Biden declares war on MAGA

Neither had anyone in Germany 1934. The war and genocide are always the LAST step. You do get that, right? They're openly talking about concentration camps and a total overhaul of the federal government. You have to be able to identify it on the FRONT end.

Y'all can parse the terms all you want, this is a fascist movement attempting to take over this country, and if they succeed, the word maga will go on to overshadow the word nazi on the grand scale of evil. Nazis, not Nazis, magas, it really doesn't matter at the end of the day what they're called, because whatever it is, it's steeped in fervent Nationalism that will send this country into a bloody mess.

They want to control everything about your life. They want to burn books. They adore their dear leader sent by God himself to save America. They want a white Christian nation, they just haven't told you yet that it's by any means necessary. That's just fascism with a fanatical religious bent, which is like fascism on steroids.

Had my son's 8 year old birthday party yesterday. Probably 25 families at the house. I would say that group would swing 80/20 for Trump.

I was amazed at the outright enthusiasm for fascism and calls for a white Christian nationalist country. Some even asked if we could burn books after the kids ate their snowcones. I mean, you really nailed it.

Kidding of course. Just a bunch of good-natured, successful families trying to raise their kids right. Literally zero support for the stuff you are describing.
Had my son's 8 year old birthday party yesterday. Probably 25 families at the house. I would say that group would swing 80/20 for Trump.

I was amazed at the outright enthusiasm for fascism and calls for a white Christian nationalist country. Some even asked if we could burn books after the kids ate their snowcones. I mean, you really nailed it.

Kidding of course. Just a bunch of good-natured, successful families trying to raise their kids right. Literally zero support for the stuff you are describing.
Had my son's 8 year old birthday party yesterday. Probably 25 families at the house. I would say that group would swing 80/20 for Trump.

I was amazed at the outright enthusiasm for fascism and calls for a white Christian nationalist country. Some even asked if we could burn books after the kids ate their snowcones. I mean, you really nailed it.

Kidding of course. Just a bunch of good-natured, successful families trying to raise their kids right. Literally zero support for the stuff you are describing.
Does it matter if they don't support it if that's what they'll get by voting for him?

Sounds like they're willing to turn a blind eye to authoritarianism in order to have lower tax bills.
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I don't think most normal people are expecting authoritarianism.

I think that's the issue. People don't believe that he is who he says he is.

People are always surprised when he does exactly what he said he would do because most people would never treat others like he does. A vote for Trump is a vote for all he says he will do.
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There is an absolutely fascinating docu-series on Netflix right know about Hitler’s inner circle and his rise to power. Hitler’s : Circle of Evil I believe it is called.

So much had to go so wrong for the Nazis to gain power and …. It happened.
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Then those normal people aren't paying attention to the Maga Clown and his agenda. It's far from normal.

I think that's the issue. People don't believe that he is who he says he is.

People are always surprised when he does exactly what he said he would do because most people would never treat others like he does. A vote for Trump is a vote for all he says he will do.

I'd say most people don't know anything about the stuff that has you guys worked up. Project 2025, fascism, authoritarianism, etc. I doubt I would know about it if I weren't on this board.

People already have a Trump presidency as a reference point. Things were pretty good until Covid. Why would most people assume round 2 would be much different?
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I'd say most people don't know anything about the stuff that has you guys worked up. Project 2025, fascism, authoritarianism, etc. I doubt I would know about it if I weren't on this board.

People already have a Trump presidency as a reference point. Things were pretty good until Covid. Why would most people assume round 2 would be much different?

Because he has literally said he would be different. He has said he would be a dictator on day one, he has said all sorts of crazy crap.
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I'd say most people don't know anything about the stuff that has you guys worked up. Project 2025, fascism, authoritarianism, etc. I doubt I would know about it if I weren't on this board.

People already have a Trump presidency as a reference point. Things were pretty good until Covid. Why would most people assume round 2 would be much different?
Because he spent 50% of his time during his first term campaigning for his second term - he literally never stopped. His last year and what he's done since were horrific and those have to count as well, especially since he won't be worrying about getting re-elected this time around. With Project 2025 all the wheels will be in motion for him to avoid the checks and balances that our system of government put in place to make sure a sociopath like him couldn't take over - those will no longer be in place. Huge difference - one that matters.
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I'd say most people don't know anything about the stuff that has you guys worked up. Project 2025, fascism, authoritarianism, etc. I doubt I would know about it if I weren't on this board.

