorant, ugly, dumbass, the worst poster on the board, train wreck.... and I’m supposed to sit back and keep my Mouth shut and take it because I’m a woman with an opinion? So many of you that sit anonymously behind a keyboard and attack and insult… Would you want your wife, parents, friends or children to see what you post? You are pathetic!!!!Disgusting human beings. I’m ashamed you’re Tiger fans! We all cheer for the same team for goodness sake‘s. And you want to hate me because I love my President!??? Liberals want to run their mouth and then want to tag @Cris_Ard when the damn truth is being told about all the riots, looting, burning, and killing going on in this country by the left!

It’s a free country and I’ll say what I want! You can all kiss my lily white, God fearing, President Trump loving, Tiger football loving ass! To use the words of someone we all love, “PRINT THAT TWEET THAT”.
Such a victim mentality
Don't blame MA 1 bit. That dude could potentially get away with murder if he left the dad in a bad way with those large snakes/gators in the area. Body never found. Scary stuff
I've seen you baiting some folks too iirc. I think we all fall into it. It's just these over the top folks that need to go.

I have asked @Cris_Ard to give me the ban hammer for YEARS!! I would have this stamped out within 4 hours. There may only be 10 of us left posting, but whatevs.
I know I have stated some contrarian views, but don't recall intentionally baiting anyone. If you see me being a bad actor then by all means call me out. I expect better than what has been happening on this board. I choose to keep coming back and that makes it my problem. Until it isn't.

"I say what I want because I can take it!"

(Several responses in kind.)


FWIW, I'm a republican that catches all kinds of hell on another board for it. But when I bait them, I don't get all bent out of shape when they clap back. It is what it is. Say what you want and ignore what comes back. It's really not that hard.
The thing about it is, the issue with the original posts had nothing to do with their political views. Just why bring that up in this thread? Can they seriously not give it a break for just a few minutes?
This thread has a little bit of something for everybody. It really is pretty amazing.
Annnnnd that just broke the camel's back and got this sent to the round table. Lol.
Hey Freak, the violence she’s talking about which is factual in mostly if not all liberal run cities (Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Atlanta) is going to come at a big price to you since your party has ignored it. You will get 4 more years of being in the fetal position and crying every second of every day.
Lol. I’m a white male. Trump has my back. He just doesn’t care about anyone else.
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I got in the weeds last night over politics in the RT and then asked myself why? I can't change anyone's mind nor can they change mine.

As a democrat who is far from a socialist/liberal as some on this board are labeled, there has obviously been way too much politics on the board lately, and I am guilty of that as well. Most of this board is 9conservative and as someone who normally has a different viewpoint I have really noticed a ton of political comments more so than ever before. Kind of like how some of you complain about the MSM. You pick up on whatever they say that differs from your opinion.

There are many important issues going on right now in our nation and some political discussion is going to happen. Let's try and do that in the Round Table and use the West Zone for the purposes for which it is intended.

And most importantly, let's have positive thoughts and prayers for the Alexander family.
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God I wanna dox @amynhop so badly...might do it just before my sub runs out in December just for the hell of it.

why because she's a conservative female with an open opinion on a football message board?

I think that's why most go after her. jmo.
God I wanna dox @amynhop so badly...might do it just before my sub runs out in December just for the hell of it.

I don't think it's any secret my contempt for her, but I'd encourage you not to. Despite being the colossally irritating, victimhood-craving bitch that she is, she still doesn't deserve that.
I don't think it's any secret my contempt for her, but I'd encourage you not to. Despite being the colossally irritating, victimhood-craving bitch that she is, she still doesn't deserve that.
I agree. Doing that to anyone is going too far.
This thread is an abject disaster.
The ignorance, bullying and personal attacks that continue to be allowed on this board amazes me!!! THERE IS NO CIVIL DISAGREEMENT FROM THE PARTY WHO PREACHES TOLERANCE!!!!! You liberals distort and lie continuously! This thread is a prime example. I didn’t start anything. I gave an opinion which I think is 100% fact with what is happening in our GREAT country. And then it’s my post that continues to be quoted and bullied by the same classless SOB’s on this board.

Usually… I take the insults and the name-calling and don’t say a word. But this time, when that little bitch JohnHugh called me a dumb ass I fired back. I have been called a racist, ignorant, ugly, dumbass, the worst poster on the board, train wreck.... and I’m supposed to sit back and keep my Mouth shut and take it because I’m a woman with an opinion? So many of you that sit anonymously behind a keyboard and attack and insult… Would you want your wife, parents, friends or children to see what you post? You are pathetic!!!!Disgusting human beings. I’m ashamed you’re Tiger fans! We all cheer for the same team for goodness sake‘s. And you want to hate me because I love my President!??? Liberals want to run their mouth and then want to tag @Cris_Ard when the damn truth is being told about all the riots, looting, burning, and killing going on in this country by the left!

It’s a free country and I’ll say what I want! You can all kiss my lily white, God fearing, President Trump loving, Tiger football loving ass! To use the words of someone we all love, “PRINT THAT TWEET THAT”.

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