Biden's wide lead in post-debate polls leaves Republicans panicking


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Oct 5, 2004
Decatur, GA
Thankfully Trumpers have nothing to fear since all polls that are unfavorable to Donald are deemed fake news. He - and down-ballot Republicans - should win in a landslide, right?

Dude... God knows I want Trump to lose this election. But I remember in 2016 he was behind in all the poles too. You are going to hear NOTHING out of me until Biden is actually IN the WH on Jan 20th 2021. Even if he loses, you KNOW that Trump is going to contest the election. If there's NO EVIDENCE of fraud, he'll make it up. And every Trumpian will absolutely believe it.

I'm honestly scared for our country right now. We have the oldest government on Earth. One of the PILLARS of that stability is the peaceful transfer of power from one government to another. Dem to Republican and vice versa. And pretty much every President and candidate we've had in the past 250 years or so has tipped his hat to the winner and accepted defeat. Can anyone see Trump doing that? One of the primary differences between the US and a lot of countries is that the loser of elections, simply goes home and carries on. In scary places, the losers take their guns and head for the hills or start causing unrest. Trump doesn't do things "for the good of the country" he does things "for the good of Trump" and if the US benefits from that... OK... if not, Trump is OK with that too.
Dude... God knows I want Trump to lose this election. But I remember in 2016 he was behind in all the poles too. You are going to hear NOTHING out of me until Biden is actually IN the WH on Jan 20th 2021. Even if he loses, you KNOW that Trump is going to contest the election. If there's NO EVIDENCE of fraud, he'll make it up. And every Trumpian will absolutely believe it.

I'm honestly scared for our country right now. We have the oldest government on Earth. One of the PILLARS of that stability is the peaceful transfer of power from one government to another. Dem to Republican and vice versa. And pretty much every President and candidate we've had in the past 250 years or so has tipped his hat to the winner and accepted defeat. Can anyone see Trump doing that? One of the primary differences between the US and a lot of countries is that the loser of elections, simply goes home and carries on. In scary places, the losers take their guns and head for the hills or start causing unrest. Trump doesn't do things "for the good of the country" he does things "for the good of Trump" and if the US benefits from that... OK... if not, Trump is OK with that too.

I'm not taking anything for granted until - God willing - Jan. Trump is going to do everything in his power to cling to office. He's been laying the groundwork for that for well over a year. We just have to hope that the people turn out in force to defeat him soundly.

And my point above was to the numerous people - on TI and within my personal life - who are claiming that they expect him to win in a landslide. If he doesn't, it has to be due to some unproven widespread voter fraud. It can't possibly be because, as the numbers show, Americans are just tired of this nonsense and over his shit.
Dude... God knows I want Trump to lose this election. But I remember in 2016 he was behind in all the poles too. You are going to hear NOTHING out of me until Biden is actually IN the WH on Jan 20th 2021. Even if he loses, you KNOW that Trump is going to contest the election. If there's NO EVIDENCE of fraud, he'll make it up. And every Trumpian will absolutely believe it.

I'm honestly scared for our country right now. We have the oldest government on Earth. One of the PILLARS of that stability is the peaceful transfer of power from one government to another. Dem to Republican and vice versa. And pretty much every President and candidate we've had in the past 250 years or so has tipped his hat to the winner and accepted defeat. Can anyone see Trump doing that? One of the primary differences between the US and a lot of countries is that the loser of elections, simply goes home and carries on. In scary places, the losers take their guns and head for the hills or start causing unrest. Trump doesn't do things "for the good of the country" he does things "for the good of Trump" and if the US benefits from that... OK... if not, Trump is OK with that too.
The peaceful transition was killed 4 years ago when there was a bogus investigation put in place by Hillary and agreed upon by Obama and then Hillary goes around the world challenging the results and still is. Hillary has already told Biden not to concede the election, because they know they can "find" the right amount of votes.

