As Philadelphia prepares for the Super Bowl

Everything. Banning music is asinine. Also he has a long history of racist posts as well. But he’s also a bartender who doesn’t have custody of his kids so I’m not totally surprised.

Banning guns is asinine.

And I'm not talking about all rap music. Just the songs
that are desert the minds of those kids.

and I don't have any kids.

your reading comprehension needs some work.
his argument is that black culture is destroying american cities. thats explicitly racist. what are you missing?

A part of black culture is destroying itself within.

I've spent 50 years listening to black people blame white people, the govt, our ancestors for their plight.

That's just not accurate. And Im tired of hearing it. It's a lie.

Not in today's America.

Every kid born in America today has a chance to be great.