NGO's instructing illegals how to vote for Biden


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
Its a fact that this is a plan being put in place. Reminder - These NGO's are doing all this with US taxpayer funds more than likely granted by the Biden admin. Looks like a very slimy plan to me.

what the fvck would that asshole know, he's ony pumping... checks notes... Trump for president. oh shit, maybe he's right and it is a fake thing designed to trap morons.
But it can't be fake because growls said it was a fact and even started a thread about it.
One man's interpretation. Thanks for posting Fox news stuff. I'm sure that hurt you. 😆
You've been had again Gomer - you really believed that illegals crossing into this country will be able to vote in the presidential election 7 months from now? What a sucker you are ...
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You've been had again Gomer - you really believed that illegals crossing into this country will be able to vote in the presidential election 7 months from now? What a sucker you are ...
Dpic....that is one mans interpretation...its not a conclusive statement. We know you condone mass election fraud comrade. The ends justify the means in your communist philosophy.
Dpic....that is one mans interpretation...its not a conclusive statement. We know you condone mass election fraud comrade. The ends justify the means in your communist philosophy.
Nothing about this smacks of the truth but here's where you get to prove it - you're up! Maybe go see what Encyclopedia Catturd has to say about it?
is clearly a translation from English and not what a native speaker would write.

Let’s recap:

1. Flyers are going out to illegals in FL in Spanish telling them how to register to vote, even though illegals can’t vote.

2. Flyers are being given to illegals in Mexico telling them to vote for Biden when they get into America even though illegals cannot vote.

3. Today Mayorkas stated there are no provisions in place to stop illegals from voting in federal elections. He is too just to put any in place since he is spending his time waging war against voter ID laws.

Now do we see why Biden opened the border and imported 11 million plus illegals into the country?
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It doesn't matter if Margie Three-Toed Magoo or anonymous Twitter trolls repeat the lie, it's still a lie. We don't care what Clandestine has to say about it either so you can stop now. It's NOT a fact and you've been fooled AGAIN.
Just keep smoking whatever you are dpic.
Of course he does.
Its information so take it anyway you want. There are quite a few that are suspecting its real. I am currently not sure if I believe this one or not. Need some more info. The fact that I am not sure its legit or not is not reason not to post it. Putting info out and letting people comment or bring more info is not a bad thing.
Its information so take it anyway you want. There are quite a few that are suspecting its real. I am currently not sure if I believe this one or not. Need some more info. The fact that I am not sure its legit or not is not reason not to post it. Putting info out and letting people comment or bring more info is not a bad thing.
There is a difference between facts and opinion. For the most part, what you post is your and other peoples' opinions. There are no facts or if there are, it is hard to determine them because your credibility in providing facts isn't very good.
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There is a difference between facts and opinion. For the most part, what you post is your and other peoples' opinions. There are no facts or if there are, it is hard to determine them because your credibility in providing facts isn't very good.
The vast majority of everything on this board and politics as well as governance is opinion Einstein.
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What’s bad about gathering information so you can identify the best solution to a problem. I saw @scotchtiger in his infinite wisdom suggest that these people get jobs at chicken plants. They probably got bussed up to NYC, don’t know anyone, don’t speak English, and don’t have a penny to their name. How are they supposed to get down to Maryland and apply for a job a chicken processing plant they have never heard of?

These programs provide solutions and no, they are not the most efficient uses of capital but not everyone is Jeff Bezos.
You've been had again Gomer - you really believed that illegals crossing into this country will be able to vote in the presidential election 7 months from now? What a sucker you are ...
LMAO... OP posts a tweet from a random guy named DC_DRANO... Then defends the position. THEN finds out FoxNews guy is showing the receipts of how the whole post is BS. You KNOW, he didn't even check out the article to see if it was legit. Because he doesn't care. Just like his Lord and Savior Trump, the truth means nothing... There's just what Trump thinks/wants and everything else is either Fake News or Deep State. What's so funny is that OP has probably posted 100+ of these total BS articles since Trump lost in 2020 that have been immediately debunked.
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What’s bad about gathering information so you can identify the best solution to a problem. I saw @scotchtiger in his infinite wisdom suggest that these people get jobs at chicken plants. They probably got bussed up to NYC, don’t know anyone, don’t speak English, and don’t have a penny to their name. How are they supposed to get down to Maryland and apply for a job a chicken processing plant they have never heard of?