People already have a Trump presidency as a reference point. Things were pretty good until Covid. Why would most people assume round 2 would be much different?
Your average voter being dipshits and not educating themselves on the policies of who they’re voting for beyond “R v D” is exactly how we end up in situations with idiots in office.

Thankfully, some people are paying attention, especially wealthy traditional R voters, but who knows what’s going to happen in November.
Democrats just fear mongering....
Sure man, did you listen to the interview above? That's the President of the Heritage Foundation, the architect of the plan telling you what they're going to do. Between that and Trump’s own words, would you like to explain to the board how that's fear-mongering?
Your average voter being dipshits and not educating themselves on the policies of who they’re voting for beyond “R v D” is exactly how we end up in situations with idiots in office.

Thankfully, some people are paying attention, especially wealthy traditional R voters, but who knows what’s going to happen in November.

Yea I haven’t found myself agreeing with his policies either. That’s one reason why I didn’t vote for him in the primary and won’t in the general.

But most people aren’t associating a Trump vote with the resurgence of Nazism like some on here seem to be suggesting. Inflation and a lack of stability? Sure, absolutely possible. The fourth reich? Lol.
Yea I haven’t found myself agreeing with his policies either. That’s one reason why I didn’t vote for him in the primary and won’t in the general.

But most people aren’t associating a Trump vote with the resurgence of Nazism like some on here seem to be suggesting. Inflation and a lack of stability? Sure, absolutely possible. The fourth reich? Lol.
Did you listen to the interview with the President of the Heritage Foundation above? Thoughts?
Did you listen to the interview with the President of the Heritage Foundation above? Thoughts?
Just like you guys say with reference to hunter this guy running for potus? Trump runs his own show unlike China joe.
Just like you guys say with reference to hunter this guy running for potus? Trump runs his own show unlike China joe.
He, the RNC and Stephen Miller's org are aligned with the Project 2025 agenda and you know it. The RNC has actively been interviewing prospective loyalists and one of their litmus test questions is asking if they believe the 2020 election was fraudulent. That's fvcking insane. Kevin Roberts also said in his interview that the election was fraudulent.

Mr. President, you've talked a lot about your plan to obliterate the deep state. What exactly does that mean?

Trump: It means we want to get rid of bad people, people that have not done a good job in government. And we look at people like a company would look at people. You know, when you buy a company, you go in and you look at, how do you like the job? Job performance. They have job performance standards. And yeah, we would like to get rid of people that haven't done a good job. And there are plenty of them.

How do you plan to do that? Your team is preparing to give you the power through Schedule F, which would allow you to fire civil servants.

Trump: We’re looking at a lot of different things. Civil service is both very good and very bad. You have some people that are protected that shouldn’t be protected. And you have some people you almost want to protect because they do such a good job. I know a lot of people that are in civil service and they’re outstanding people.

Would you hire anyone who believes Joe Biden won the 2020 election?

Trump: I have no doubt that what we said was fact. The press, the fake news media, doesn't want to talk about it. You know, I have a lawsuit against the Pulitzer Foundation over the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax, because they talked about it for two and a half years and it turned out to be a total scam. And then certain writers got Nobel Prizes—

The RNC is holding litmus tests on employees, asking if they believe the election was stolen or not. Would you do the same? [Editor's Note: While the RNC is reportedly asking job applicants this question, it has denied it is a litmus test for employment.]

Trump: I wouldn’t feel good about it, because I think anybody that doesn't see that that election was stolen. It just—you look at the proof. It's so vast, state legislatures where they didn't go through the legislature. They had to go through the legislature. You look at it, it’s so vast, all of the different things. I could give you report after report on state after state of all of the fraud that was committed in the election, and if you had a really open mind, you would say I was right.

"Policy groups are creating a government-in-waiting full of true believers. The Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 has drawn up plans for legislation and Executive Orders as it trains prospective personnel for a second Trump term. The Center for Renewing America, led by Russell Vought, Trump’s former director of the Office of Management and Budget, is dedicated to disempowering the so-called administrative state, the collection of bureaucrats with the power to control everything from drug-safety determinations to the contents of school lunches. The America First Policy Institute is a research haven of pro-Trump right-wing populists. America First Legal, led by Trump’s immigration adviser Stephen Miller, is mounting court battles against the Biden Administration.

