AZ Voter Fraud Smoking Gun

It's much worse than this. There are actually NINE voter fraud cases in AZ.

Six felons allegedly managed to vote while in the Pima County jail, and three women are accused of returning their recently deceased mothers’ early ballots.

Nine cases of election fraud. Out of 3.4 million votes cast.

Actual voter fraud is real, detectable, and minimal.

2000 Mules. I’m looking forward to it. No chance you will watch it
2000 Mules. I’m looking forward to it. No chance you will watch it

Ah, yes. 2000 mules. The one that was made in connection with the organization 'True the Vote'.

The same organization whose leader/founder recently said this in court (a.k.a. that place where there are actual consequences for lying to a judge):

I want to make very clear that we’re not suggesting that the ballots that were cast were illegal ballots,” True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht said.