These programs provide solutions and no, they are not the most efficient uses of capital but not everyone is Jeff Bezos.

My chicken plant comment was in reply to a poster who specifically mentioned immigrant jobs in chicken plants.

And shipping immigrants around the country hoping to give them a good experience is incredibly stupid. If they can’t find a job and support themselves in a reasonable amount of time, they need to go back from whence they came. There should be no taxpayer dollars spent on them, except perhaps a bus ride home.
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My chicken plant comment was in reply to a poster who specifically mentioned immigrant jobs in chicken plants.

And shipping immigrants around the country hoping to give them a good experience is incredibly stupid. If they can’t find a job and support themselves in a reasonable amount of time, they need to go back from whence they came. There should be no taxpayer dollars spent on them, except perhaps a bus ride home.

If you truly understood economics you would recognize that placing these asylum seekers in jobs would benefit the economy far more than putting them on a bus and sending them home (fyi - you can’t just dump every asylum seeker in Mexico). Try to use your brain and calculate how much a bus ride to the chicken farm in Maryland is vs a flight to Venezuela. Now add in that the chicken farm will pay lower wages and the immigrant labor will pay taxes.

If you truly understood the immigration process you would also understand that many of these people are seeking asylum and can’t be sent home. Our economy is so dependent on undocumented workers that what you propose would be costly and have dire consequences for our economy.

It’s comical that you strut around here like you are some kind of expert when your takes illustrate that you understand almost nothing and are just acting out of emotion.
If you truly understood economics you would recognize that placing these asylum seekers in jobs would benefit the economy far more than putting them on a bus and sending them home (fyi - you can’t just dump every asylum seeker in Mexico). Try to use your brain and calculate how much a bus ride to the chicken farm in Maryland is vs a flight to Venezuela. Now add in that the chicken farm will pay lower wages and the immigrant labor will pay taxes.

If you truly understood the immigration process you would also understand that many of these people are seeking asylum and can’t be sent home. Our economy is so dependent on undocumented workers that what you propose would be costly and have dire consequences for our economy.

It’s comical that you strut around here like you are some kind of expert when your takes illustrate that you understand almost nothing and are just acting out of emotion.

You may have missed it, but I'm not advocating mass deportation. I agreed with @nytigerfan in another thread on this topic. We need many undocumented workers as things stand today. But there's a difference between that and openly advertising free transportation, room, board and stipends for BS asylum seekers.

And if the volume of asylum seekers begins to exceed the demand for their labor, then the answer isn't to make sure they have a nice experience in NYC. If they aren't working, they aren't serving their purpose, and they shouldn't be supported by our tax dollars.
You may have missed it, but I'm not advocating mass deportation. I agreed with @nytigerfan in another thread on this topic. We need many undocumented workers as things stand today. But there's a difference between that and openly advertising free transportation, room, board and stipends for BS asylum seekers.

And if the volume of asylum seekers begins to exceed the demand for their labor, then the answer isn't to make sure they have a nice experience in NYC. If they aren't working, they aren't serving their purpose, and they shouldn't be supported by our tax dollars.
Who’s saying they are getting a nice experience? Do you think ANY of them aren’t willing to work? Every single one of them is coming here because they want to work and earn a living. We can do our part to match them with unskilled labor jobs that can’t be filled. Everybody wins. And if it ends up being a BS asylum story, then we can send them home.

If you want to criticize govt spending, you’ll get no argument from me. But services like this are so far down the list of govt programs that are wasteful. Hell, the post office loses billions of dollars a year. We do not need mail 6 days a week, nor do we need the price of stamps to be low so that the direct mail industry can be more profitable. Look at how much money is spent settling lawsuits for bad police behavior. A HUGE portion of federal defense spending and federal law enforcement spending is thrown at bullshit programs every year because of the “use it or lose it” structure of these departments. I’d bet it’s between 5-10% of total spend of each of those divisions.

