This is what i was telling you.

How often do you travel to Europe? I'm in London about every 6 weeks, Asia every 3 months, which I've been doing since 2009 or so. I have never had a conversation about the country losing respect because of Trump or any other president. How would they source the people to poll? Just randomly dial Europeans up? What countries did they sample?
How often do you travel to Europe? I'm in London about every 6 weeks, Asia every 3 months, which I've been doing since 2009 or so. I have never had a conversation about the country losing respect because of Trump or any other president. How would they source the people to poll? Just randomly dial Europeans up? What countries did they sample?
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That is so fake LOL

I would crap in my britches if you said Obama or Biden was going to defend me

Both of them are CCP flunkies and part of the NWO trying to undermine and destroy democracy
You have a very narrow view of the world in your ruby red bubble with FoxNews playing in the background 24/7. Europeans fear Trump would put them in harm's way from his America First rhetoric, his withdrawal from WHO and the Paris Climate accord and his cozy relationship with Putin and Orban. You've lost your mind if you think they'd feel safer with Trump.
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How often do you travel to Europe? I'm in London about every 6 weeks, Asia every 3 months, which I've been doing since 2009 or so. I have never had a conversation about the country losing respect because of Trump or any other president. How would they source the people to poll? Just randomly dial Europeans up? What countries did they sample?
In the last few years I've been to Spain, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and Germany and met people from all over Europe while there. I can assure you the people I've met think Trump is an abomination and not sure why you think they'd have a reason to like him. He has signaled he will directly put them in harm's way with his threats to NATO and the likelihood that he will pull Ukraine funding if elected. Plus, he comes across as an ignorant, uncivilized brute to their highly educated societies.

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In the last few years I've been to Spain, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and Germany and met people from all over Europe while there. I can assure you the people I've met think Trump is an abomination and not sure why you think they'd have a reason to like him. He has signaled he will directly put them in harm's way with his threats to NATO and the likelihood that he will pull Ukraine funding if elected. Plus, he comes across as an ignorant, uncivilized brute to their highly educated societies.

Again, I'm in Europe almost once a month.....I meet with regulators, C-Suite of exchanges, broker dealers, investment banks, ATS', IDB's, advisories and in some cases UK/Irish parliament. The only focus on political landscape is how it hurts or helps the markets, ie MIFID 2, FRTB, Dodd Frank, etc.

His threats to NATO asking them to help fund their own defense/military so the US can shift money back Into our own country? You're seriously upset about that?
Again, I'm in Europe almost once a month.....I meet with regulators, C-Suite of exchanges, broker dealers, investment banks, ATS', IDB's, advisories and in some cases UK/Irish parliament. The only focus on political landscape is how it hurts or helps the markets, ie MIFID 2, FRTB, Dodd Frank, etc.

His threats to NATO asking them to help fund their own defense/military so the US can shift money back Into our own country? You're seriously upset about that?
"I don’t give a shit about NATO.” Thus did former President Donald Trump once express his feelings about America’s oldest and strongest military alliance. Not that this statement, made in the presence of John Bolton, the national security adviser at the time, came as a surprise. Long before he was a political candidate, Trump questioned the value of American alliances. Of Europeans, he once wrote that “their conflicts are not worth American lives. Pulling back from Europe would save this country millions of dollars annually.” NATO, founded in 1949 and supported for three-quarters of a century by Democrats, Republicans, and independents alike, has long been a particular focus of Trump’s ire. As president, Trump threatened to withdraw from NATO many times—including, infamously, at the 2018 NATO summit."

"I don’t give a shit about NATO.” Thus did former President Donald Trump once express his feelings about America’s oldest and strongest military alliance. Not that this statement, made in the presence of John Bolton, the national security adviser at the time, came as a surprise. Long before he was a political candidate, Trump questioned the value of American alliances. Of Europeans, he once wrote that “their conflicts are not worth American lives. Pulling back from Europe would save this country millions of dollars annually.” NATO, founded in 1949 and supported for three-quarters of a century by Democrats, Republicans, and independents alike, has long been a particular focus of Trump’s ire. As president, Trump threatened to withdraw from NATO many times—including, infamously, at the 2018 NATO summit."