If trump is beat he will leave. But if the results come in with questionable events, like Trump is ahead on election night, then all of the sudden Biden inches closer and closer each passing day after. etc. This will be the worst situation for our election. Because even if it is legitimate, no one will believe it, on either side.
The peaceful transition was killed 4 years ago when there was a bogus investigation put in place by Hillary and agreed upon by Obama and then Hillary goes around the world challenging the results and still is. Hillary has already told Biden not to concede the election, because they know they can "find" the right amount of votes.

If trump is beat he will leave. But if the results come in with questionable events, like Trump is ahead on election night, then all of the sudden Biden inches closer and closer each passing day after. etc. This will be the worst situation for our election. Because even if it is legitimate, no one will believe it, on either side.

A) Both sides should be pushing the reality of the situation. And that is that there is going to be much more absentee voting this year due to a pandemic, and we should all be prepared to wait patiently while the votes are counted. Especially in states where the law prohibits them from even opening absentee ballots until election day. But that would spoil Trump's plan to prematurely declare victory and claim - without any evidence - that any subsequent ballots must be fraudulent. So we sit here while we watch the confidence in one of the pillars of American life erode before our eyes.

B) If Biden can win Florida - or Texas - on election night, all of this is moot and he will be the next President.
Biden is not winning Texas lol

Correct. It would take something beyond a miracle. Which is why I only included it as an aside.

My point was about how the election could easily be wrapped-up on 11/3 if one of two states go for Biden. Otherwise we are in for a hellish fight that will weaken our country.
Correct. It would take something beyond a miracle. Which is why I only included it as an aside.

My point was about how the election could easily be wrapped-up on 11/3 if one of two states go for Biden. Otherwise we are in for a hellish fight that will weaken our country.

It needs to be a landslide one way or the other since trust between both parties is at an all time low.
The peaceful transition was killed 4 years ago when there was a bogus investigation put in place by Hillary and agreed upon by Obama and then Hillary goes around the world challenging the results and still is. Hillary has already told Biden not to concede the election, because they know they can "find" the right amount of votes.

If trump is beat he will leave. But if the results come in with questionable events, like Trump is ahead on election night, then all of the sudden Biden inches closer and closer each passing day after. etc. This will be the worst situation for our election. Because even if it is legitimate, no one will believe it, on either side.

What you said in your second paragraph is what is going to happen. Trump will appear ahead on election night and will declare victory. It will take more time to count the mail in ballots that will likely favor Biden (for example, by law the swing state of PA will not even start counting mail in votes until the last vote has been cast). Biden will ultimately win (convincingly). Trump will then either 1) sue for fraud without evidence and request the mail in ballots be tossed out in the states he lost or 2) he sing an executive order to have "electors" chosen by him in each state to decide the election. If we get scenario 2, well then we will have witnessed the end of our democracy.
Dude... God knows I want Trump to lose this election. But I remember in 2016 he was behind in all the poles too. You are going to hear NOTHING out of me until Biden is actually IN the WH on Jan 20th 2021. Even if he loses, you KNOW that Trump is going to contest the election. If there's NO EVIDENCE of fraud, he'll make it up. And every Trumpian will absolutely believe it.

I'm honestly scared for our country right now. We have the oldest government on Earth. One of the PILLARS of that stability is the peaceful transfer of power from one government to another. Dem to Republican and vice versa. And pretty much every President and candidate we've had in the past 250 years or so has tipped his hat to the winner and accepted defeat. Can anyone see Trump doing that? One of the primary differences between the US and a lot of countries is that the loser of elections, simply goes home and carries on. In scary places, the losers take their guns and head for the hills or start causing unrest. Trump doesn't do things "for the good of the country" he does things "for the good of Trump" and if the US benefits from that... OK... if not, Trump is OK with that too.

