Cool. You train new providers to be bigots. I’ll continue to make a difference in patients’ lives. Something you clearly don’t care to do.
Also, it doesn’t impact me how many shitty trainees you matriculate. It impacts the world. So congrats for bragging about being a net negative to society.
Son, I have been practicing medicine and taking care of patients since before you were in middle school. I actually value life, especially the most vulnerable. So save me your soapbox speech and your self righteousness. It means nothing coming from someone who thinks it is a virtue to take the life of an unborn child.
You have allowed Donald Trump to ruin you. It isn't healthy.
I am going to say this, and it is the last thing I will say to you about any of this. I know you are a provider. I remember talking to you about it when you came to me for some advice and with some questions. I don't know anything about you as a provider. I do know that we obviously disagree deeply on most things, but I bet you are a good provider. I bet you care about your patients just as I do. I bet you do what you think is best for them as most providers do. I wish you nothing but the best in your career going forward.
You are right about one thing. I am prolife. For me that is the and always will be the number 1 issue in every election. I am not ashamed of that. I am prolife both because of my faith and because of my background in science and medicine.