Voronavirus Death Rate in US continues to climb

Death Monger is a bit harsh. This is a very serious situation. Flu kills a lot. This will kill factors more if not contained. The IMHE model says if we treated it like flu (no social distancing, business as usual), the death count could be as high as 2 million people.

Let’s also keep in mind, some of these deaths are additive. People are still dying of flu and other ailments. Except with the added stress to the healthcare system, you’ll also see people start dying of what might have otherwise been serious, but treatable ailments.

We are doing what we need to do to keep ourselves, our families and our neighbors alive. We should continue to see this through (which, the IMHE model puts at minimum June 1)

Added stress to the health care system is all realtive. SC was running at 50% capacity of it beds and ventilators. Sure, certain hot spots are stressed to the max. The majority of the country is not.
Sometimes I wonder exactly how many people have to get sick and die before some of you take this seriously? 100,000? 200,000? A million? A million people could die, and some of you would be playing the % game. "Dude, that is less than 3% of the population. More people die of paper cuts than that..."

Yes, in something like this the % game has to be played. You cant sacrifice 90% of the population for 10%. It's a no win situation. No one is saying there is an easy answer to this, but at some point the needs of the many outweighs the needs of the few or the one.
Yeah, this is a shame. With the emphasis needing to be placed on COVID, there are likely hundreds of thousands of layoffs for family practices and other non-essential services. Very sad.
It is not that resources are shifting. It is that most aren’t going to their family practices, dentist offices, etc. because they are so freaked out. I don’t believe that many fully comprehend the damage that is occurring in many areas that they don’t even think about.
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CDC: 80,000 people died of flu last winter in U.S., highest death toll in 40 years. Yes the Coronavirus is bad. but the flu last year will likely kill around the same amount as the Coronavirus, and I imagine those 80,000 (+) who died from the flu last year were likely elderly and/or had health issues already.

Yes the Coronavirus is scary, as there is currently no vaccine. But for God sake, let's keep this in perspective, stop sounding like the "we're all going to die" death mongers of CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS!!!
Not sure where you got your 80,000 from? Here's the CDC's statement for 2018-2019 season and there were approx. 34,000 deaths in ONE YEAR. We're approaching 22,000 in 2.5 weeks.
I don't mean this to sound at all flippant, but a percentage of these deaths attributed to Covid were likely gonna happen pretty soon by something else. Cancer patients, etc often get taken out by some type of virus.

Now, I'm not suggesting we shouldn't care about this deal. I'm just saying that these death rates are skewed due to Covid getting the credit as opposed to the other "underlying disease".
The New York Health counsel issued a statement on April 6th that an estimate 180-195 people were dying DAILY at home from the coronavirus, and were not being counted as coronavirus deaths because they didn't have the capacity to test. I don't think the death numbers are being overreported. Not to mention, the same can be said for the flu killing people that were already very sick.
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Thats not true. No matter how you look at it.
It is actually slowing down. If you’re talking about the mortality rate it will be no where near 3.89 it will me much closer to 1. BUT trying to look at mortality rate right now is a fools exercise.
“Importantly, in emerging viral infection outbreaks the case-fatality ratio is often overestimated in the early stages because case detection is highly biased towards the more severe cases.

As further data on the spectrum of mild or asymptomatic infection becomes available, one case of which was documented by Chan and colleagues, the case-fatality ratio is likely to decrease.”
The only reason that you're saying looking at the mortality rate right now is foolish is because you have been a big proponent of the mortality number going down with increased number of tests. Well, got news for you: I have watched the numbers for the world and the US since the beginning of March. The mortality rate has continued to go up. The world is now at 6.1% and the US is now at 3.9%. In March they were at 5% and 1% respectively. Do I think the mortality rate will end up at 3%? No. But it's not going to be below 1% like a bunch of you bozos have said.
Buddy, I don’t know you, but I’ve seen enough of your posts the past few weeks to advise you that you need Jesus. Whatever you’re doing tomorrow, make it a priority to watch a church service.