But to pick on social services when it’s such a tiny portion of our spend and can help the lives of other people so much…. That’s where you lose me.
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Illegals Told to ‘Vote for Biden’ in Flyers Found at NGO Site in Mexico.

Flyers urging illegal aliens to vote for Joe Biden have been discovered at a site in Mexico operated by Resource Center Matamoros (RCM), a complex operated by a non-governmental organization (NGO) that assists immigrants attempting to gain asylum in the United States.
“Reminder to vote for President Biden when you are in the United States,” read the Spanish-language flyers discovered inside port-a-potties and other locations throughout the RCM site by They bear RCM branding and carry RCM contact information.

The RCM is operated by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), an NGO that previously boasted Biden’s foreign-born Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas as a board member.
The Oversight Project shared audio obtained by Muckraker on RCM founder Gaby Zavala, in which she is alleged to have “implied… that she wants to help as many illegals as possible before President Trump is reelected.” Zavala was previously an organizer for La Union del Pueblo Entero (LUPE), a partner of the Open Society Foundations (OSF) group founded by George Soros.
Officially, illegal aliens are barred from voting in federal elections, but weak laws around voter identification leave room for this to be circumvented. The Biden campaign has been notably resistant to proposals by Donald Trump and Speaker Mike Johnson to require prospective voters to prove citizenship.
Illegal immigration can strengthen the Democrats, even without illegal aliens voting directly, by boosting the population in ways that allow favorable redistricting. Fifty-four percent of likely voters believe Biden has been “encouraging” illegal immigration to “create a permanent majority” for the Democrats.
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Illegals Told to ‘Vote for Biden’ in Flyers Found at NGO Site in Mexico.

Flyers urging illegal aliens to vote for Joe Biden have been discovered at a site in Mexico operated by Resource Center Matamoros (RCM), a complex operated by a non-governmental organization (NGO) that assists immigrants attempting to gain asylum in the United States.
“Reminder to vote for President Biden when you are in the United States,” read the Spanish-language flyers discovered inside port-a-potties and other locations throughout the RCM site by They bear RCM branding and carry RCM contact information.

The RCM is operated by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), an NGO that previously boasted Biden’s foreign-born Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas as a board member.
The Oversight Project shared audio obtained by Muckraker on RCM founder Gaby Zavala, in which she is alleged to have “implied… that she wants to help as many illegals as possible before President Trump is reelected.” Zavala was previously an organizer for La Union del Pueblo Entero (LUPE), a partner of the Open Society Foundations (OSF) group founded by George Soros.
Officially, illegal aliens are barred from voting in federal elections, but weak laws around voter identification leave room for this to be circumvented. The Biden campaign has been notably resistant to proposals by Donald Trump and Speaker Mike Johnson to require prospective voters to prove citizenship.
Illegal immigration can strengthen the Democrats, even without illegal aliens voting directly, by boosting the population in ways that allow favorable redistricting. Fifty-four percent of likely voters believe Biden has been “encouraging” illegal immigration to “create a permanent majority” for the Democrats.
Who’s saying they are getting a nice experience? Do you think ANY of them aren’t willing to work? Every single one of them is coming here because they want to work and earn a living. We can do our part to match them with unskilled labor jobs that can’t be filled. Everybody wins. And if it ends up being a BS asylum story, then we can send them home.

If you want to criticize govt spending, you’ll get no argument from me. But services like this are so far down the list of govt programs that are wasteful. Hell, the post office loses billions of dollars a year. We do not need mail 6 days a week, nor do we need the price of stamps to be low so that the direct mail industry can be more profitable. Look at how much money is spent settling lawsuits for bad police behavior. A HUGE portion of federal defense spending and federal law enforcement spending is thrown at bullshit programs every year because of the “use it or lose it” structure of these departments. I’d bet it’s between 5-10% of total spend of each of those divisions.

