The reason Arizona is the biggest hotbed of political friction is because there are so many Republicans here - many like me who deliberately moved here because it was a red state - who are furious that our last two elections were clearly cheated and stolen. Tons and tons of angry frustrated patriots. We've had a 4% voter registration edge over Democrats in both the state AND MaRICOpa County for several years now, and wait till you see how much that has increased! My article should be out tonight or tomorrow.
"Rachel now says her experience is “LEADING a RICO lawsuit against” Maricopa County. During her disciplinary trial before the AZ Supreme Court she allegedly claimed she was inexperienced and taking direction from actual experienced lawyers. The SCt found her lack of legal knowledge and experience, despite being a more than 10 year lawyer, was a mitigating factor that resulted in a six month suspension rather than disbarment. Funny how Rachel changes the facts to suit herself."

It's not fraud, it's the candidates dumb one.

"Rachel now says her experience is “LEADING a RICO lawsuit against” Maricopa County. During her disciplinary trial before the AZ Supreme Court she allegedly claimed she was inexperienced and taking direction from actual experienced lawyers. The SCt found her lack of legal knowledge and experience, despite being a more than 10 year lawyer, was a mitigating factor that resulted in a six month suspension rather than disbarment. Funny how Rachel changes the facts to suit herself."

It's not fraud, it's the candidates dumb one.

Barry Markson is a nasty little communist prick.
You just refuse to stop... Do you even read this garbage before you rehash it for the unpeenth time?
No... You understand as you've been reading this stuff for the last 4 years. Anything that MIGHT cast doubt on an election, he's going to post, whether it is true or not NEVER even enters the picture.

Personally, I'm all about secure elections. And OP WANTS you to think he's all about secure elections. That way he can present all his BS as simply wanting to make sure the election was not fraudulent. But OP doesn't give a SHIT about fair elections. OP wants Trump to win. Period.

So when he says, why not recount again... do another audit... let <insert group here> do the recount. It CAN sound reasonable. After all, who doesn't want the correct results, right? But you have to realize... OP will NEVER accept any results where Trump doesn't win. NEVER. So even when recounts happen, he's not going to agree/accept those recounts unless Trump is the winner. He will just tell us how the recount was no good and move on to the next request. At some point you have to stop and say... good enough.

For instance, in GA: There was an election and results were counted, then there was a recount... THEN there was a recount by hand (all observed by elected officials that supported and voted for Trump themselves). THEN President Trump himself HAND PICKED a Federal Prosecutor from Southern Ga to go in and look at everything. After a couple of weeks, this guy says that the election results were correct. All these things pointed to the same result. But OP thinks it's ALL rigged.
"As Kari Lake flip-flops again on abortion (she wants to ban all abortions again), the Maricopa County Party says, "hold my beer" and unanimously censures the entire Arizona Supreme Court (almost all appointed by Republican governors) apparently for failing to find evidence that doesn't exist to support the conspiracy theory election lawsuits brought by losers Kari Lake and Abe Hamadeh. Tell me you're not serious people without telling me. They are like children playing government, but not as intelligent."

ABSOLUTELY... after all, ALL 7 of the Arizona Supreme Court Justices were appointed by Republican Governors:

So OF COURSE they would side with the liberal democrats if given even half a chance. I'm assuming that all the Republican Governors of Arizona, the justices nominated, and all the Arizona state Senators that voted for them are Deep State? Quick question... Does that mean that the Democrats that voted against their appointment are NOT Deep State? Because at this point I'm not sure who ISN'T Deep State.

The Az GOP needs to take the next logical step and do the same to the SCOTUS. After all, they unanimously refused to even LOOK at the Lake law suit. It's crazy stuff when even the Justices appointed by Trump himself are Deep State.


<iframe src="" width="480" height="270" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">via GIPHY</a></p>

BREAKING: Arizona Republican Candidate Abe Hamadeh has filed a MASSIVE petition to the Arizona Supreme Court to correct the 2022 Attorney General election that was stolen by 280 votes

"There are still 9,000 uncounted ballots in the 2022 election, and my legal team believes at least 1,100+ ballots should be counted. The closest race in Arizona history deserves its day in court, a margin of 280 votes out of 2.5 million with all of the discrepancies on Election Day, and what we’ve discovered since has clouded the legitimacy of Kris Mayes. We received more votes than her, she knows it, and so does nearly every Arizonan who is paying attention."

Abe is leading by example and needs the support of all Arizonans

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I can answer this

During the 2020 election fraud audit, Maricopa County refused to turn over the registry keys and security logs.

AZ State Senator Wendy Rogers issued a subpoena for them and Maricopa failed to comply.

Wendy Rogers, who should have taken Maricopa in front of a judge for show cause, instead ran to the Executive Branch to Attorney General Brnovich who immediately gave Maricopa a 30 day extension which pushed the due date after the 2020 audits conclusion leaving the audit incomplete.

Not one person in government nor one single attorney questioned why the Legislative branch ran to the Executive branch for a remedy.

Not one single person in the State of Arizona, that I've heard, questioned the incomplete audit.

Arizona retire every single one of your State Senators if you want to fix your State election Laws.

Wendy Rogers and Brnovich have some explaining to do as soon as Trump returns.
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And here is,

why the Trump campaign was denied to forensically examine the Dominion voting machines in the Nov 3, 2020 election,

“Two Clark County technical employees came forward completely independent of each other and explained that they discovered that the number of votes recorded by Dominion voting machines stored on USB drives would change between the time the polls were closed at night and when they were reopened the next morning.”

“We have video tape of Jackie Amos inserting thumb drives into machines”

“I personally observed USB cards uploaded to machines 24 times, as of today 47 USB cards are missing and no where to be found”

In a new 9th Circuit filing tonight, four State GOPs (GA, NM, DE, and KS) along with Maricopa GOP submitted amicus briefs in support of a bombshell finding of a fraud on the court by Katie Hobbs, Adrian Fontes, AZSOS, and Maricopa Elections. Defendants defrauded the Courts; the Circuit Courts of Appeal is the proper venue to correct the fraud.

Compelling new evidence that upends the 9th Circuit opinion in the underlying Kari Lake Mark Finchem case found that Hobbs, Fontes, AZSOS and Maricopa lied to the Courts about:

A. Use of Certified Machines - AZ used illegal voting computer software that was altered and not approved by the US Elections Commission, lied about it.

B. Logic & Accuracy Testing – AZ lied to the Courts about testing the voting computers and never tested any of the 449 voting computers used by AZ, instead only testing four spares not used.

Although caught in the fraud and avoiding responses so far, Defendants are now obligated to respond to the 9th Circuit.

Thank you for calling out this serious fraud:
@degop @GaRepublicans @KansasGOP @NewMexicoGOP @MaricopaGOP