341 million people in US

Say what you want about Trump’s antics, no one can deny we were in a much better place under his leadership…food & gas were affordable, housing was affordable, the border was under control, our military was strong, he flipped the Supreme Court, the world was largely at peace, etc…what more could I ask of our President?
Say what you want about Trump’s antics, no one can deny we were in a much better place under his leadership…food & gas were affordable, housing was affordable, the border was under control, our military was strong, he flipped the Supreme Court, the world was largely at peace, etc…what more could I ask of our President?
How about not publicly supporting Vladimir F’n Putin over the CIA? How about not inciting a riot b/c he lost the election? How about not threatening to pull out of NATO when it needs us most?

The list goes on.

And this is not a “I support Biden post.” Biden sucks, but Trump is only for himself. He doesn’t give a F about you or me. And on top of that, he’s stupid and narcissistic. Bad combination. Still don’t understand how anyone supports him. Rant over.
That one clown. Those two were not the same.
Correct, those two were not the same. I saw a clown and another man who needs people around him to actually love him and encourage him to step aside. Biden may have been a clown at one point in his life, but as we’ve both recognized for a while, Biden isn’t healthy and it’s hard to watch.

And I’d like to encourage you to not settle for the likes of Trump. Since the bed is made, vote for him if that’s your conscience, but demand a better man/woman from your party going forward.

We the people deserve to be governed by the best we have to offer. It’s time we all demand that.
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How about not publicly supporting Vladimir F’n Putin over the CIA? How about not inciting a riot b/c he lost the election? How about not threatening to pull out of NATO when it needs us most?

The list goes on.

And this is not a “I support Biden post.” Biden sucks, but Trump is only for himself. He doesn’t give a F about you or me. And on top of that, he’s stupid and narcissistic. Bad combination. Still don’t understand how anyone supports him. Rant over.
Ok. Thanks for the rant. Great username though. I support President Trump and we both like WSP. Progress.
Correct, those two were not the same. I saw a clown and another man who needs people around him to actually love him and encourage him to step aside. Biden may have been a clown at one point in his life, but as we’ve both recognized for a while, Biden isn’t healthy and it’s hard to watch.

And I’d like to encourage you to not settle for the likes of Trump. Since the bed is made, vote for him if that’s your conscience, but demand a better man/woman from your party going forward.

We the people deserve to be governed by the best we have to offer. It’s time we all demand that.
Good grief.
And we stroll out these 2 clowns
US President are appointed. Then you elect who they appoint.

We should dig into that and why that is. Super Pacts run this country, they appoint who they want and they get us to argue about it and better yet, they’ve created a culture where it’s not even appropriate to talk to about them.

I hope they write about this in 400 years and they make a note that we allowed it to happen.

I mean seriously, the democrats think Biden is the best option for them to represent this country? Cmon man. That’s called corruption.

Trump is there because 50% of the population actually likes him. Maybe more, I don’t know. But I do know, THEY all hate him. Media, Republicans and Democrats. They (republicans) ride is coattails because “half of the people” want him, like it or not. HES CERTAINLY NOT APPOINTED.

I don’t have issues with the American people wanting a person. That’s what elections are for. I do have a problem with people putting someone up there like Biden and then telling us “he’s ok to do it”. No he’s not, find someone else. The American Democrats deserve another person but because of corruption, their only option is Biden.

It sucks when you don’t really have a say, all of those young bright democrats who are so vocal and not one of them is better suited than Biden? I mean, I’m NOT the smartest guy, but damn… I’m not stupid either.

It is rigged. It’s rigged to fit their interests and not yours. I’m not a democrat. I’m American. As American, I’m pissed that Democrats appointed him. The Democrats don’t even want him. The media is turning on him so fast it isn’t funny. That’s because you can’t keep hiding him. We saw who he really is.

The Democratic Party needs to be investigated for what they put on stage last night. And the media seem so shocked?
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Correct, those two were not the same. I saw a clown and another man who needs people around him to actually love him and encourage him to step aside. Biden may have been a clown at one point in his life, but as we’ve both recognized for a while, Biden isn’t healthy and it’s hard to watch.

And I’d like to encourage you to not settle for the likes of Trump. Since the bed is made, vote for him if that’s your conscience, but demand a better man/woman from your party going forward.

We the people deserve to be governed by the best we have to offer. It’s time we all demand that.
I demand retribution for fvcking this great country up. Trump is the man for the job.
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US President are appointed. Then you elect who they appoint.

We should dig into that and why that is. Super Pacts run this country, they appoint who they want and they get us to argue about it and better yet, they’ve created a culture where it’s not even appropriate to talk to about them.

I hope they write about this in 400 years and they make a note that we allowed it to happen.

I mean seriously, the democrats think Biden is the best option for them to represent this country? Cmon man. That’s called corruption.

Trump is there because 50% of the population actually likes him. Maybe more, I don’t know. But I do know, THEY all hate him. Media, Republicans and Democrats. They (republicans) ride is coattails because “half of the people” want him, like it or not. HES CERTAINLY NOT APPOINTED.