Why is it the US is the only country in the world that will - not only allow but suggest/promote- a 95 year old on death watch to have a 90k dollar procedure to ensure life for another 6 months? Part of the insurance conundrum in this country is that we, as a society, value the end-life way more than any other country and way more than it makes any financial sense. Its financially irresponsible to spend 100k on someone who is at death's door, but we do it repeatedly.
Why is it the US is the only country in the world that will - not only allow but suggest/promote- a 95 year old on death watch to have a 90k dollar procedure to ensure life for another 6 months? Part of the insurance conundrum in this country is that we, as a society, value the end-life way more than any other country and way more than it makes any financial sense. Its financially irresponsible to spend 100k on someone who is at death's door, but we do it repeatedly.
Who are you to decide what 6 months of life is worth to a person? Maybe to some people, it's worth 90k. Everyone should be allowed to make that decision for themselves based on their financial situation.
The New York Health counsel issued a statement on April 6th that an estimate 180-195 people were dying DAILY at home from the coronavirus, and were not being counted as coronavirus deaths because they didn't have the capacity to test. I don't think the death numbers are being overreported. Not to mention, the same can be said for the flu killing people that were already very sick.
The number of deaths is likely being underreported by a decent margin.

CDC: 80,000 people died of flu last winter in U.S., highest death toll in 40 years. Yes the Coronavirus is bad. but the flu last year will likely kill around the same amount as the Coronavirus, and I imagine those 80,000 (+) who died from the flu last year were likely elderly and/or had health issues already.

Yes the Coronavirus is scary, as there is currently no vaccine. But for God sake, let's keep this in perspective, stop sounding like the "we're all going to die" death mongers of CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS!!!
If we sit and don't do anything, the coronavirus will kill 1-3 million.
We do not know much about the coronavirus responsible for Covid-19. I hope all the people who are sure it's like the flu and only people with comorbidity factors are likely to die are correct.

What we do not know are whether or not this coronavirus goes dormant in the body for years and then re-erupts. We do not know why certain young people with no comorbities get so very sick and then die. We do not know with much assurance that an individual can only be sick from this disease more than once.

What we do know is that the 2009 H1N1 flu was a raging pandemic. We do know that counting only confirmed cases, in the first 100 days of H1N1 43,677 illnesses were reported along with 302 deaths. In 22 fewer days, Covid 19 has infected 11 times as many people and killed 60 times as many.

I really hope those who say the present danger is overstated and overhyped are correct. We do not know that now.
This whole thing sucks. Best wishes to all.

Roughly 8000 people die a day in our country. I wonder what the daily rate is with the Covid impact?
I don’t know. But total deaths supposedly flat March 2020 vs March 2019. Not sure I believe it. It was on a generic news broadcast not Fox News or CNN. I plan to look it up.
But it is fact that some dying from this were going to die this year anyway. Who knows how many? And that untested pneumonia deaths are included in totals. Maybe they all had it.
The only reason that you're saying looking at the mortality rate right now is foolish is because you have been a big proponent of the mortality number going down with increased number of tests. Well, got news for you: I have watched the numbers for the world and the US since the beginning of March. The mortality rate has continued to go up. The world is now at 6.1% and the US is now at 3.9%. In March they were at 5% and 1% respectively. Do I think the mortality rate will end up at 3%? No. But it's not going to be below 1% like a bunch of you bozos have said.
We can’t ever know. We aren’t testing those not sick. Nobody did, not even S. Korea. It will be somewhere between the 1% in SoKo and Italy. Maybe 2. Maybe 9
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The fact that some are rationalizing death on this day in particular tells me all I need to know about you as a person.

I'm not the most religious person and have my vices but today of all days HE IS Risen!!
Added stress to the health care system is all realtive. SC was running at 50% capacity of it beds and ventilators. Sure, certain hot spots are stressed to the max. The majority of the country is not.
Very fair— also I wasn’t clear— I was trying to make allusion to a circumstance where we did no social distancing or control measures— the medical system would be killed
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Let me restate: no other single cause of death is currently killing 2000+ people per day in the US. You slice and dice that however it makes you feel better.
In one of my earlier posts in relating how we get numb to the deaths around us for different reasons....

Nearly 1.25 million people are killed in car accidents each year. That means, on average, auto accidents cause 3,287 deaths per day(that is a huge number). An additional 20-50 million people are injured or disabled. More than half of all road traffic deaths occur among young adults ages 15-44.
In one of my earlier posts in relating how we get numb to the deaths around us for different reasons....

