Speaker of the House - Who's up next? Welcome, Rep Mike Johnson - Louisiana


Lake Baikal
Gold Member
Aug 18, 2002
We all know that the country can't move forward until the wrongs against Trump are rectified. A first step in the healing process would be to have him serve as the Speaker of the House. He is clearly the leader of the Republican party as evidenced by the commanding lead he has in the polls and is probably one of the few people Republicans could agree on to get the required votes.
We all know that the country can't move forward until the wrongs against Trump are rectified. A first step in the healing process would be to have him serve as the Speaker of the House. He is clearly the leader of the Republican party as evidenced by the commanding lead he has in the polls and is probably one of the few people Republicans could agree on to get the required votes.
He should NEVER be allowed to step foot in that building after what he did to it before leaving office. Millions of dollars worth of damage, hundreds of officers wounded and death. He brought death to that building and didn't even apologize for it. GFY
They attempted a coup on him and no one has been held accountable. This must be rectified.

Your opinion. You stated that we “all” know that these perceived wrongs must be rectified. I’m telling you that’s not true. Not even close. And this coming from a Republican surrounded by other republicans.

Most people I know want him to go away so we can move on. And this is coming from the heavy tax paying part of the Republican Party, not the hayseed wing.
Your opinion. You stated that we “all” know that these perceived wrongs must be rectified. I’m telling you that’s not true. Not even close. And this coming from a Republican surrounded by other republicans.

Most people I know want him to go away so we can move on. And this is coming from the heavy tax paying part of the Republican Party, not the hayseed wing.

And he will never understand this. Easier to say his guy was cheated.
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Your opinion. You stated that we “all” know that these perceived wrongs must be rectified. I’m telling you that’s not true. Not even close. And this coming from a Republican surrounded by other republicans.

Most people I know want him to go away so we can move on. And this is coming from the heavy tax paying part of the Republican Party, not the hayseed wing.
He enjoys a 50% lead in the polls. It’s possible you hang around the other 50% and that’s fine.

But a lot of us don’t think what’s going on in our country is ok.

Whether you like Trump or not, I think a large majority would agree that the way he has been treated is wrong. I agree that this is not the same as “all”.
He enjoys a 50% lead in the polls. It’s possible you hang around the other 50% and that’s fine.

But a lot of us don’t think what’s going on in our country is ok.

Whether you like Trump or not, I think a large majority would agree that the way he has been treated is wrong. I agree that this is not the same as “all”.

I’m not sure the percentage, but I’d guess a sizeable chunk of his supporters would happily move along to the next Republican candidate without some sort of national retribution. Even the folks I know who are still somewhat in Trumps camp would happily vote for Nikki Haley if she got the nomination, or even Desantis though he’s not my preference.
I’m not sure the percentage, but I’d guess a sizeable chunk of his supporters would happily move along to the next Republican candidate without some sort of national retribution. Even the folks I know who are still somewhat in Trumps camp would happily vote for Nikki Haley if she got the nomination, or even Desantis though he’s not my preference.
That’s not saying a whole lot. I’d vote for a pile of shit before I voted for someone with a D next to their name right now.

Trump is not perfect, but he was elected by We The People and he deserves his chance to govern without interruption by the people in the government.
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He enjoys a 50% lead in the polls. It’s possible you hang around the other 50% and that’s fine.

But a lot of us don’t think what’s going on in our country is ok.

Whether you like Trump or not, I think a large majority would agree that the way he has been treated is wrong. I agree that this is not the same as “all”.
How else should corrupt, divisive, treasonous sociopaths be treated? And why do you think he should be allowed to destroy our institutions and democratic system just so you can get your jollies over the destruction he'll bring? How does that help the entire country?
That’s not saying a whole lot. I’d vote for a pile of shit before I voted for someone with a D to their name right now.

Trump is not perfect, but he was elected by We The People and he deserves his chance to govern without interruption by the people in the government.
he will drain the swamp in no time and he will be able to get the wall, paid for by Mexico. He can get rid of obamacare and deliver on everything he promised when he can drain the swamp.

oh shit, he already had his first term and didnt do anything but hire more and more corrupt assholes he mostly later fired. we should definitely give that guy our vote to have another chance at doing the things he promised but didnt do from the first go round.
he will drain the swamp in no time and he will be able to get the wall, paid for by Mexico. He can get rid of obamacare and deliver on everything he promised when he can drain the swamp.

oh shit, he already had his first term and didnt do anything but hire more and more corrupt assholes he mostly later fired. we should definitely give that guy our vote to have another chance at doing the things he promised but didnt do from the first go round.

As opposed to the 8% inflation (but we all know that number is fudged and its much higher), a border that leaks like a sieve, racist social policies, a disastrous military commander (afghanistan), Debt cancellation, policies that crush small businesses, and a leader with Dementia that goes after his political opponents. A governemnt that colludes with big tech to silence your speech. I'll take option #1
American people need more tolerance for policy changes that come with a bit of pain, cuts to Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid, higher taxes, etc. You have to pay the price somewhere. That problem plagues both Dem and GOP candidates.
Agree 100%

We are not on a sustainable path. We are going to experience some pain over the next few months / couple years imo.

Once entitlements are established they are extremely hard to take away.
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That’s not saying a whole lot. I’d vote for a pile of shit before I voted for someone with a D next to their name right now.

Trump is not perfect, but he was elected by We The People and he deserves his chance to govern without interruption by the people in the government.

