Ha, I was just going to say the same thing.
This is the fundamental problem with the United States now. These morons have built their own alternative relative media echo chamber and dismiss any actual legit sources as "fake news."
How can you have a legitimate policy or political debate when one side has purposely detached from reality?
A couple hundred years from now when historians are writing about the end of the United States of America in the 21st Century, this is what they will point to, and Tiger Growls will be their case study.
Truth - Trump will not be remembered fondly and will be a case study in how a stupid, lying, malevolent narcissist was able to hypnotize a large number of the population into believing him to be the Chosen One and willingly go along with his fake view of reality. His followers on here already seem like some kind of bizarre creatures that you might read about in a sci-fi novel. It's hard to believe they are real but they keep confirming they really are that alien, compared to the rest of humanity. History will find them every bit as repugnant as Trump himself.