About tomorrow's game...

Even if you don’t believe in masks outdoors or in, my impression is that you will be escorted out of the stadium if you don’t wear one. So that could be a non-believers reason to wear one.

Unless you are eating or drinking.

I'm going to have a straw so I can constantly drink my bourbon and coke and just have my mask hanging from my ear. Loopholes...gotta find the loopholes.
What if the rules are based on falsified information like in the case of Nashville?

Then the question is where you choose to fight that battle. Not to put words in OP's mouth, but my sense is that he is saying that the Clemson home games aren't the place to fight that battle. I think you fight it at the voting booth and in your choices of where you choose to do business. But the net result of a bunch of people violating the rules at the Clemson/Citadel game on Saturday is a win only in the minds of the people doing it. There is no other gain to anyone, and the violators will not have won anything other than a feeling of self-satisfaction and probably some Facebook posts where they show themselves flaunting the rules, fishing for Likes from people who are already agree with them anyway.
Then the question is where you choose to fight that battle. Not to put words in OP's mouth, but my sense is that he is saying that the Clemson home games aren't the place to fight that battle. I think you fight it at the voting booth and in your choices of where you choose to do business. But the net result of a bunch of people violating the rules at the Clemson/Citadel game on Saturday is a win only in the minds of the people doing it. There is no other gain to anyone, and the violators will not have won anything other than a feeling of self-satisfaction and probably some Facebook posts where they show themselves flaunting the rules, fishing for Likes from people who are already agree with them anyway.

nailed it. just follow the rules at the game. If you want to flaunt societal rules, or make a statement, join the asshats marching into target without masks and posting on SM.
Thanks for your sacrifice OP. I too will be wearing my mask to protect everyone on the field and in the stands. Im not going to the game, but i dont want to take any chances that my spittal gets transmitted through my tv.

I dont agree with this but I did laugh (not be sarcastic)! See, we can all get along even if we differ on this gosh forbid situation.
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I love that rules only apply to people when they agree with them or if it fits their narrative.

The level of hypocrisy in society today is absurd.
The non-mask wearers in this thread are the same ones that scream compliance when the police are involved no?

I hate wearing a mask. I think its dumb. However, I preach compliance so guess what? I wear a stupid mask when required.

I love this so much!
Question since you’re a physician. Since this virus is so deadly and contagious, ( to the extreme masks must be worn outside in a stadium) why don’t we have biohazard bins to dispose all these germ filled infected masks when people just throw away?
We need to start a petition to have your username changed to karennhop
We need to start a petition to have your username changed to karennhop
Not enough respect for our players and University to follow SIMPLE rules? Ok OP....
Masks outside are ASININE.
This thread should go straight to the RT.
Someone PLEASE take a picture and post it of Amh being escorted out of the stadium for not wearing a mask.
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Question since you’re a physician. Since this virus is so deadly and contagious, ( to the extreme masks must be worn outside in a stadium) why don’t we have biohazard bins to dispose all these germ filled infected masks when people just throw away?
And why haven’t the scientists created a specific set of “mask wearing rules” regarding the scientifically proven and verified safe frequency of using the same mask over a established number of consecutive uses? This mask wearing rule book should also include what to do if one is experiencing elevated mucus levels due to allergies for example. Also, this rule book must include subsections where rules/guidelines are outlined for neck gaiters, face shields, and all types of masks that are most likely to be in circulation for use....Also, the government could create teams of pseudoscientists or even scientists to randomly sample the population to ensure proper safe interval usage of masks. I mean if we’re going to do masks, let’s do it right and go ALL IN!!! Right??
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Congratulations on that entry into the Virtue Signaling Hall of Fame OP.

If it were possible to Retroactively Ball you from Sigma Nu, I would be a yes vote.