You already did vote for a pile of shit. Come on @OleFastball, tell us again why you welch on bets and we should take you seriously?
How else should corrupt, divisive, treasonous sociopaths be treated? And why do you think he should be allowed to destroy our institutions and democratic system just so you can get your jollies over the destruction he'll bring? How does that help the entire country?
Sincere question…

What “destruction” will Trump actually bring?
Sincere question…

What “destruction” will Trump actually bring?

I assume he is referring to the "revenge" that Trump claims he is going to get this time. Without any need to worry about reelection, what is there to keep him remotely under control this time?

The vast majority of people that worked for him closely have stated that he is dangerous and woefully morally corrupt. Check out General Kelly's recent comments.
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Sincere question…

What “destruction” will Trump actually bring?
He's already tried to destroy our democracy and with another term and no re-election to worry about, he'll do worse and he's already told us so.

  • Said for anyone who has been wronged, he will be their "Retribution" which means doing bad things to good people
  • Said the Constitution should be overturned over a laptop story
  • Said he would pardon the J6 traitors
  • Warned of death and destruction if he is convicted of his crimes
  • Said he would do away with the Dept of Education
  • Insinuated that General Milley should be executed simply for telling the Chinese they would not be attacked
  • Says the media he doesn't like is treasonous and he will appoint a committee to investigate them
  • Ex-officials in his own administration have said he will weaponize the executive branch and muzzle his GOP objectors
  • Plans to wipe out of thousands of government employees if they're deemed insufficiently loyal
Why would you even want to give him a chance is my sincere question? Knowing him, it will likely be worse than we imagine.
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Agree 100%

We are not on a sustainable path. We are going to experience some pain over the next few months / couple years imo.

Once entitlements are established they are extremely hard to take away.
Agree but the amount of money just thrown away and embezzled amounts to the greatest theft in history and the answer is to take away poor retirees meager social security checks. They need to cut a hell of a lot of other stuff including all foreign aid first and foremost along with the other crap they are spending on before they cut retirees social security. The nation is on an unsustainable path financially though and its been done to us on purpose by the communists in the govt imo.
He's already tried to destroy our democracy and with another term and no re-election to worry about, he'll do worse and he's already told us so.

  • Said for anyone who has been wronged, he will be their "Retribution" which means doing bad things to good people
  • Said the Constitution should be overturned over a laptop story
  • Said he would pardon the J6 traitors
  • Warned of death and destruction if he is convicted of his crimes
  • Said he would do away with the Dept of Education
  • Insinuated that General Milley should be executed simply for telling the Chinese they would not be attacked
  • Says the media he doesn't like is treasonous and he will appoint a committee to investigate them
  • Ex-officials in his own administration have said he will weaponize the executive branch and muzzle his GOP objectors
  • Plans to wipe out of thousands of government employees if they're deemed insufficiently loyal
Why would you even want to give him a chance is my sincere question? Knowing him, it will likely be worse than we imagine.
Take a break from the media.
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The spending has got to be reduced or increase individual income taxes to around 40 to 45 %
Increase sales tax to around 15% the path to socialism.

I’ll take the reduced spending option thanks. Already pay the 37% tier plus SS, Medicare, Medicare surcharge, lost exemptions and state and local taxes. I think that’s plenty.
Agree but the amount of money just thrown away and embezzled amounts to the greatest theft in history and the answer is to take away poor retirees meager social security checks. They need to cut a hell of a lot of other stuff including all foreign aid first and foremost along with the other crap they are spending on before they cut retirees social security. The nation is on an unsustainable path financially though and its been done to us on purpose by the communists in the govt imo.

The average life expectancy was around 60 when the social security administration was started. It’s 77 now. Similar issue with Medicare. These programs weren’t designed to support people for decades.

I agree with cutting the rest, but you have to start phasing in age increases for these entitlements too.
The average life expectancy was around 60 when the social security administration was started. It’s 77 now. Similar issue with Medicare. These programs weren’t designed to support people for decades.

I agree with cutting the rest, but you have to start phasing in age increases for these entitlements too.
I agree with raising the retirement age and all that. Everyone will feel the pain.
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Agree but the amount of money just thrown away and embezzled amounts to the greatest theft in history and the answer is to take away poor retirees meager social security checks. They need to cut a hell of a lot of other stuff including all foreign aid first and foremost along with the other crap they are spending on before they cut retirees social security. The nation is on an unsustainable path financially though and its been done to us on purpose by the communists in the govt imo.
When people talk about cuts to entitlements, no one is talking about cutting what people currently(or in the near future) are/will be getting. They are talking about things like raising the eligibility for future retirees, phasing out more high income recipients, etc.
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The average life expectancy was around 60 when the social security administration was started. It’s 77 now. Similar issue with Medicare. These programs weren’t designed to support people for decades.

I agree with cutting the rest, but you have to start phasing in age increases for these entitlements too.
Not to mention the fact that SS was NEVER meant to be a permanent thing. FDR explicitly said he meant for it to be a temporary program to help those devastated by the great depression- not a retirement program for all future citizens.

This is exactly why responsible people are against new programs- because we know they will never go away and only be expanded over time.
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Not to mention the fact that SS was NEVER meant to be a permanent thing. FDR explicitly said he meant for it to be a temporary program to help those devastated by the great depression- not a retirement program for all future citizens.

This is exactly why responsible people are against new programs- because we know they will never go away and only be expanded over time.
Wasnt the income tax put in the same way though and never removed?

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