Bezos - We Must Respect Personal Liberties and Free Markets - Fires Wash Post Editor


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Aug 18, 2002
America is winning. We are seeing the fruits of our shitposting.

Personal liberties and free markets the things that matter to Maga most. Front and center. It feels so damn good.

I shared this note with the Washington Post team this morning:

I’m writing to let you know about a change coming to our opinion pages.

We are going to be writing every day in support and defense of two pillars: personal liberties and free markets. We’ll cover other topics too of course, but viewpoints opposing those pillars will be left to be published by others.

There was a time when a newspaper, especially one that was a local monopoly, might have seen it as a service to bring to the reader’s doorstep every morning a broad-based opinion section that sought to cover all views. Today, the internet does that job.

I am of America and for America, and proud to be so. Our country did not get here by being typical. And a big part of America’s success has been freedom in the economic realm and everywhere else. Freedom is ethical — it minimizes coercion — and practical — it drives creativity, invention, and prosperity.

I offered David Shipley, whom I greatly admire, the opportunity to lead this new chapter. I suggested to him that if the answer wasn’t “hell yes,” then it had to be “no.” After careful consideration, David decided to step away. This is a significant shift, it won’t be easy, and it will require 100% commitment — I respect his decision. We’ll be searching for a new Opinion Editor to own this new direction.

I’m confident that free markets and personal liberties are right for America. I also believe these viewpoints are underserved in the current market of ideas and news opinion. I’m excited for us together to fill that void.

LOL, dude was willing to sacrifice readership to make sure he didn't lose his Blue Origin contracts. This is despicable censorship for the sake of one orange sociopath with tender fee fees. What a tragedy for an institution like the Post to bow to a dictator.
Damn you went conspiracy on us. Welcome to the club.
Damn you went conspiracy on us. Welcome to the club.
It's not a conspiracy and you know it. You don't shut down the opinion page of an iconic brand like the Post unless you're afraid of something - and we all know what that something is. The free press is under assault by this dictator whether you acknowledge it or not.
LOL, dude was willing to sacrifice readership to make sure he didn't lose his Blue Origin contracts. This is despicable censorship for the sake of one orange sociopath with tender fee fees. What a tragedy for an institution like the Post to bow to a dictator.
Funny how all the hard working successful people are on the opposite side of libs.
I don't know how this makes sense or pertains to the subject but thanks for the made up narrative.

Hard working Americans making money honestly

Left Liberal Democrats enriching themselves by stealing federal money by waste fraud abuse

That is why they squeal so hard at cutting back government
Hard working Americans making money honestly

Left Liberal Democrats enriching themselves by stealing federal money by waste fraud abuse

That is why they squeal so hard at cutting back government
WTF does this have to do with the opinion page of the Washington Post?

Nothing makes sense to you, and everyone but you knows why.
That was stupid af. In a thread about Bezos censoring the opinion page of his own newspaper, Cocks decides it's about me mocking successful people on the other side and your DA jumps into support it, because you're always at your bravest when you can gang up. If you want to post in this thread, educate yourself on the actual subject, not some weird narrative Cocks pulled out of his ass.
That was stupid af. In a thread about Bezos censoring the opinion page of his own newspaper, Cocks decides it's about me mocking successful people on the other side and your DA jumps into support it, because you're always at your bravest when you can gang up. If you want to post in this thread, educate yourself on the actual subject, not some weird narrative Cocks pulled out of his ass.
That was stupid af. In a thread about Bezos censoring the opinion page of his own newspaper, Cocks decides it's about me mocking successful people on the other side and your DA jumps into support it, because you're always at your bravest when you can gang up. If you want to post in this thread, educate yourself on the actual subject, not some weird narrative Cocks pulled out of his ass.
Do you ever ponder that you’re wrong about most everything?

When so many successful people completely disagree with your views, does it make you wonder?

Is pride that strong/important to you?
Do you ever ponder that you’re wrong about most everything?

When so many successful people completely disagree with your views, does it make you wonder?

Is pride that strong/important to you?
LOFL, your brain is fried dude, fried!

Please do me a favor and stop focusing on me and address the damn post sometimes. This could have been an interesting thread about free speech and censorship until you decided to derail it with your imaginary narratives. This is a message board, do you understand what that is? If I'm wrong, you have to prove it, which you never do because you don't know how to because you don't live in a world of facts. Just calling me wrong means nothing at all - nothing.
That was stupid af. In a thread about Bezos censoring the opinion page of his own newspaper, Cocks decides it's about me mocking successful people on the other side and your DA jumps into support it, because you're always at your bravest when you can gang up. If you want to post in this thread, educate yourself on the actual subject, not some weird narrative Cocks pulled out of his ass.
Funny how you are dunce who only thinks 'your side' works. You want me to point out the lazy drug addicted trump supporters collecting welfare in the carolinas to you?
Go visit a trailerpark bro.
Your daily frustration shows. Personally, I can’t imagine going through life unsuccessful, blaming others for my lack of success, and never doing anything about it.

I’m sorry to see that’s your reality.
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Your daily frustration shows. Personally, I can’t imagine going through life unsuccessful, blaming others for my lack of success, and never doing anything about it.

I’m sorry to see that’s your reality.
It is sad hearing you make claims you can't back up and trying to denigrate others to escape your own shaky claims. Good luck to you.