He told you exactly why he threatened to leave NATO, he wanted NATO allies to deliver on what they promised in regards to their own defense funding of 2% of GDP. They agreed to do so in writing and failed to actually hit their promised numbers year after year.

As a tax payer (especially you being a socialist minded tax payer and all), don't you want to have free healthcare, better facilities for homeless, universal basic income, etc? Well Trump was trying to give that to you by clawing back the amount of money we have to spend on defense to prop NATO up to reinvest those dollars in America first projects.

He told you exactly why he threatened to leave NATO, he wanted NATO allies to deliver on what they promised in regards to their own defense funding of 2% of GDP. They agreed to do so in writing and failed to actually hit their promised numbers year after year.

As a tax payer (especially you being a socialist minded tax payer and all), don't you want to have free healthcare, better facilities for homeless, universal basic income, etc? Well Trump was trying to give that to you by clawing back the amount of money we have to spend on defense to prop NATO up to reinvest those dollars in America first projects.

You clearly missed the other reasons he's threatened to leave NATO, outside of their contributions. And knowing Trump's affection for mass murdering Putin, he wouldn't think twice about weakening our alliance so Putin could have his way. One of many reasons why Europe has good reason to mistrust him.

As a taxpayer, I won't expect anything to trickle down to me because the money from his NATO savings will be used to cover more tax cuts for you, which you will then hoard and/or blow on assault weapon ammo.
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You clearly missed the other reasons he's threatened to leave NATO, outside of their contributions. And knowing Trump's affection for mass murdering Putin, he wouldn't think twice about weakening our alliance so Putin could have his way. One of many reasons why Europe has good reason to mistrust him.

As a taxpayer, I won't expect anything to trickle down to me because the money from his NATO savings will be used to cover more tax cuts for you, which you will then hoard and/or blow on assault weapon ammo.
Trump, Putin, blah blah blah.......he took the right line with NATO and it was working. My god, are you really that deranged over 4 years where your life didn't change at all?
Trump, Putin, blah blah blah.......he took the right line with NATO and it was working. My god, are you really that deranged over 4 years where your life didn't change at all?
You've oddly twisted this conversation from a discussion on why Europe mistrusts Trump to the question "Why don't you like something Trump did good?" My god, are you so deranged that you won't care if our alliance with our staunchest allies is weakened?

Trump clearly trusted Vlad's lies about Russian election meddling over our own intelligence services and he would certainly discount NATO's as well. He is also suspected of sharing our secrets with our enemies.

Are you with the United States or Donald Trump? There is no overlap.

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I wish no one knew the justices political affiliations. I wish they could judge on the constitution and its merits no matter what letter is next to their name or which party they claim to affiliate to. Why only 2 parties? There should be multiple parties for Americans to choose from.
lol they aren't supposed to have political affiliations.... they are law wizards who rule for a full lifetime.

They are appointed by presidents, hence the policticalization.
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At least read the articles you post, or have an idea what is in them. That article pretty much proves the characterization of the events that day by the crowd at the capitol is straight bs.

The bold part is simply moronic. Tell me how you reconcile these facts. At least a large portion of the crowd there was intent on a coup(spurred by trumps speeches). The oath keepers, who at least had enough mental acuity to amass this large cash of weapons unnoticed, was also intent on a coup attempt. They had and planned to use, if needed, this massive cash of weapons. They were met at the capitol with armed police and secret service agents and were at a decisive weapons disadvantage which would mean almost certain failure of their coup attempt. They didn't use any of the massive cash of weapons they brought exclusively to have if they needed them.

So what is more likely, they got there and said you know what, we changed our mind, F Trump. Or, they never intended to use them for what you say they did?

