Areeves Question for you

Ask yourself why Bill Gates and other tech leaders need to meet CHINESE leaders in private before US leaders
Bill Gates is a Committee of 300 Member in the NWO. He was speaking at a Tedex Convention & he said, “If we do a really good job with our vaccines, we can REDUCE The Population by 10-15%.”
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But what I share is the Truth. Persecution is part of being a Christian. If one is a Christian & they’re not being persecuted, they’re not sharing enough to the unsaved!

A few questions:
1. Is persecution a part of any other religions?
2. What level of persecution degree is required when a Christian must activate their sharing (aka bullying) to the unsaved?
This entire list of events is based on the lost shaky information either wedged into ancient biblical.propecy, or completely taken out of context info that is then used to fit a narrative.

It is quintessential confirmation bias. Start from a result- The end times are here, and then find info that you can make fit into the prophecy to support that result.

I honestly feel sorry for arreves. You know he gets a lot of ridicule for this, I don't at all doubt his sincerity, but I worry for his mental health when this doesn't come to pass. How do you back away from this after being so outspoken?
This entire list of events is based on the lost shaky information either wedged into ancient biblical.propecy, or completely taken out of context info that is then used to fit a narrative.

It is quintessential confirmation bias. Start from a result- The end times are here, and then find info that you can make fit into the prophecy to support that result.

I honestly feel sorry for arreves. You know he gets a lot of ridicule for this, I don't at all doubt his sincerity, but I worry for his mental health when this doesn't come to pass. How do you back away from this after being so outspoken?

I’ve come full circle on “feeling sorry for”. For those that have beliefs such as:

- immediate trans support on children
- equity over equality
- defunding law enforcement
- selective law enforcement
- all whites are racist
- those that aren’t religious or don’t follow a certain faith needing “assistance” in some way

They can have all of this wonderful nonsense……. For themselves. All the above are low level ways to take money, power or leverage over others.

The lack of respect displayed from those that perceive “persecution” to force upon their beliefs is the greatest GRIFT of mankind. And when coupled with: you are either racist or a bigot or a white man or a whatever because you don’t support my cause, I’ll help build Ray Liotta’s No Escape island where the zealots can fight out their bullshit causes together.

We have Civil Rights in this country. If your rights are violated, file a law suit. Let the rest of us good folks live our lives, pay taxes, not rob stores, not belittle people for not following a certain religion, not be racist for being white.
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There’s a lot to unpack here, but I need to know if flood zone AE 11 in Mt. Pleasant, SC will be under water as part of #16. And if so, what is the approximate date so I can begin preparations?

And it’s fascinating to me that a global cabal capable of weather control, alien technology and microchipping humanity will use a medieval guillotine to inefficiently behead the non-conformers.
Symbolism is very important to the movement. Probably.
This entire list of events is based on the lost shaky information either wedged into ancient biblical.propecy, or completely taken out of context info that is then used to fit a narrative.

It is quintessential confirmation bias. Start from a result- The end times are here, and then find info that you can make fit into the prophecy to support that result.

I honestly feel sorry for arreves. You know he gets a lot of ridicule for this, I don't at all doubt his sincerity, but I worry for his mental health when this doesn't come to pass. How do you back away from this after being so outspoken?
You don't. That's why so many of these conspiracy types never come back to reality. It would mean having to face the humiliation and shame of being extraordinarily wrong about a lot of things. Usually the only way forward is continuing to double down.
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A few questions:
1. Is persecution a part of any other religions?
2. What level of persecution degree is required when a Christian must activate their sharing (aka bullying) to the unsaved?
I have no idea, I just know JESUS said, they persecuted me, they’ll persecute you.

The degree of persecution can vary from being mocked, scoffed at, called names, mistreated, ignored, physically assaulted & even killed..
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I have no idea, I just know JESUS said, they persecuted me, they’ll persecute you.

The degree of persecution can vary from being mocked, scoffed at, called names, mistreated, ignored, physically assaulted & even killed..
No idea? EVERY religion has historically been persecuted, even those without.

There’s a reason why religion has toned down the historical hateful rhetoric. They know people have faith choices and developed “some to much” respect for other faiths.

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No idea? EVERY religion has historically been persecuted, even those without.

There’s a reason why religion has toned down the historical hateful rhetoric. They know people have faith choices and developed “some to much” respect for other faiths.

Christians aren’t suppose to preach hate but we do have a command & an obligation to share the whole truth about Christianity & that involves letting people know there’s a Heaven & Hell.

It also involves letting people know JESUS is the Way, Truth & The Life & No One comes to GOD but through HIM.

It also involves sharing what JESUS said in regards to following HIM… “If Anyone would come after ME, Let Him Take Up His Cross Daily & Follow Me, For Whoever Seeks To Save His Life Will Lose & Whoever Loses His Life For MY Sake Will Find It.

& this Gem, “If You Confess Before Men, I’ll Confess You Before My FATHER & His Angels. If You’re Ashamed of Me & My Words, I’ll be Ashamed of You When You Stand Before My FATHER & HIS Angels.”

Or this beauty…. “Strive To Enter Through The Narrow Gate, For Wide & Broad Is The Way That Leads To Destruction & Many There Be Who Enter It But The Way That Leads To Life Is Very Narrow & Few Are Those Who Find It.

& We All Know This One,… John 3:3 “Unless A Man Is Born Again, He Cannot Enter The Kingdom of Heaven.

Don’t Forget about this one… Revelation 20:15 “Whoever’s Name Was Not Found Written In The Lambs Book Of Life Was Cast Into The Lake Of Fire.”
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2.5 years until Florida is underwater and the FEMA camps and Guillotines are going full steam.

My brother just took the Grandkids to Disney a couple of weeks ago. They stopped in St Augustine and he said that the ocean level hadn't changed since he'd been there with his kids in the 90s. I'm thinking that the ocean better hurry up.

Of course my brother is a BIG Trump fan on the outside, but MAYBE he's TOTALLY Deep State/NWO. I did see him in person last Summer and Washington is only one state away from Idaho. I could have injected him with one of Billy Gate's microchips and then wiped my own memory after.

I'll be able to post an update in January 2024 as my MIL goes down to Miami every year with some friends. Of course being a Southern Baptist farmer's wife, SHE could be NWO herself.
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