I hear you on the polls.. but Clinton was ahead of trump but within the margin of error. Biden is way ahead of where she was. Plus, the pollers tried to improve the polls by including more uneducated whites. Is it possible that those people are telling pollsters that they are voting for Biden to "own the libs"? Sure, but I don't think that would swing the polls that much.
I hear you on the polls.. but Clinton was ahead of trump but within the margin of error. Biden is way ahead of where she was. Plus, the pollers tried to improve the polls by including more uneducated whites. Is it possible that those people are telling pollsters that they are voting for Biden to "own the libs"? Sure, but I don't think that would swing the polls that much.
Maybe so... I certainly hope so. But again, I'm not saying crap until it's over. More than anything else, I'd like a President in charge that I don't have to wake up every morning wondering what the hell he's going to do today. I just want someone in the office working for the country and not worrying about ratings, social media, or FoxNews/CNN.
What you said in your second paragraph is what is going to happen. Trump will appear ahead on election night and will declare victory. It will take more time to count the mail in ballots that will likely favor Biden (for example, by law the swing state of PA will not even start counting mail in votes until the last vote has been cast). Biden will ultimately win (convincingly). Trump will then either 1) sue for fraud without evidence and request the mail in ballots be tossed out in the states he lost or 2) he sing an executive order to have "electors" chosen by him in each state to decide the election. If we get scenario 2, well then we will have witnessed the end of our democracy.

And Trump supporters will cheer if that part happens. The country doesn't matter, our democracy doesn't matter... DONALD TRUMP and what he says and does matters. It's been that way for four years.
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It needs to be a landslide one way or the other since trust between both parties is at an all time low.

This is true for sure. I guess I'm as bad as anyone else. I DO NOT trust Trump to do the right thing. I think Trump will do and say ANYTHING to win. And I think his supporters will follow him just as they've done for the last four years and damn what's good for the country. On the other hand, I do think that if Biden gets beat and it's obvious, he will tip his hat and stand down. So I guess that I'm one of those people too.
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This is true for sure. I guess I'm as bad as anyone else. I DO NOT trust Trump to do the right thing. I think Trump will do and say ANYTHING to win. And I think his supporters will follow him just as they've done for the last four years and damn what's good for the country. On the other hand, I do think that if Biden gets beat and it's obvious, he will tip his hat and stand down. So I guess that I'm one of those people too.

If Biden gets beat handily he should tip his hat and stand down. If Trump gets beat handily he should also tip his hat and stand down. I just don’t think anyone at all trusts that it will be a fair election.
I don't like Trump but I want him to win. Biden will be a disaster for this country. He's a profoundly dishonest, unintelligent, racist person in serious cognitive decline. That being said, Trump's hopes are fading real fast. He's so mismanaged things and he's such an egotistical blowhard that he's allowed this election to be all about him instead of making it about what a completely empty windbag Joe Biden is. One day they'll write books about how Trump's maniacal egotistical nature allowed him to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. He's completely missed what America needs in this time and that's a shame. I hate voting for Option A. (Trump) I would never vote for Option B. (Biden) And for the life of me in a country of 330 million people I can't figure out why we don't have an option C! That these two are the best we can do truly suggests we are in the end times. Dumb and Dumber 2020!
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If Biden gets beat handily he should tip his hat and stand down. If Trump gets beat handily he should also tip his hat and stand down. I just don’t think anyone at all trusts that it will be a fair election.

And why is that? Trump. Period. Hell, his OWN FBI director said in front of the Senate Homeland Security committee a week or so ago: "Now, we have not seen, historically, any kind of coordinated national voter fraud effort in a major election, whether it's by mail or otherwise,"

Have some ballot boxes been stuffed locally? Of course. La and Chicago are prime examples of this.
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This is true for sure. I guess I'm as bad as anyone else. I DO NOT trust Trump to do the right thing. I think Trump will do and say ANYTHING to win. And I think his supporters will follow him just as they've done for the last four years and damn what's good for the country. On the other hand, I do think that if Biden gets beat and it's obvious, he will tip his hat and stand down. So I guess that I'm one of those people too.

Brother ... you could not be more wrong. All Trump had to do was run a disciplined campaign against a walking dead person and he'd win by double digits. He couldn't even do that. He doesn't know what to say to win! He's a self obsessed idiot!