Also, I am not excusing what actually did happen that day. I have said multiple times if I had been in charge, I would have warned the crowd with bullhorns that anyone crossing the barriers and approaching the building would be shot. Then I would have shot the first one who tried it. You don't let a mob rule, and you certainly don't let anyone in any govt buildings- particularly the capitol building.

What has gone wrong with America when instead of shooting rioters or a mob they are rewarded by moving to march in protest to hate and kill Jews
Maine female commie joins the sick party.

Section 3 Disqualification from Holding Office​

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
irrelevant, there was no insurrection.

The House may not certify electoral voters from states that don’t allow Trump on the ballot. What happens if neither candidate reaches the required threshold? It’s going to be a wild year!!

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What has gone wrong with America when instead of shooting rioters or a mob they are rewarded by moving to march in protest to hate and kill Jews

What has gone wrong with America when a Democratic political hack now claims the MORAL HIGH GROUP and unilaterally decided based on her opinion that Trump was guilty of insurrection against the US and she has issued a declaratory judgement in favor of her to be the due process that she will now give all MAGA voters

The brainlessness of this woman along with the Silence of the Democratic Lambs should chill all other people in America that YES VIRGINIA THERE IS NO DUE PROCESS AND DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA IF THE DEMOCRATS ARE IN CHARGE

I am predicting a massive landslide victory for Trump and MAGA AMERICANS ad the total fruitcakes on the side other than me are not balanced
As I closed my last post I am praying Trump wins so charges can be brought against all of these loose screws that are attempting an insurrection against the US

Then we can remove them from government via the 14th amendment
What has gone wrong with America when a Democratic political hack now claims the MORAL HIGH GROUP and unilaterally decided based on her opinion that Trump was guilty of insurrection against the US and she has issued a declaratory judgement in favor of her to be the due process that she will now give all MAGA voters

The brainlessness of this woman along with the Silence of the Democratic Lambs should chill all other people in America that YES VIRGINIA THERE IS NO DUE PROCESS AND DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA IF THE DEMOCRATS ARE IN CHARGE

I am predicting a massive landslide victory for Trump and MAGA AMERICANS ad the total fruitcakes on the side other than me are not balanced
What has gone wrong with America when old Southern men believe a president should be able to lie about an election, inflame his followers to attack our own government over said lies and think he shouldn't face any consequences. A man who should be in jail over his mountain of criminality, yet you blame the people who are trying to uphold our laws, our constitution and our decency. What the hell is wrong with YOU?
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What has gone wrong with America when old Southern men believe a president should be able to lie about an election, inflame his followers to attack our own government over said lies and think he shouldn't face any consequences. A man who should be in jail over his mountain of criminality, yet you blame the people who are trying to uphold our laws, our constitution and our decency. What the hell is wrong with YOU?
Why are you so infatuated with President Trump? There has to be more to the story. All of your posts are same. I’m still willing to make a wager that he won’t go to jail. I’m also willing to bet that he will be elected in 2024
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What has gone wrong with America when old Southern men believe a president should be able to lie about an election, inflame his followers to attack our own government over said lies and think he shouldn't face any consequences. A man who should be in jail over his mountain of criminality, yet you blame the people who are trying to uphold our laws, our constitution and our decency. What the hell is wrong with YOU?

Damn old age I guess
irrelevant, there was no insurrection.

The House may not certify electoral voters from states that don’t allow Trump on the ballot. What happens if neither candidate reaches the required threshold? It’s going to be a wild year!!

I watched the insurrection live on TV. There definitely was one
Why are you so infatuated with President Trump? There has to be more to the story. All of your posts are same. I’m still willing to make a wager that he won’t go to jail. I’m also willing to bet that he will be elected in 2024
This post is so juvenile and so stupid. Shall we count the ways?

- Who is this thread about?
- Who was the poster I responded to talking about?
- What terrible human being is driving most of the political conversation in this country?

This is a POLITICS board with most people talking about Trump, but since there are more MAGAs posting than others, you'd never hear the truth without the input of me and a few others. Got it? If you don't like it, how about engaging in the actual topic of the thread instead of ONLY attacking posters who you don't like?