Nearly 1.25 million people are killed in car accidents each year. That means, on average, auto accidents cause 3,287 deaths per day(that is a huge number). An additional 20-50 million people are injured or disabled. More than half of all road traffic deaths occur among young adults ages 15-44.
When auto accidents become contagious let me know.
In SC we are now reporting the estimated # of cases. We now have 3200 confirmed cases, but they estimate close to 24,000. That sounds alarming, but it also reduces the mortality rate to 0.3%
Yes. The reported mortality rate is very distorted because we don’t actually how many people have actually recovered from it and didn’t know they had it. We could play this shutdown game for a long time and really not accomplish much. The real issues are in big cities where it’s hard to social distance and many of the multi-story apartment buildings have shared heating and cooling systems. Watch the videos coming from NYC and in spite of the danger folks are coming and going, many without masks and are nowhere close to the 6’ space recommended. There is a reason why so many are getting the virus. Hopefully one of these experimental drugs will be the cure so things can open back up. If not, maybe a phased approach where the least impacted areas open up first?
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Not sure where you got your 80,000 from? Here's the CDC's statement for 2018-2019 season and there were approx. 34,000 deaths in ONE YEAR. We're approaching 22,000 in 2.5 weeks.

It is accurate. Literally do a quick google search and its fairly easy to find that i formation.

80,000 people died from the flu and the nation kept going, the economy kept going, and the system in general kept going. Another thing ill say is that the world of data with viruses/disease seems to be wildly inaccurate from one source to the next. Which matches up with what we are seeing now with Corona.

Do we ever want to see someone pass from Flu, Cancer, Malaria, Ebola, etc.... NO and the people claiming the posters on here discussing the comparisons between other viruses and our strategy against those are not some heartless morons. They are literally trying to save millions of lives, but you wont listen. You all know we cannot keep this stay at home garbage going for much longer. You know at some point our nation will crumble if you keep down this path and then you will be worrying about 7 million deaths and not 60,000.

You have to understand that simple basic concept. You CANNOT keep banking on the govt to print more money and provide for your family for 2 years....and now what are we going to do in a bad flu year when 100,000 lives are claimed. We are setting a precedent, one that many do not agree with INCLUDING some medical professionals that I know personally who are now being furloughed. MEDICAL FRONT LINE workers being laid off in a time of pandemic. Does that make any sense whatsoever to you?
In one of my earlier posts in relating how we get numb to the deaths around us for different reasons....

Nearly 1.25 million people are killed in car accidents each year. That means, on average, auto accidents cause 3,287 deaths per day(that is a huge number). An additional 20-50 million people are injured or disabled. More than half of all road traffic deaths occur among young adults ages 15-44.
That's worldwide. In the U.S. last year, there were about 40K traffic deaths

That works out to about 109 per day, which is less than 2000 per day.

I really don't know what your point is. Are you saying 2000 people per day aren't dying in the U.S. from COVID-19? Or that it doesn't matter? Or that we shouldn't care?
Let me restate: no other single cause of death is currently killing 2000+ people per day in the US. You slice and dice that however it makes you feel better.
I would be stunned if it has passed cardiac. Those numbers are huge. But there is overlap.
Not sure where you got your 80,000 from? Here's the CDC's statement for 2018-2019 season and there were approx. 34,000 deaths in ONE YEAR. We're approaching 22,000 in 2.5 weeks.
2 years ago, 80,000 died from the flu.
It is accurate. Literally do a quick google search and its fairly easy to find that i formation.

80,000 people died from the flu and the nation kept going, the economy kept going, and the system in general kept going. Another thing ill say is that the world of data with viruses/disease seems to be wildly inaccurate from one source to the next. Which matches up with what we are seeing now with Corona.

Do we ever want to see someone pass from Flu, Cancer, Malaria, Ebola, etc.... NO and the people claiming the posters on here discussing the comparisons between other viruses and our strategy against those are not some heartless morons. They are literally trying to save millions of lives, but you wont listen. You all know we cannot keep this stay at home garbage going for much longer. You know at some point our nation will crumble if you keep down this path and then you will be worrying about 7 million deaths and not 60,000.

You have to understand that simple basic concept. You CANNOT keep banking on the govt to print more money and provide for your family for 2 years....and now what are we going to do in a bad flu year when 100,000 lives are claimed. We are setting a precedent, one that many do not agree with INCLUDING some medical professionals that I know personally who are now being furloughed. MEDICAL FRONT LINE workers being laid off in a time of pandemic. Does that make any sense whatsoever to you?

The flu argument is old and tired.. If there was a vaccination now for the coronavirus like there is for the flu nothing would be happening...

Choose a relevant argument.
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Very fair— also I wasn’t clear— I was trying to make allusion to a circumstance where we did no social distancing or control measures— the medical system would be killed
Correct. That is why we couldn’t do nothing and let everybody get it at once and be done with it. The death rate would be incredibly high even for the young because the health care system would be overwhelmed and most would get no care.
The flu argument is old and tired.. If there was a vaccination now for the coronavirus like there is for the flu nothing would be happening...

