And I don't understand how so many have their heads in the sand around many of the issues in our country that cannot, will not be solved by cutting taxes and cutting spending.It’s hard for me to imagine taking money from the government or asking other people to pay for government programs that I want. Call it self-respect or whatever. I’m kinda shocked there are Clemson fans ITT who are totally okay asking others to pay for things they want.
There is an epidemic of drug addiction in this country that is a sickness that must be dealt with. There is an epidemic of over incarceration in this country that must be dealt with and there are children and the elderly that are in poverty. Of course medical bills are far too expensive and needs remediation. The government should, with obvious over sight, be allowed to research these problems and do the best to solve them. Educating the public about these things and discussing them and enacting policies to resolve these issues is very important.
I feel like we are stuck right now because market shaping disruptions are coming from technology. We are going to lose transportation jobs by the millions in a few years. We are going towards a post scarcity society, and it just seems like American society especially on the right has NO INTEREST in studying our society and improving it, or preparing it for what's coming. Just an I've got mine go fvck yourself attitude. The right wing media has demonized 'socialism' (whatever that means anymore) and also attacked science and journalism. The affect is that now people dismiss science, journalism and whatever else if it doesn't click with their pampered world view.
The republican party has one trick: Deregulation and cutting taxes. These policies happily enrich corporate citizens who never die and live forever, hoarding their wealth. Screw all that.