I don’t have issues with the American people wanting a person. That’s what elections are for. I do have a problem with people putting someone up there like Biden and then telling us “he’s ok to do it”. No he’s not, find someone else. The American Democrats deserve another person but because of corruption, their only option is Biden.

It sucks when you don’t really have a say, all of those young bright democrats who are so vocal and not one of them is better suited than Biden? I mean, I’m NOT the smartest guy, but damn… I’m not stupid either.

It is rigged. It’s rigged to fit their interests and not yours. I’m not a democrat. I’m American. As American, I’m pissed that Democrats appointed him. The Democrats don’t even want him. The media is turning on him so fast it isn’t funny. That’s because you can’t keep hiding him. We saw who he really is.

The Democratic Party needs to be investigated for what they put on stage last night. And the media seem so shocked?
I think a lot of Democrats need to look in the mirror and ask themselves what allowed them to support someone so mentally unfit?

You have people on this board, @dpic73 , who have been defending Joe Bidens mental capacity and claiming that Donald Trump was just as bad or worse. There was a CLEAR difference last night. What allowed those democrats to be so fooled?

The MSM carves out an image of Joe Biden that is not reality. He is a faltering old man, and like i have been saying for a while, he is in the early-middle stages of dementia. This is obvious to anyone who has seen a family member deteriorate due to the disease. It's only going to get worse, there is no getting better with age. Good days and bad days, yes. But the trend is always down.

There is no choice except for the democrats to replace Biden. The question is how they do it and who replaces him. In a way, this is a positive for democrats because there is less time to dig up dirt on the opponent. I think Newsome would have a decent shot at winning even though i don't like him.
Say what you want about Trump’s antics, no one can deny we were in a much better place under his leadership…food & gas were affordable, housing was affordable, the border was under control, our military was strong, he flipped the Supreme Court, the world was largely at peace, etc…what more could I ask of our President?

Trump had it going on

Has my vote all day

Biden has my vote on lining up home health car

The man is a walking senior moment

There is no way he is making decisions

Who in the hell is running the country

The unelected shadow and deep state creeps
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How about not publicly supporting Vladimir F’n Putin over the CIA? How about not inciting a riot b/c he lost the election? How about not threatening to pull out of NATO when it needs us most?

The list goes on.

And this is not a “I support Biden post.” Biden sucks, but Trump is only for himself. He doesn’t give a F about you or me. And on top of that, he’s stupid and narcissistic. Bad combination. Still don’t understand how anyone supports him. Rant over.
How about not publicly supporting Vladimir F’n Putin over the CIA? How about not inciting a riot b/c he lost the election? How about not threatening to pull out of NATO when it needs us most?

The list goes on.

And this is not a “I support Biden post.” Biden sucks, but Trump is only for himself. He doesn’t give a F about you or me. And on top of that, he’s stupid and narcissistic. Bad combination. Still don’t understand how anyone supports him. Rant over.
Putin invaded Georgia when Bush was in office, Crimea while Obama was in office & now Ukraine during Biden’s presidency…you know when Putin didn’t invade anyone? During Trump’s presidency…

That “riot” as you call it was not on Trump…he actually made a video telling everyone to go home & posted it to social media only for it to immediately be taken down by the liberals that ran those sites…they wanted something to happen so they could try to blame Trump for it…they fanned the flames as much as anyone…

He threatened to pull out of NATO bc we were the only country really pulling our weight…ya know, he was actually putting America first…

I just find it hilarious when people say Trump is only for himself…yes, he has a massive ego but the fact is, he’s the only President in modern history to actually lose net worth due to his Presidency…all these bullshit cases being brought against him would’ve never happened if he just stayed out of the race…he could’ve just enjoyed his life as a billionaire & not worried about any of this…but I do think he cares & I think that’s why he continues on…

But put your feelings aside about how you think of him as a person for a minute…on policy alone, you can’t tell me we weren’t better off during his term than we are now…you just can’t.
I think a lot of Democrats need to look in the mirror and ask themselves what allowed them to support someone so mentally unfit?

You have people on this board, @dpic73 , who have been defending Joe Bidens mental capacity and claiming that Donald Trump was just as bad or worse. There was a CLEAR difference last night. What allowed those democrats to be so fooled?

The MSM carves out an image of Joe Biden that is not reality. He is a faltering old man, and like i have been saying for a while, he is in the early-middle stages of dementia. This is obvious to anyone who has seen a family member deteriorate due to the disease. It's only going to get worse, there is no getting better with age. Good days and bad days, yes. But the trend is always down.

There is no choice except for the democrats to replace Biden. The question is how they do it and who replaces him. In a way, this is a positive for democrats because there is less time to dig up dirt on the opponent. I think Newsome would have a decent shot at winning even though i don't like him.
They didnt have a choice. The Democratic Party told them this guy was fit to be President. Thats how it works, unfortunately.
I wish our resident libs would watch this video. This is CNN, MSNDC et al heaping praise on Joe Biden just a couple days ago. Talking about how strong he is. How he is on top of his game, sharper than ever. The Babylon Bee may be more accurate than this.

