Do you support that? I'm sure there are far left people that would charge Remington for a murder, but don't know anyone personally who would support that.It's like holding someone who made a gun responsible for it killing someone? Amirite?
Do you support that? I'm sure there are far left people that would charge Remington for a murder, but don't know anyone personally who would support that.It's like holding someone who made a gun responsible for it killing someone? Amirite?
Just remember folks, this is the guy that four years ago was chugging all the COVID Koolaid the government could serve him. He swallowed every bit of their propaganda hook, line, and sinker.This is what I'm talking about.
"Caught diverting funds" to actblue is a really stupid, wrong, and misleading way to describe what is happening here.
She's using actblue as a payment processor to make it easy for someone to give directly, with one click, to both charities.
If you "donate to the charities directly" the charities will still have to pay some kind of processing fee to a credit card company or some other payment processor. Just like they do to actblue (for many left aligned charities actblue is their ONLY payment processor). Just like every business does when you give them money with a credit card. **** me.
Again, I understand that you ****ing morons don't understand how anything works. It's just crazy that this nonsense is about to be acted on by government. Absolutely ****ing insane.
Time for people to go to prison!!!!!
@clempzenbillJust remember folks, this is the guy that four years ago was chugging all the COVID Koolaid the government could serve him. He swallowed every bit of their propaganda hook, line, and sinker.