At some point, I do hope reasonable people will stop being such ridiculous idiots and actually ask the questions about what's been so bad the last 3.5 years. The answer before Covid, nothing. Everything is better in almost every way. I just shows how many sheeple we have in our country. They go on what things feel like instead of what things are.
I don't like Trump but I want him to win. Biden will be a disaster for this country. He's a profoundly dishonest, unintelligent, racist person in serious cognitive decline.l That being said, Trump's hopes are fading real fast. He's so mismanaged things and he's such an egotistical blowhard that he's allowed this election to be all about him instead of making it about what a complete empty windbag Joe Biden is. One day they'll write books about how Trumps maniacal egotistical nature allowed him to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. He's completely missed what America needs in this time and that's a shame. I hate voting for Option A. (Trump) I would never vote for Option B. (Biden) And for the life of me in a country of 330 million people I can't figure out why we don't have an option C! That these two are the best we can do truly suggests we are in the end times. Dumb and Dumber 2020!

I'm down with this... Just flip Trump and Biden above. I don't like Biden either, but he's just better than Trump. Trump is a disaster and has been his whole time in office... Trump undermines and divides.
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I'm down with this... Just flip Trump and Biden above. I don't like Biden either, but he's just better than Trump. Trump is a disaster and has been his whole time in office... Trump undermines and divides.

You seem like a reasonable person so let me ask you something:

Who (now proven) orchestrated an underground effort to undermine the new administration before it started?

Remember the hashtag #resist from back in November 2016?

What are the policy decisions that have divided anyone? Please elaborate.

Did you realize this is the first president since Carter not to take us into war or conflict somewhere?

More of our troops are home in the US than at any time in the past.

Immigration and cages? How about the fact all that existed before Trump ever took office?

It just goes on and one. It's one falsehood after another.

Have you come to terms with the reality that you're going to vote for a guy who literally fabricated his past accomplishments and plagiarized his way to success? He used to be a laughing stock. It's hard to understand how he's regained credibility this way other than a completely false movement.

There's a very interesting documentary coming from a normally reliable liberal source in Namrata Singh Gujral. She started in one direction and ended up in another and it's so explosive that the people who helped her make it asked to have their names removed from the credits for fear of never working again. I hope people will watch it. Leftist policies are going to destroy this country. That are so bad and so illogical that it's hard to know where to start. So to you I say, hate Trump all you want. There's a lot to dislike. But for God's sake man, think that one is a disaster and the other isn't just flies in the face of any an all factual information available.

I don't like Trump but I want him to win. Biden will be a disaster for this country. He's a profoundly dishonest, unintelligent, racist person in serious cognitive decline. That being said, Trump's hopes are fading real fast. He's so mismanaged things and he's such an egotistical blowhard that he's allowed this election to be all about him instead of making it about what a completely empty windbag Joe Biden is. One day they'll write books about how Trump's maniacal egotistical nature allowed him to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. He's completely missed what America needs in this time and that's a shame. I hate voting for Option A. (Trump) I would never vote for Option B. (Biden) And for the life of me in a country of 330 million people I can't figure out why we don't have an option C! That these two are the best we can do truly suggests we are in the end times. Dumb and Dumber 2020!

Man, it just amazes me that you and I can see the world so differently. It must be the media we consume. I would just replace biden with trump in your first few sentences.

I agree that Trump has mismanaged his reelection. But to me it is equal to how he has mismanaged his presidency. A sitting president should be able to run on his record, not rely on attacking his challenger. But Trump has proven that he is more about distraction than results.

His campaign blew through almost a billion dollars before the last 60 days of the campaign. His campaign keeps his kids and their girlfriends on the payroll. Meanwhile Trump cannot make up his m
Brother ... you could not be more wrong. All Trump had to do was run a disciplined campaign against a walking dead person and he'd win by double digits. He couldn't even do that. He doesn't know what to say to win! He's a self obsessed idiot!

At some point, I do hope reasonable people will stop being such ridiculous idiots and actually ask the questions about what's been so bad the last 3.5 years. The answer before Covid, nothing. Everything is better in almost every way. I just shows how many sheeple we have in our country. They go on what things feel like instead of what things are.

What was so bad about the 8 years before Trump? My life was good then, it is good now, it will be good in December no matter who wins.

To say that everything is better in way since Trump took office is nuts man. Do you have eyes and ears?
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What was so bad about the 8 years before Trump? My life was good then, it is good now, it will be good in December no matter who wins.