"Sit down, because I'm about to tell you the truth. F-you if you can't handle the truth. This version of Biden is the best Biden ever!" - Joe Scarborough.

And then they go back to Russia, Russia, Russia!!
"One of the classic Russian tactics is the disinformation cycle and this time they are trying the Biden is 'Too old to lead'" - MSDNC

Watch the first 10 seconds and the last 20 seconds.

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How about not publicly supporting Vladimir F’n Putin over the CIA? How about not inciting a riot b/c he lost the election? How about not threatening to pull out of NATO when it needs us most?

The list goes on.

And this is not a “I support Biden post.” Biden sucks, but Trump is only for himself. He doesn’t give a F about you or me. And on top of that, he’s stupid and narcissistic. Bad combination. Still don’t understand how anyone supports him. Rant over.
For not giving an F about us, we sure were better off…..
How about not publicly supporting Vladimir F’n Putin over the CIA? How about not inciting a riot b/c he lost the election? How about not threatening to pull out of NATO when it needs us most?

The list goes on.

And this is not a “I support Biden post.” Biden sucks, but Trump is only for himself. He doesn’t give a F about you or me. And on top of that, he’s stupid and narcissistic. Bad combination. Still don’t understand how anyone supports him. Rant over.
Do you really believe that Trump incited a riot??
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You have people on this board, @dpic73 , who have been defending Joe Bidens mental capacity and claiming that Donald Trump was just as bad or worse.
Don't let your feeding frenzy get in the way of the truth piggy. I have been consistent that nobody was excited about Joe but he was the only option to take out Donnie Danger and therefore he got my vote as well as 81 million others. We wished someone else would have run this time but we got who we got and he shit the bed last night, no question about it. That in no way means Trump presents a lucid, sane option as he's just terrible in a different way.

Fooled? It's a lack of intelligence.
Morning Jeff
So did mine, but I don't have the intellect of a parrot, so I would never repeat such a ridiculous lie.
What do you think is going to happen when you have no reason to be there in the first place, but the pathologically lying leader of your cult has worked you into a frenzy over election lies and invited you to the Capitol?



And don't forget that Trump "claims" he asked for 10,000 National Guardsmen to be there. If he expected it to be peaceful, why would he think that many would be needed? If he didn't like it while it was happening, why did he watch it on tv for three hours before trying to stop it?

Shameful that people try to pretend he's blameless.
How about not publicly supporting Vladimir F’n Putin over the CIA? How about not inciting a riot b/c he lost the election? How about not threatening to pull out of NATO when it needs us most?

The list goes on.

And this is not a “I support Biden post.” Biden sucks, but Trump is only for himself. He doesn’t give a F about you or me. And on top of that, he’s stupid and narcissistic. Bad combination. Still don’t understand how anyone supports him. Rant over.
I’ll play along.
If they both suck.
I still prefer cheaper gas, affordable groceries, and women and young girls not getting raped and murdered by illegals.
But you do you pal.
US President are appointed. Then you elect who they appoint.

We should dig into that and why that is. Super Pacts run this country, they appoint who they want and they get us to argue about it and better yet, they’ve created a culture where it’s not even appropriate to talk to about them.

I hope they write about this in 400 years and they make a note that we allowed it to happen.

I mean seriously, the democrats think Biden is the best option for them to represent this country? Cmon man. That’s called corruption.

Trump is there because 50% of the population actually likes him. Maybe more, I don’t know. But I do know, THEY all hate him. Media, Republicans and Democrats. They (republicans) ride is coattails because “half of the people” want him, like it or not. HES CERTAINLY NOT APPOINTED.

I don’t have issues with the American people wanting a person. That’s what elections are for. I do have a problem with people putting someone up there like Biden and then telling us “he’s ok to do it”. No he’s not, find someone else. The American Democrats deserve another person but because of corruption, their only option is Biden.

It sucks when you don’t really have a say, all of those young bright democrats who are so vocal and not one of them is better suited than Biden? I mean, I’m NOT the smartest guy, but damn… I’m not stupid either.

It is rigged. It’s rigged to fit their interests and not yours. I’m not a democrat. I’m American. As American, I’m pissed that Democrats appointed him. The Democrats don’t even want him. The media is turning on him so fast it isn’t funny. That’s because you can’t keep hiding him. We saw who he really is.

The Democratic Party needs to be investigated for what they put on stage last night. And the media seem so shocked?
Do you agree with inviting January 6 mob insurrection and trying to coerce others to overthrow the democratic process?
  • Haha
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Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (1841) explores the irrational behavior of crowds throughout history. Here's why this book is worth reading: It shines a light on remarkable instances of mass hysteria and exposes the human tendency to fall prey to herd mentality and lose individual logic.
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (1841) explores the irrational behavior of crowds throughout history. Here's why this book is worth reading: It shines a light on remarkable instances of mass hysteria and exposes the human tendency to fall prey to herd mentality and lose individual logic.