Ah gotcha. Don’t know the beef between y’all. I just realized this got moved to the round table, which I easily predicted lol
I’ll just add that I agree with your premise. But there certainly are a lot of racists out there.
My SIL got a random threat on her IG account, saying she should’ve never married an Asian man. (My SIL is white btw, half my family is white actually).
I’ve also been told at random Publix lines, “you’re not welcome in my country. Go back to China” ... I’m korean fwiw ... and I was simply waiting in line for a sub. I won’t share what happened but it’s comments like that and comments my SIL gets that makes me wonder what’s so ****ed up in our world.
Random hatred because of a virus I hate just as much as everyone else? I mean, I assimilated. I’m a good citizen (for the most part). I served in our military. I played sports in HS and studied hard (kind of hard at Clemson). I work a white collar job. What else do I have to do to show I’m American.... ?
Those are questions my Korean friends and I asked asking ourselves today because it seems like we’re treated as second class, unwelcome by some, and ignored by many