To say that everything is better in way since Trump took office is nuts man. Do you have eyes and ears?

Instead of your usual. How about you state with specificity what isn't? Yes, I have eyes and ears but more importantly, I take the time to put those eyes and those ears in places where I can learn.
Man, it just amazes me that you and I can see the world so differently. It must be the media we consume. I would just replace biden with trump in your first few sentences.

I agree that Trump has mismanaged his reelection. But to me it is equal to how he has mismanaged his presidency. A sitting president should be able to run on his record, not rely on attacking his challenger. But Trump has proven that he is more about distraction than results.

His campaign blew through almost a billion dollars before the last 60 days of the campaign. His campaign keeps his kids and their girlfriends on the payroll. Meanwhile Trump cannot make up his m

If Trump ran on his record, this election would be over. His handling of Covid in actuality has been fine. His rhetoric and behavior have been disastrous. Trump just never shuts up and he's literally destroyed his re-election chances with his insatiable need to be the center of attention and his dear leader crap like he did yesterday. It's repulsive.

I don't consume any media. I research and read. Trusting the media is tantamount to a high crime these days. They don't share truth at all. Just out of context sound bytes and parsed material to forward a narrative.
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I'm down with this... Just flip Trump and Biden above. I don't like Biden either, but he's just better than Trump. Trump is a disaster and has been his whole time in office... Trump undermines and divides.
I get what you are saying, but aside from a few name calling of the leaders of the Democratic Party, I believe your view is widely based on the spin from the mainstream media and the twitter force of celebrities.

His record should speak for itself, if it was factually reported, then I really don't think there would be a competition. As well as if Biden's 47 year record and campaign flubs were factually reported this would not be close. Actually if that were the case, Biden would never have won the Dem ticket.

Keep in mind it all started initially because Hillary lost. Their beloved Clinton who was unsinkable, became their Titanic and no one could accept it.

And Biden may take the high road if he loses, but holy cow, we know the media and celebrities and other dems will fight tooth and nail no matter if it was a landslide.

Let us also not just assume every mail in ballot will be a Biden vote.
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I get what you are saying, but aside from a few name calling of the leaders of the Democratic Party, I believe your view is widely based on the spin from the mainstream media and the twitter force of celebrities.

His record should speak for itself, if it was factually reported, then I really don't think there would be a competition. As well as if Biden's 47 year record and campaign flubs were factually reported this would not be close. Actually if that were the case, Biden would never have won the Dem ticket.

Keep in mind it all started initially because Hillary lost. Their beloved Clinton who was unsinkable, became their Titanic and no one could accept it.

And Biden may take the high road if he loses, but holy cow, we know the media and celebrities and other dems will fight tooth and nail no matter if it was a landslide.

Let us also not just assume every mail in ballot will be a Biden vote.

Let us also not just assume every mail in ballot will be a Biden vote.

Of course not, that's why Trump is running ads encouraging mail in voting in traditionally red states while attacking mail voting nationally and specifically blue states.
Instead of your usual. How about you state with specificity what isn't? Yes, I have eyes and ears but more importantly, I take the time to put those eyes and those ears in places where I can learn.

Got it. You are calling people "sheeple" who don't agree with you that everything is better in this country since Trump took over. Then when asked to state what is better you deflect. I won't waste any more of my time, we're done here.
Got it. You are calling people "sheeple" who don't agree with you that everything is better in this country since Trump took over. Then when asked to state what is better you deflect. I won't waste any more of my time, we're done here.

No, I don't think that at all. I think there are a lot of reasons to vote against Donald Trump. I'm talking about people who don't recognize what's going on around them. Has nothing to do with Trump. Hell his ardent supporters are idol worshiping sheeple too. Just how it is when you open your eyes.

But that being said, I know you'll do anything to avoid substance and answering any questions I ask. Let's not pretend that's not what happened here. You are not one to wade into fact driven waters. Bless your heart for that man.
No, I don't think that at all. I think there are a lot of reasons to vote against Donald Trump. I'm talking about people who don't recognize what's going on around them. Has nothing to do with Trump. Hell his ardent supporters are idol worshiping sheeple too. Just how it is when you open your eyes.

