Biden out

But you sold that on a pack of lies and now the people see it. The debate exposed the party for the world to see.

Donald Trump is not some evil monster. He took a bullet for democracy. He doesn't have to run, he is running because he loves the country.

The notion that he is evil, that he is a threat to democracy, the comparisons to hitler, were all irrational. The same people that told you that, are the same people who told you Joe Biden was "sharp as a tack".

And now the world knows it.
The VP that Trump has chosen compared Trump to Hitler.
I'd enjoy lower taxes, affordable groceries, a safe border, meritocracy, and the return to morality. But hey, i guess that's the country that you don't want. that's clear.


Republicans good. Democrats evil.

::Grunt grunt knuckle drag::
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As I recall, Harris did terribly in the 2020 Democratic primary. Mainly because (IMO) she is seen as FAR left.

To me, it’s kinda like Major League Baseball.

In MLB, they say you’re gonna win 60 games and you’re gonna lose 60. It’s what you do with the other 44 that define your season.

The middle 44 are the voters that are close to the middle. The moderates. Can Harris pull enough of them from Trump? Can Trump pull enough?

The D beside Harris’ name will get her a certain number of votes (like the 60 games you’re gonna win). It will also lose her a certain number. What about the middle 44? Do they vote Trump? Harris? Stay home?

I struggle to see Harris pulling any significant number of moderates. But I guess we’ll see what we see.
As I recall, Harris did terribly in the 2020 Democratic primary. Mainly because (IMO) she is seen as FAR left.

To me, it’s kinda like Major League Baseball.

In MLB, they say you’re gonna win 60 games and you’re gonna lose 60. It’s what you do with the other 44 that define your season.

The middle 44 are the voters that are close to the middle. The moderates. Can Harris pull enough of them from Trump? Can Trump pull enough?

The D beside Harris’ name will get her a certain number of votes (like the 60 games you’re gonna win). It will also lose her a certain number. What about the middle 44? Do they vote Trump? Harris? Stay home?

I struggle to see Harris pulling any significant number of moderates. But I guess we’ll see what we see.

Yea. She’s definitely left of Biden. Biden was the sensible, moderate pick in 2020. Logic dictates Harris will govern to the left of him, possibly far to the left of him. That should concern moderates.
And he has openly admitted he doesn't feel that way anymore and was wrong for saying it. But I guess people aren't allowed to change how they feel about a topic. Once you say something, its how you must feel forever.
Perfectly fine to change how you feel if it boosts your own self interests right?