About tomorrow's game...


Valles Marineris
Gold Member
Jul 20, 2010
I am so looking forward to attending tomorrow's game with my family. Even though it will be different, I can't wait to get back in the Valley. But here is what I am going to do: I'm not going to show up to my parking spot early, I'm not going to bring a tent and the full set up, I'm going to sit in my assigned seats and wear my mask the whole time. And I'm gonna cheer like hell for the Tigers.

I'm not doing these things because I am a snowflake living in fear of the virus - I mean I'm going to the game - I do it because I respect the work put in by these young men to get to play. I do it because I appreciate the thought and effort made to allow us to come to a game at all.

Guys, it's us vs. the virus - not right vs. left or us vs. each other.

Sorry to preach, but I know I am going to be frustrated tomorrow when I see people who don't have enough respect for our players and our University to follow some simple rules so that we can continue to do what we all love.

Go Tigers
I haven't yet read the protocols as I'm not making it down for a few more weeks. However, on the masks, why are they required in socially distanced seats outdoors? Doesn't seem to correlate with the CDC guidelines.

Not enough respect for our players and University to follow SIMPLE rules? Ok OP....
This post should go straight to the RT.
Do you really believe that wearing a mask in the stands several hundred feet away from the players is going to protect them in any way? Laughable!

Of course not and that is not what I said. For the record, I am a physician, so I have a different perspective on much of this. But the rules in the stands are not about protecting the players and I don't know of anyone who has said such.

Not enough respect for our players and University to follow SIMPLE rules? Ok OP....
This post should go straight to the RT.

And, yes, I do think following the rules is an act of respect.
i took it to mean that he is willing to do whatever the rules state in order to be able to enjoy football this season..whether you think the rules are asinine or not

He said it’s a lack of respect if fans don’t want to follow the “simple rules”.
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He said it’s a lack of respect if fans don’t want to follow the “simple rules”.

Yes, that is correct. That is exactly what I said. A great deal of work went into allowing fans to come to this game and I will follow the rules set forth. If you make a conscious choice not to follow the rules, I find that disrespectful.
“ they don’t all agree but they’re not disagreeable people “ ......Dabo on his players .It’s not about what I think or what you think right now , it’s what CU has asked us to do to have football . Seems we could put hard positions aside for a few hours and just do what we’re asked to do to go into the Valley and enjoy watching the Tigers play . It’s not a hard line sort of thing . Dang , be happy . We’re playing football !
Do you really believe that wearing a mask in the stands several hundred feet away from the players is going to protect them in any way? Laughable!

LOL. I hope you are trolling. You just cannot stand to be told to follow the rules. I would wear a full body suit if they told me that is what it took to get into the game. I would do whatever they told me to do so I could watch the Tigers live.

For the record, I think wearing a mask outdoors does not make a big difference, but again, I will do whatever to watch our Tigers.

Sorry...just want to have ALL of the games this fall.
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I am so looking forward to attending tomorrow's game with my family. Even though it will be different, I can't wait to get back in the Valley. But here is what I am going to do: I'm not going to show up to my parking spot early, I'm not going to bring a tent and the full set up, I'm going to sit in my assigned seats and wear my mask the whole time. And I'm gonna cheer like hell for the Tigers.

I'm not doing these things because I am a snowflake living in fear of the virus - I mean I'm going to the game - I do it because I respect the work put in by these young men to get to play. I do it because I appreciate the thought and effort made to allow us to come to a game at all.

Guys, it's us vs. the virus - not right vs. left or us vs. each other.

Sorry to preach, but I know I am going to be frustrated tomorrow when I see people who don't have enough respect for our players and our University to follow some simple rules so that we can continue to do what we all love.

Go Tigers

GREAT post! It is not about what you feel, but it is about following the damn rules so we can make sure we get to have as many games as we can this fall.

Wear a mask so we can give the middle finger to folks like Dan Wolken and Karen Rovell (so they cannot eventually say "I was correct and ALL of you were wrong).
Yes, that is correct. That is exactly what I said. A great deal of work went into allowing fans to come to this game and I will follow the rules set forth. If you make a conscious choice not to follow the rules, I find that disrespectful.

Question since you’re a physician. Since this virus is so deadly and contagious, ( to the extreme masks must be worn outside in a stadium) why don’t we have biohazard bins to dispose all these germ filled infected masks when people just throw away?
The way I’d look at this is it’s an opportunity for good publicity (and therefore good recruiting). If we come out of tomorrow looking like a responsible (but loud) fan base I think that reinforces our family culture and Dabo can use that on the trail. You not wearing a mask in the stands won’t actually affect the players at all...but we all know perception is unfortunately more important than reality these days (hello BIG and PAC) so why not use it as an opportunity to look great? I can guarantee if everyone is sitting in their pods masked up and cheering we will get positive air time for it during the broadcast and afterwards. And that’s good for Clemson regardless of where you fall. Great perspective OP.
In elementary school teachers would say, "Ok I have to walk down the hall and get some things from the book room. Everyone stay quietly in your seat. If I come back and everyone is sitting quietly in their seat, we will stop 10 minutes early today for free time."

And there was always a kid or two who just blew it for everybody, proudly. Those same people exist as adults, sadly.
Question since you’re a physician. Since this virus is so deadly and contagious, ( to the extreme masks must be worn outside in a stadium) why don’t we have biohazard bins to dispose all these germ filled infected masks when people just throw away?

Happy to answer your question. While I realize that you are making fun by saying "so deadly and contagious", COVID-19 does seem to be 7-9X more contagious that influenza (seasonal flu), so even if it has the same mortality rate as flu, more people are going to die just because it is so much more contagious. Math.

