Thread will prob get thrown into The Round Table within 24 hours but man ... horrible, senseless killings in Atlanta today
While the motives of the suspect are NOT yet known, it’s sad regardless. Thank God we have great PD’s that worked in conjunction together (Cherokee, Crisp, etc) and they were quickly able to locate this guy. Honestly had to look up what a PIT maneuver was.
Again, I don’t know the motives but this reminds me a little of Dylan Roof situation back in Charleston.
Atlanta is home to me but having many friends (and fraternity brothers) from Charleston, and falling in love with the city whenever I visited, that one hit Home too. This one does as well. 9/11 was hard, and these two being close to Home sort of sucks
So far ... 6 Asian women, 1 whites female, 1 white male ... all dead. 1 Hispanic injured with no update to his condition
While the motives of the suspect are NOT yet known, it’s sad regardless. Thank God we have great PD’s that worked in conjunction together (Cherokee, Crisp, etc) and they were quickly able to locate this guy. Honestly had to look up what a PIT maneuver was.
Again, I don’t know the motives but this reminds me a little of Dylan Roof situation back in Charleston.
Atlanta is home to me but having many friends (and fraternity brothers) from Charleston, and falling in love with the city whenever I visited, that one hit Home too. This one does as well. 9/11 was hard, and these two being close to Home sort of sucks
So far ... 6 Asian women, 1 whites female, 1 white male ... all dead. 1 Hispanic injured with no update to his condition