Right, so the man who never stopped to think about what he was saying(bc he carefully parses his words), called people names(bc he carefully parses his words), made fun of disabled people(bc he carefully parses his words) and said countless dumb things for 4 years as potus (bc he carefully parses his words), always carefully parsed his words in just the right manner to avoid blame? That is seriously what you are going with? You are absolutely ridiculous.EVERY SINGLE LIE he told contributed to the insurrection - and he told it 1000 times. We both know that Trump is crazy like a fox and always parses his words in such a way that he can escape blame. But the continual pounding of the same seditious falsehood over and over again is the same or worse as saying "Hang Mike Pence." He gets others to say the things that would make him most culpable but he's every bit as guilty. Your inane attempt to find an exact phrase you can dissect is pathetic and you know it. I bet you stay up all night thinking about how you can win the next internet argument on a technicality, don't you? SAD!
You could just say you are wrong. I know you won't do that, however, bc you just want to be right even if it is not true, but I will play your little game. If repeating a lie, is tantamount to inciting violence then you, biden, HRC, the dem party and the msm are solely and directly responsible for countless riots, billions in damages and murders resulting from years and years of incessantly lying about Russia collusion when it was all a lie. Trumps obsession with the stolen election was a blip on the radar compared to the years long constant lie of russian collusion. Am I doing it right?
Even if he wanted to, suggesting Trump could pick exactly the right words and not say what he really meant/felt the countless times he talked about voting fraud is at the top of the list of the dumbest things you have ever said - and that's a list that rivals Encyclopedia Britannica in volume!