If you can't do that, please STFU ya little weirdo
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All Ghotti did was tax evasion in your book. It's what you can prove

I’m not wasting time arguing about it. My worry level about Trump being on the ballot is 0%.

What I am shocked about is that people want someone kept off the ballot in a democracy.

What an indictment of Bidens policies that they think the only way they can win is to keep their opponent off the ballot.

ANYTHING to keep the focus off the actual results. If Biden runs on results he loses bigly.
I’m not wasting time arguing about it. My worry level about Trump being on the ballot is 0%.

What I am shocked about is that people want someone kept off the ballot in a democracy.

What an indictment of Bidens policies that they think the only way they can win is to keep their opponent off the ballot.

ANYTHING to keep the focus off the actual results. If Biden runs on results he loses bigly.
What are you talking about? Russia is bleeding out fighting Ukraine and China is left out in the cold tha.nks to the Biden s admin bringing chip manufacturing back to the states.

Bidens presidency has been a success. As much as that pisses you off he managed to govern prettily responsibly. The only things Republicans even have to campaign against him with is his age and his junkie son.

Just because you live in an echo chamber doesn't make it reality. It's how trump supporters deny lied reality on jan 6 th.

There's no reason to trust peoples judgement who can't even learn from reality
Well then certainly the DOJ would have charged someone with insurrection , correct?
Charging him with insurrection would have complicated the case and would rely on the interpretation of the 14th amendment, so they used the "conspiracy against rights" charge as a more straightforward stand in for an insurrection charge. It's also been successfully tested in the past.
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I’m not wasting time arguing about it. My worry level about Trump being on the ballot is 0%.

What I am shocked about is that people want someone kept off the ballot in a democracy.

What an indictment of Bidens policies that they think the only way they can win is to keep their opponent off the ballot.

ANYTHING to keep the focus off the actual results. If Biden runs on results he loses bigly.
Most Americans are shocked that anyone would want him on the ballot after he attacked our own government and doesn't believe in the Constitution. Any other politician would have retreated from the spotlight in shame but he's learned that his loyal subjects will stand behind him no matter how corrupt he becomes. Because of people like you, he knows he can get away with anything due to the fear of your mob's reactions to anyone who tries to hold him accountable.

Biden has had incredible results in many areas, including a roaring economy with unheard of GDP numbers, inflation back where it was before the pandemic, wages outplacing inflation and a booming stock market. Remember all those alarmists predicting a deep recession or even a depression? Funny how this amazingly soft landing has shut most of those people up. We get it, he's old but so is Trump, so we don't need the corrupt orange divider to save us from a damn thing.
Most Americans are shocked that anyone would want him on the ballot after he attacked our own government and doesn't believe in the Constitution. Any other politician would have retreated from the spotlight in shame but he's learned that his loyal subjects will stand behind him no matter how corrupt he becomes. Because of people like you, he knows he can get away with anything due to the fear of your mob's reactions to anyone who tries to hold him accountable.

Biden has had incredible results in many areas, including a roaring economy with unheard of GDP numbers, inflation back where it was before the pandemic, wages outplacing inflation and a booming stock market. Remember all those alarmists predicting a deep recession or even a depression? Funny how this amazingly soft landing has shut most of those people up. We get it, he's old but so is Trump, so we don't need the corrupt orange divider to save us from a damn thing.
He gets %50 + in the polls and “most Americans are shocked anyone would want him on the ballot”

Clutch your pearls harder.
He gets %50 + in the polls and “most Americans are shocked anyone would want him on the ballot”

Clutch your pearls harder.
He's not getting 50% + anywhere except the Republican primary and only because he's been able to convince 63% of the party that his lies about a stolen election are true, that Jan. 6th was a patriotic event and the powers that be are aligned to take him from them. That's what a populist does and it's no secret that the republican party has fallen prey to the delusions encouraged by this demagogue, so we'll be sure to come out in force to show you what we really think about your wannabe dictator, who only cares about revenge for his never-ending stream of grievances.
What are you talking about? Russia is bleeding out fighting Ukraine and China is left out in the cold tha.nks to the Biden s admin bringing chip manufacturing back to the states.