But that being said, I know you'll do anything to avoid substance and answering any questions I ask. Let's not pretend that's not what happened here. You are not one to wade into fact driven waters. Bless your heart for that man.

You made the statement. You refused to back it with any information. Like I said waste of time, we are done here.
Wow, MSM has taken over this board. You liberals will do everything it takes to win the election. Shut down freedom of speech, burn down businesses, take away guns, fraudulent mail in votes, spy on the President, the list goes on and on, Laughable that NYtiger said that democracy is done if President Trump wins. Just remember that God is in control and always will be and I pray he sides with the Patriots. Best of luck to all of us Americans that love our country. Btw, you can censor the Q movement but it's not going away.
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Wow, MSM has taken over this board. You liberals will do everything it takes to win the election. Shut down freedom of speech, burn down businesses, take away guns, fraudulent mail in votes, spy on the President, the list goes on and on, Laughable that NYtiger said that democracy is done if President Trump wins. Just remember that God is in control and always will be and I pray he sides with the Patriots. Best of luck to all of us Americans that love our country. Btw, you can censor the Q movement but it's not going away.

Wow, MSM has taken over this board. You liberals will do everything it takes to win the election. Shut down freedom of speech, burn down businesses, take away guns, fraudulent mail in votes, spy on the President, the list goes on and on, Laughable that NYtiger said that democracy is done if President Trump wins. Just remember that God is in control and always will be and I pray he sides with the Patriots. Best of luck to all of us Americans that love our country. Btw, you can censor the Q movement but it's not going away.

I’m a Republican. Who took your guns?
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Wow, MSM has taken over this board. You liberals will do everything it takes to win the election. Shut down freedom of speech, burn down businesses, take away guns, fraudulent mail in votes, spy on the President, the list goes on and on, Laughable that NYtiger said that democracy is done if President Trump wins. Just remember that God is in control and always will be and I pray he sides with the Patriots. Best of luck to all of us Americans that love our country. Btw, you can censor the Q movement but it's not going away.

So if Trump loses, will you admit that Q was a stupid hoax and you were trolled? The entire concept that Donald Freaking Trump was gonna save kids from Sex trafficking is so mind boggling ridiculous. Do you know anything at all about Donald Trump's sexual history? He's hardly a bastion of decency.
So if Trump loses, will you admit that Q was a stupid hoax and you were trolled? The entire concept that Donald Freaking Trump was gonna save kids from Sex trafficking is so mind boggling ridiculous. Do you know anything at all about Donald Trump's sexual history? He's hardly a bastion of decency.
if trump can be get a cut of the cash on the sex trafficking, he will .. dude would prostitute his mother for twenty bucks
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Thankfully Trumpers have nothing to fear since all polls that are unfavorable to Donald are deemed fake news. He - and down-ballot Republicans - should win in a landslide, right?

Man, talk about a post debate bump. This may be a record.
Got it. You are calling people "sheeple" who don't agree with you that everything is better in this country since Trump took over. Then when asked to state what is better you deflect. I won't waste any more of my time, we're done here.

You’ll be officially TI done 11/4.
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Wow, MSM has taken over this board. You liberals will do everything it takes to win the election. Shut down freedom of speech, burn down businesses, take away guns, fraudulent mail in votes, spy on the President, the list goes on and on, Laughable that NYtiger said that democracy is done if President Trump wins. Just remember that God is in control and always will be and I pray he sides with the Patriots. Best of luck to all of us Americans that love our country. Btw, you can censor the Q movement but it's not going away.

Many folks just don’t get it. You sir... most certainly get it.
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So if Trump loses, will you admit that Q was a stupid hoax and you were trolled? The entire concept that Donald Freaking Trump was gonna save kids from Sex trafficking is so mind boggling ridiculous. Do you know anything at all about Donald Trump's sexual history? He's hardly a bastion of decency.

You might want to rethink and rephrase the above post. One thing has zero to do with the other thing... Smh
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