Biden out

Like most, not surprised at this, but surprised at the timing. My understanding is that if he would have been the official nominee, then bowed out, the replacement could use his war chest. Now Democrats have to figure out how to gracefully talk Kamala out of running.
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Honestly, no matter where you lie politically, this seems like the right answer for a man who can retire, take some naps, and go fishing with his grandkids (see Mike Pence during the RNC).
Sure. Except it’s only happening because he’s getting demolished in the polls. No righteousness here. Just last ditch efforts to win this election.
I'm sure this thread will die a quick death, but I will say I respect anyone who holds the office as the Commander in Chief. I don't have to agree with their policy, but I can still respect the person as the President. The two lines of thought are completely independent to me. That said, I wish President Biden the best and hope he can finish his duties through January in good health and with the strength and stability our country needs and deserves.
This decision should have been made long ago. Hell, he should have been replaced before he was ever even the POTUS. It’s sad to watch the decline.

How many POTUS couldn’t answer direct questions and how many required reporters to submit questions prior to any press conferences?

Regardless of party, it’s sad that the leader of our country is not cognitively able to lead. This creates a mess for the Democratic Party which really doesn’t make me sad but this is something that should have happened long before today
Sure. Except it’s only happening because he’s getting demolished in the polls. No righteousness here. Just last ditch efforts to win this election.
Made no comment about why he did it, and definitely not defending his political campaign/tenure, simply saying it’s good to see an old man just go be an old man. From a far it just makes sense.
Ego maniac/Narcissist vs an Dementia patient now a Ho'.

This Country remains screwed for at least 4 more years.
Democrats should look at Jeff Jackson from Charlotte.

He’s a great guy and well respected.
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Like most, not surprised at this, but surprised at the timing. My understanding is that if he would have been the official nominee, then bowed out, the replacement could use his war chest. Now Democrats have to figure out how to gracefully talk Kamala out of running.
Then they lose the war chest. They can keep the war chest as long as Kamala stays on the ticket. At least that’s my understanding. Otherwise the money has to be sent back to the donors and re-donated.
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This decision should have been made long ago. Hell, he should have been replaced before he was ever even the POTUS. It’s sad to watch the decline.

How many POTUS couldn’t answer direct questions and how many required reporters to submit questions prior to any press conferences?

Regardless of party, it’s sad that the leader of our country is not cognitively able to lead. This creates a mess for the Democratic Party which really doesn’t make me sad but this is something that should have happened long before today

Yeah, I feel sorry for him and how he's been treated by his so called supporters. And don't get me started on his wife. That lady should be ashamed for sending the man she supposedly loves out in public to look like a fool. Just feels cruel to me, but then, I"m not in politics and don't get how it rly works.

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