"Rachel now says her experience is “LEADING a RICO lawsuit against” Maricopa County. During her disciplinary trial before the AZ Supreme Court she allegedly claimed she was inexperienced and taking direction from actual experienced lawyers. The SCt found her lack of legal knowledge and experience, despite being a more than 10 year lawyer, was a mitigating factor that resulted in a six month suspension rather than disbarment. Funny how Rachel changes the facts to suit herself."
The reason Arizona is the biggest hotbed of political friction is because there are so many Republicans here - many like me who deliberately moved here because it was a red state - who are furious that our last two elections were clearly cheated and stolen. Tons and tons of angry frustrated patriots. We've had a 4% voter registration edge over Democrats in both the state AND MaRICOpa County for several years now, and wait till you see how much that has increased! My article should be out tonight or tomorrow.
It's not fraud, it's the candidates dumb one.