But to pick on social services when it’s such a tiny portion of our spend and can help the lives of other people so much…. That’s where you lose me.
I heard they were all criminals, rapists, and murderers

Illegals Told to ‘Vote for Biden’ in Flyers Found at NGO Site in Mexico.

Flyers urging illegal aliens to vote for Joe Biden have been discovered at a site in Mexico operated by Resource Center Matamoros (RCM), a complex operated by a non-governmental organization (NGO) that assists immigrants attempting to gain asylum in the United States.
“Reminder to vote for President Biden when you are in the United States,” read the Spanish-language flyers discovered inside port-a-potties and other locations throughout the RCM site by They bear RCM branding and carry RCM contact information.

The RCM is operated by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), an NGO that previously boasted Biden’s foreign-born Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas as a board member.
The Oversight Project shared audio obtained by Muckraker on RCM founder Gaby Zavala, in which she is alleged to have “implied… that she wants to help as many illegals as possible before President Trump is reelected.” Zavala was previously an organizer for La Union del Pueblo Entero (LUPE), a partner of the Open Society Foundations (OSF) group founded by George Soros.
Officially, illegal aliens are barred from voting in federal elections, but weak laws around voter identification leave room for this to be circumvented. The Biden campaign has been notably resistant to proposals by Donald Trump and Speaker Mike Johnson to require prospective voters to prove citizenship.
Illegal immigration can strengthen the Democrats, even without illegal aliens voting directly, by boosting the population in ways that allow favorable redistricting. Fifty-four percent of likely voters believe Biden has been “encouraging” illegal immigration to “create a permanent majority” for the Democrats.

your lack of understanding and inability to decipher between nonsense and real news, combined with your total lack of awareness is batshit insane.

its ****ing wild charlie kirk jumped on board here. that ngo ceased operations in 2021. go look at their own website and social media...

you ****ing people are going to be the destruction of this union.
If you truly understood economics you would recognize that placing these asylum seekers in jobs would benefit the economy far more than putting them on a bus and sending them home (fyi - you can’t just dump every asylum seeker in Mexico). Try to use your brain and calculate how much a bus ride to the chicken farm in Maryland is vs a flight to Venezuela. Now add in that the chicken farm will pay lower wages and the immigrant labor will pay taxes.

If you truly understood the immigration process you would also understand that many of these people are seeking asylum and can’t be sent home. Our economy is so dependent on undocumented workers that what you propose would be costly and have dire consequences for our economy.

It’s comical that you strut around here like you are some kind of expert when your takes illustrate that you understand almost nothing and are just acting out of emotion.
First, you actually don't seem to understand economics because the labor market is being propped up by government jobs created out of thin air and part time work. You also fail to mention that most of the immigrants send all of their money back to the countries from which they came via digital apps, meaning their contribution to the economy or the "velocity of their dollar" has minimal impact here in America. What they do provide is cheaper labor without the usual benefits that an American worker would expect, hence why you see them in manual labor jobs more often than not where say a landscaper doesn't provide any benefits.

Second, if you truly understood the immigration process, you'd know that the increase in asylum seekers has gone gangbusters because of the executive orders signed in Jan of 2021 making it illegal to deny asylum seekers and or ship them back. 90% + of them aren't seeking asylum.

Third, the US govt has given hundreds of millions of dollars to NGO's that are encouraging illegal immigration from outside the country. That's right, your own govt are using your tax dollars to bring these folks here in droves. There are dozens and dozens of these grants that you can search yourself but I'll make it easy for you.

Lastly, if you are one of the climate change psyhcos and truly believe that our resources are going to perish rapidly creating shortages of food, water and shelter then the last thing you would do is allow 11m folks to absolutely devastate our infrastructure, resources and public services which liberals have been crying nonstop about the need for trillions in funding because the country is falling apart.

They are letting millions of illegals in to reshape the census and flip swing states. Why do you think they are holding signs in NYC advertising free flights to places like Wisconsin, Michigan, etc? Who do you think is paying for those free flights?

All of this would be fixed with a closed border and the proper usage of our immigration system, ie apply, wait until approved, then come to America or don't if you're not know, the same system that has worked for us for familiar with the KISS acronym? KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID
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