The goal of these groups is to put Trump’s vision into action on day one. “The President never had a policy process that was designed to give him what he actually wanted and campaigned on,” says Vought. “[We are] sorting through the legal authorities, the mechanics, and providing the momentum for a future Administration.” That includes a litany of boundary-pushing right-wing policies, including slashing Department of Justice funding and cutting climate and environmental regulations"
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He, the RNC and Stephen Miller's org are aligned with the Project 2025 agenda and you know it. The RNC has actively been interviewing prospective loyalists and one of their litmus test questions is asking if they believe the 2020 election was fraudulent. That's fvcking insane. Kevin Roberts also said in his interview that the election was fraudulent.

Mr. President, you've talked a lot about your plan to obliterate the deep state. What exactly does that mean?

Trump: It means we want to get rid of bad people, people that have not done a good job in government. And we look at people like a company would look at people. You know, when you buy a company, you go in and you look at, how do you like the job? Job performance. They have job performance standards. And yeah, we would like to get rid of people that haven't done a good job. And there are plenty of them.

How do you plan to do that? Your team is preparing to give you the power through Schedule F, which would allow you to fire civil servants.

Trump: We’re looking at a lot of different things. Civil service is both very good and very bad. You have some people that are protected that shouldn’t be protected. And you have some people you almost want to protect because they do such a good job. I know a lot of people that are in civil service and they’re outstanding people.

Would you hire anyone who believes Joe Biden won the 2020 election?

Trump: I have no doubt that what we said was fact. The press, the fake news media, doesn't want to talk about it. You know, I have a lawsuit against the Pulitzer Foundation over the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax, because they talked about it for two and a half years and it turned out to be a total scam. And then certain writers got Nobel Prizes—

The RNC is holding litmus tests on employees, asking if they believe the election was stolen or not. Would you do the same? [Editor's Note: While the RNC is reportedly asking job applicants this question, it has denied it is a litmus test for employment.]

Trump: I wouldn’t feel good about it, because I think anybody that doesn't see that that election was stolen. It just—you look at the proof. It's so vast, state legislatures where they didn't go through the legislature. They had to go through the legislature. You look at it, it’s so vast, all of the different things. I could give you report after report on state after state of all of the fraud that was committed in the election, and if you had a really open mind, you would say I was right.

"Policy groups are creating a government-in-waiting full of true believers. The Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 has drawn up plans for legislation and Executive Orders as it trains prospective personnel for a second Trump term. The Center for Renewing America, led by Russell Vought, Trump’s former director of the Office of Management and Budget, is dedicated to disempowering the so-called administrative state, the collection of bureaucrats with the power to control everything from drug-safety determinations to the contents of school lunches. The America First Policy Institute is a research haven of pro-Trump right-wing populists. America First Legal, led by Trump’s immigration adviser Stephen Miller, is mounting court battles against the Biden Administration.

The goal of these groups is to put Trump’s vision into action on day one. “The President never had a policy process that was designed to give him what he actually wanted and campaigned on,” says Vought. “[We are] sorting through the legal authorities, the mechanics, and providing the momentum for a future Administration.” That includes a litany of boundary-pushing right-wing policies, including slashing Department of Justice funding and cutting climate and environmental regulations"
Dpic triggered!!
I don't think most normal people are expecting authoritarianism.
Then they aren’t paying attention. Hopefully the debates/conventions and increased coverage of Trump’s talking points as we get closer to the election will allow voters who aren’t as engaged to see the threat Trump presents if re-elected.

I’m not saying authoritarianism will happen, I’m saying that there will be more pressure on our rule of law and basic liberties than there has been in some time, maybe ever, and there is an intentional and concerted plan in place to weaken the institutions that we trust to hold up to that pressure. A second Trump Presidency is such a significant risk that it’s worth 4 more years of Biden, especially considering that America under Biden has been far from the hellscape fox news portrays.

Its alarming just how much the last 8 years of this Trump movement have normalized absolutely bat shit insane politics that just a decade ago would have been anathema to most Americans.
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Then they aren’t paying attention. Hopefully the debates/conventions and increased coverage of Trump’s talking points as we get closer to the election will allow voters who aren’t as engaged to see the threat Trump presents if re-elected.

I’m not saying authoritarianism will happen, I’m saying that there will be more pressure on our rule of law and basic liberties than there has been in some time, maybe ever, and there is an intentional and concerted plan in place to weaken the institutions that we trust to hold up to that pressure. A second Trump Presidency is such a significant risk that it’s worth 4 more years of Biden, especially considering that America under Biden has been far from the hellscape fox news portrays.

Its alarming just how much the last 8 years of this Trump movement have normalized absolutely bat shit insane politics that just a decade ago would have been anathema to most Americans.
Projection from the communist left bro and you apparently have fell for it and I find it shocking honestly. Mass formation psychosis is a term that comes to mind.