Choose a relevant argument.
It would have to be much more effective than the flu vaccine. Like Polio. This is just so different from the flu. Nobody is asymptomatic with flu. I think the asymptomatic deal is the most dangerous aspect of this deal.
The mental gymnastics you use to marginalize and diminish the worth of humans dying to covid is staggering.

I don't know why this is the pedastal you are choosing to stand on, but it's despicable and ignorant.

I've actually liked some of your posts about Clemson football, and I love that football can bring people together as fans, even with vastly different beliefs than each other.

But you are something else. I'm putting you on ignore, and others should do the same.

He's a troll. No rational person would repeatedly try to sell the same egregious hot-takes on an online forum.
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This is going to sound a little morbid, but I’m excited to see the results from the Navy ship that got infected. We had the princess ship that had mostly older people and the death rate seemed bad, but due to age range it wasn’t that surprising, nor as bad as any of the current rates suggest at 0.5%. Plus none of the people had any treatments. Now we have a ship of younger healthier patients to round out the princess ship and we have antibody test now to get a more accurate depiction of infection, asymptomatics, etc. I think the data from this ship may be a game changer. Especially for getting sports back up and going.

Good point. And almost all of them will have none of the underlying conditions
Every life is important.... shame on those saying an old person or a person with other conditions was going to die anyway. Those old people in their 60s and 70s and people with other conditions are people that have worked hard their entire life to retire. They have kids and grandkids that they love and want to see them grow. Some have served our country via military or other civil service. Shame..... shame on people saying they were going to die anyway. Its horrible to think that way.
So it's not fair to ask why the smokers and fatties are so worried about their health now when they haven't been for most of their lives? People make choices, and those choices have consequences. I save my sympathy for the doctors and nurses getting sick from this.
Yes, in something like this the % game has to be played. You cant sacrifice 90% of the population for 10%. It's a no win situation. No one is saying there is an easy answer to this, but at some point the needs of the many outweighs the needs of the few or the one.
There lies the problem. Herd immunity works best when 80% of society is healthy, not the other way around
I question this. If the number of people infected by the Coronavirus without symptoms or mild symptoms could be added to the confirmed number, the mortality rate would be less than .1% most likely. Hate to beat a dead horse but the article by some Stanford guys in the WSJ uses some data to come up with a number much lower than the .1% flu number. I’m hoping they are right.
The death rates may well be lower. Iceland has tested 10% of their population and believes fully 1/2 of their cases are asymptomatic. But even with that, there is no denying that in less than 3 months from the first case in the country, and with most of the country partly "shut down" for weeks now, and with many socially distancing even before then, it is still the leading cause of death in the country and has overrun NYC's health care system. No "just the flu" has EVER done that. You may want to see Scott Gottlieb's podcast where he believes that without modern medicine this would be worse than the Spanish Flu. Dr. Gottlieb is a conservative and recent FDA Commissioner. He has been on this since January, but has largely been ignored to all of our detriment. See the video below for how quickly CV19 ran up the charts.

It is a legitimate question as to how long economically we can stay partly "shut down" and whether it is worth the cost, but playing down the virus is not accurate as best I can tell. Just my two cents.
It would have to be much more effective than the flu vaccine. Like Polio. This is just so different from the flu. Nobody is asymptomatic with flu. I think the asymptomatic deal is the most dangerous aspect of this deal.
Agreed. Which is why "opening up" the economy will not promptly lead us back to the same economy without effective treatment or a vaccine.

IMO, older folks (and many middle age folks and some younger folks) likely will not be getting knee replacements, dental work, etc. for the foreseeable future. Likewise as to haircuts, maid service, nail treatments, car detailing, dining out, clubbing, vacationing, etc. To a degree, it makes the argument about "opening up" irrelevant as many will self isolate even without government guidance until they determine in their judgment it is safe to do otherwise.

The world is now different for at least 2 years (the earliest apparent realistic date for a vaccine based on an interview of Scott Gottlieb I just listened to) and perhaps permanently in a number of ways. The presumed resurgence this fall is very worrisome to me personally unless we establish a massive testing, contact tracing, and isolating system quickly. I have seen nothing to date that makes me think this is a national priority.
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We can’t ever know. We aren’t testing those not sick. Nobody did, not even S. Korea. It will be somewhere between the 1% in SoKo and Italy. Maybe 2. Maybe 9
Do we ever test the entire population for anything? There are tons of people that have the flu in a year that don't go the doctor. The only way we have to compare them is based on who gets tested because the rest is based on assumptions and guesses.

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