Bidens presidency has been a success. As much as that pisses you off he managed to govern prettily responsibly. The only things Republicans even have to campaign against him with is his age and his junkie son.

Just because you live in an echo chamber doesn't make it reality. It's how trump supporters deny lied reality on jan 6 th.

There's no reason to trust peoples judgement who can't even learn from reality
Biden’s presidency has not been a success. The American public lets you know that in every poll taken. You can dislike Trump, be a liberal, etc. but very few Americans would agree with your comment about the Biden presidency.
Biden’s presidency has not been a success. The American public lets you know that in every poll taken. You can dislike Trump, be a liberal, etc. but very few Americans would agree with your comment about the Biden presidency.

Well, "very few" is a stretch. He's sitting around 40% approval. That's the standard now. The country is so polarized, absent extraordinary circumstances every president is gonna sit at 40% from here on our.
Well, "very few" is a stretch. He's sitting around 40% approval. That's the standard now. The country is so polarized, absent extraordinary circumstances every president is gonna sit at 40% from here on our.
40% is not a success, a ham sandwich with the D or R after its name could get that percentage. Even on this board, most people who would vote for him use the “he is not Trump” argument. Let’s look at the border, the national debt, inflation, etc and make the argument that he is a success.
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Joe gets decent marks on the economy. But, unfortunately for him, that is not a differentiator because Trump had the economy humming just as well with much lower inflation.

Outside of the economy, Joe is an abject failure.
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40% is not a success, a ham sandwich with the D or R after its name could get that percentage. Even on this board, most people who would vote for him use the “he is not Trump” argument. Let’s look at the border, the national debt, inflation, etc and make the argument that he is a success.

you are the one who brought up the polling. my response was to say that 40% of Americans approve of the job he's doing. I would argue that means 40% of Americans think he's been a successful president. That's an awful lot more than "very few".
40% is not a success, a ham sandwich with the D or R after its name could get that percentage. Even on this board, most people who would vote for him use the “he is not Trump” argument. Let’s look at the border, the national debt, inflation, etc and make the argument that he is a success.
A lot of the sentiment around the economy is due to partisanship and messaging. A recent YouGov poll shows that 75% of Democrats approve of Biden's economic policies but only 15% of Republicans approve. The right-wing noise machine has been effective in creating consumer sentiment that is way out of whack with the actual economic data. The American economy is on one of it's best runs in decades, jobs are more plentiful than at any time since the 1960s and consumers are still spending despite the "vibe" that things aren't good. They are good and getting better every day.

As far as the national debt, Trump is responsible for a much higher percentage increase than Biden so if we're looking at the number soberly, he's doing a much better job than his predecessor in that regard.

His Achilles heel and the thing that could cost him is the border crisis, which is simply unsustainable and he needs to get that under control to have any hopes of his approval numbers increasing substantially.
A lot of the sentiment around the economy is due to partisanship and messaging. A recent YouGov poll shows that 75% of Democrats approve of Biden's economic policies but only 15% of Republicans approve. The right-wing noise machine has been effective in creating consumer sentiment that is way out of whack with the actual economic data. The American economy is on one of it's best runs in decades, jobs are more plentiful than at any time since the 1960s and consumers are still spending despite the "vibe" that things aren't good. They are good and getting better every day.

As far as the national debt, Trump is responsible for a much higher percentage increase than Biden so if we're looking at the number soberly, he's doing a much better job than his predecessor in that regard.

His Achilles heel and the thing that could cost him is the border crisis, which is simply unsustainable and he needs to get that under control to have any hopes of his approval numbers increasing substantially.
The economy is doing great for the wealthier Americans and not very well for middle class and lower, this is seen by the stock market improvements which are not being seen on Main Street. His polling on the economy is extremely poor (you can not argue that) and you can blame right wingers all you want-but most media has been extremely generous to Biden and supports him.
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