We have learned a great deal over the past 6 months. We know the essentially all transmission is via respiratory droplets. In normal conversation, these typically can travel about six feet from an infected person. Data on singing and cheering/yelling shows that droplets can go significantly farther, so I assume this is the rational for wearing masks in the stadium. Simple masks are shown to stop 90% of respiratory droplets.

Concerning biohazard bins, again because transmission is by respiratory droplets instead of contact, as long as you don't reach into a trash can, pull out a mask immediately discarded by an infected person, put it on your face and inhale as hard as you can, I think you will be fine.
I am so looking forward to attending tomorrow's game with my family. Even though it will be different, I can't wait to get back in the Valley. But here is what I am going to do: I'm not going to show up to my parking spot early, I'm not going to bring a tent and the full set up, I'm going to sit in my assigned seats and wear my mask the whole time. And I'm gonna cheer like hell for the Tigers.

I'm not doing these things because I am a snowflake living in fear of the virus - I mean I'm going to the game - I do it because I respect the work put in by these young men to get to play. I do it because I appreciate the thought and effort made to allow us to come to a game at all.

Guys, it's us vs. the virus - not right vs. left or us vs. each other.

Sorry to preach, but I know I am going to be frustrated tomorrow when I see people who don't have enough respect for our players and our University to follow some simple rules so that we can continue to do what we all love.

Go Tigers
I hop
The way I’d look at this is it’s an opportunity for good publicity (and therefore good recruiting). If we come out of tomorrow looking like a responsible (but loud) fan base I think that reinforces our family culture and Dabo can use that on the trail. You not wearing a mask in the stands won’t actually affect the players at all...but we all know perception is unfortunately more important than reality these days (hello BIG and PAC) so why not use it as an opportunity to look great? I can guarantee if everyone is sitting in their pods masked up and cheering we will get positive air time for it during the broadcast and afterwards. And that’s good for Clemson regardless of where you fall. Great perspective OP.

No shit. Do y'all want to be lumped in with those FSU fans caught on TV NOT following simple rules? Get over yourselves and do the right thing...which is following Administration and Conference rules to be able to have a freaking season. Like damn children.
Happy to answer your question. While I realize that you are making fun by saying "so deadly and contagious", COVID-19 does seem to be 7-9X more contagious that influenza (seasonal flu), so even if it has the same mortality rate as flu, more people are going to die just because it is so much more contagious. Math.

We have learned a great deal over the past 6 months. We know the essentially all transmission is via respiratory droplets. In normal conversation, these typically can travel about six feet from an infected person. Data on singing and cheering/yelling shows that droplets can go significantly farther, so I assume this is the rational for wearing masks in the stadium. Simple masks are shown to stop 90% of respiratory droplets.

Concerning biohazard bins, again because transmission is by respiratory droplets instead of contact, as long as you don't reach into a trash can, pull out a mask immediately discarded by an infected person, put it on your face and inhale as hard as you can, I think you will be fine.
If this is the case they should’ve fumigated the fans from day one haha! Think about about all the spit that lands on your head from the guy screaming at the refs behind you.
Even if you don’t believe in masks outdoors or in, my impression is that you will be escorted out of the stadium if you don’t wear one. So that could be a non-believers reason to wear one.
Thanks for your sacrifice OP. I too will be wearing my mask to protect everyone on the field and in the stands. Im not going to the game, but i dont want to take any chances that my spittal gets transmitted through my tv.
Happy to answer your question. While I realize that you are making fun by saying "so deadly and contagious", COVID-19 does seem to be 7-9X more contagious that influenza (seasonal flu), so even if it has the same mortality rate as flu, more people are going to die just because it is so much more contagious. Math.

We have learned a great deal over the past 6 months. We know the essentially all transmission is via respiratory droplets. In normal conversation, these typically can travel about six feet from an infected person. Data on singing and cheering/yelling shows that droplets can go significantly farther, so I assume this is the rational for wearing masks in the stadium. Simple masks are shown to stop 90% of respiratory droplets.

Concerning biohazard bins, again because transmission is by respiratory droplets instead of contact, as long as you don't reach into a trash can, pull out a mask immediately discarded by an infected person, put it on your face and inhale as hard as you can, I think you will be fine.

I say this with all due respect, but when this virus started to become big news there was a study on the CDC website from the WUHAN lab that stated based on their research and study non pharmaceutical masks have no measurable benefit. That study is no longer on their site. Can you link other scientific studies that show they do provide protection? The study I refer to was done before COVID and did not have a political bias.
I say this with all due respect, but when this virus started to become big news there was a study on the CDC website from the WUHAN lab that stated based on their research and study non pharmaceutical masks have no measurable benefit. That study is no longer on their site. Can you link other scientific studies that show they do provide protection? The study I refer to was done before COVID and did not have a political bias.

There is a lot out there, but I like this from UCSF because it breaks it down in words I can understand:
Of course not and that is not what I said. For the record, I am a physician, so I have a different perspective on much of this. But the rules in the stands are not about protecting the players and I don't know of anyone who has said such.

And, yes, I do think following the rules is an act of respect.

What if the rules are based on falsified information like in the case of Nashville?
I love that rules only apply to people when they agree with them or if it fits their narrative.

The level of hypocrisy in society today is absurd.
The non-mask wearers in this thread are the same ones that scream compliance when the police are involved no?

I hate wearing a mask. I think its dumb. However, I preach compliance so guess what? I wear a stupid mask when required.
I love that rules only apply to people when they agree with them or if it fits their narrative.

The level of hypocrisy in society today is absurd.
The non-mask wearers in this thread are the same ones that scream compliance when the police are involved no?

I hate wearing a mask. I think its dumb. However, I preach compliance so guess what? I wear a stupid mask when required.
well said
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