Just shut your ****ing sanctimonious pie hole; go the game; and try not to let Charlie Whitehurst plow your wife.
If I ever win a multi-million dollar lottery jackpot, I would give Cris a blank check to ban the 3rd poster in this thread for life....literally, I would give him more than a million dollars....Y'all can thank me later.
People like the OP make me not want to wear masks.

I always do and will on Saturday, but good lord what a douche sounding post.
How about just follow the rules so we can have fans at games following the Citadel and not question the rules!!
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There are plenty of rules I don’t like that I follow anyway. If I don’t like the rule I stay home. It’s so simple.
We have hoped and prayed for a football season to actually happen and now that it’s actually happening we’re going to bitch about inconveniences? The time for deciding if the rules are necessary or not is over. Go, wear your mask, or stay home.
Not enough respect for our players and University to follow SIMPLE rules? Ok OP....
Masks outside are ASININE.
This thread should go straight to the RT.

I think it’s ridiculous folks can’t smoke marijuana in their homes if they so please. I don’t, because it’s against the law.

I agree that masks outside seems ridiculous. Unfortunately, that’s the rule that’s been passed down and in order to continue to enjoy football it is simply a burden that must be borne. It is such a simple and easy sacrifice to make for a payoff that far exceeds the sacrifice.

Not wearing a Mask will not change the legislation. It will just identify you as a selfish American who refuses to participate in their civic duty.

edit to say: I’m conservative for the record.
LOL. I hope you are trolling. You just cannot stand to be told to follow the rules. I would wear a full body suit if they told me that is what it took to get into the game. I would do whatever they told me to do so I could watch the Tigers live.

For the record, I think wearing a mask outdoors does not make a big difference, but again, I will do whatever to watch our Tigers.

Sorry...just want to have ALL of the games this fall.
I can assure you that I am not trolling! I do hope that you are trolling about wearing a full body suit!
Congratulations on that entry into the Virtue Signaling Hall of Fame OP.

If it were possible to Retroactively Ball you from Sigma Nu, I would be a yes vote.

Just shut your ****ing sanctimonious pie hole; go the game; and try not to let Charlie Whitehurst plow your wife.
You gotta have a lower Theta Zeta than me to pull off that black ball, chief.
Happy to answer your question. While I realize that you are making fun by saying "so deadly and contagious", COVID-19 does seem to be 7-9X more contagious that influenza (seasonal flu), so even if it has the same mortality rate as flu, more people are going to die just because it is so much more contagious. Math.

We have learned a great deal over the past 6 months. We know the essentially all transmission is via respiratory droplets. In normal conversation, these typically can travel about six feet from an infected person. Data on singing and cheering/yelling shows that droplets can go significantly farther, so I assume this is the rational for wearing masks in the stadium. Simple masks are shown to stop 90% of respiratory droplets.

Concerning biohazard bins, again because transmission is by respiratory droplets instead of contact, as long as you don't reach into a trash can, pull out a mask immediately discarded by an infected person, put it on your face and inhale as hard as you can, I think you will be fine.

But but but that’s not what my ultra partisan news channel/twitter feed/Facebook epidemiologist friend said!!!
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There is a lot out there, but I like this from UCSF because it breaks it down in words I can understand:

No offense but this is circumstantial evidence. The data showing a reduction in 15 states doesn’t consider other measures that were implemented to reduce exposure. How do you quantify a reduction when you also had social distancing, closures and isolations? This is a logical argument but there is no scientific data to supports its conclusion.

Then they use a wet cloth as one example. Who wears a wet cloth around their face?
There are plenty of rules I don’t like that I follow anyway. If I don’t like the rule I stay home. It’s so simple.
We have hoped and prayed for a football season to actually happen and now that it’s actually happening we’re going to bitch about inconveniences? The time for deciding if the rules are necessary or not is over. Go, wear your mask, or stay home.
I agree about following rules. It’s too bad that lawless democrat Marxist are being paid and encouraged to riot, loot, and murder. Then Biden and Harris have people on their staff bail out these criminals. The left has become the party of domestic terrorist