Guns are not going to be taken. If you really think somebody is going to come to your house to get your weapons you are not living in reality. That is extreme.
Didn’t say I believe it’ll happen, but in the lib utopia, absolutely it would.
Guns are not going to be taken. If you really think somebody is going to come to your house to get your weapons you are not living in reality. That is extreme.
So if Trump loses, will you admit that Q was a stupid hoax and you were trolled? The entire concept that Donald Freaking Trump was gonna save kids from Sex trafficking is so mind boggling ridiculous. Do you know anything at all about Donald Trump's sexual history? He's hardly a bastion of decency.
If Trump ran on his record, this election would be over. His handling of Covid in actuality has been fine. His rhetoric and behavior have been disastrous. Trump just never shuts up and he's literally destroyed his re-election chances with his insatiable need to be the center of attention and his dear leader crap like he did yesterday. It's repulsive.
I don't consume any media. I research and read. Trusting the media is tantamount to a high crime these days. They don't share truth at all. Just out of context sound bytes and parsed material to forward a narrative.
Biden knowing is already out. That is just not newsworthy for those media outlets that it goes against their agenda. Remember, it was Biden's idea to trap Flynn.Totally agree with this. I look at every news outlet, pull data and formulate my own opinions based on what I see and what I can identify as an actual fact.
If Trump loses this election it's because he beat himself. The media and celebrity contingent have done their best to influence this election and yet Biden still doesn't have it locked up.
Btw - how long before it comes out that Biden knew about Hilary and Russia? I guess for the left, it doesn't matter that your tax dollars went towards a fake collusion effort that cost millions and took critical resources away from the FBI and CIA but Trump and Republicans are the corrupt ones
I'm not even trying to troll but the responses are what I expected. Thank you Cocks are Number 1...feel sorry for the others. God is in control. Always
I do, a lot more than you you do apparently.
Wow. Please share.
All I know is that he pays hush money to porn stars, and sends well-wishes to an alleged sex trafficker (who he talks of knowing personally).
You’re reaching.
Those are undisputed facts. Try to prove them false. Try.
He also says of women that he can "move on them like a bitch" and "grab 'em by the pussy."
More facts.
You’re forgetting the definition of “fact”.
Btw - how long before it comes out that Biden knew about Hilary and Russia? I guess for the left, it doesn't matter that your tax dollars went towards a fake collusion effort that cost millions and took critical resources away from the FBI and CIA but Trump and Republicans are the corrupt ones
In about a month these Trump/Qanon losers will be saying God has been compromised by George Soros and is now part of the NWO.
No, I'm not. Which thing that I listed isn't a fact? Do tell.
I can, have, and will quote the President's own words from the Access Hollywood tape, and his well-wishes (and subsequent confirmation of said well-wishes) to Maxwell.
‘I moved on her and I failed. I’ll admit it. I did try and f*** her. She was married. I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there, and she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big, phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.’
'I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Whatever you want. Grab them by the pussy, you can do anything.’
And Ghislaine Maxwell?
Trump doubles down on well-wishes for alleged sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell
The president’s remarks come after he drew criticism for his initial reaction to the arrest of Jeffrey Epstein’s longtime
And the Stormy Daniels pay-off? Fact.
FBI documents point to Trump role in hush money for porn star Daniels
FBI documents unsealed on Thursday suggest that Donald Trump was actively involved in engineering a hush-money payment shortly before the 2016 election to a porn actress who said she had a sexual encounter with him, as his personal lawyer Michael Cohen, campaign team
So what isn't real or factual? I'm asking honestly?
You are - by all accounts - a good, intelligent person. And, even though I don't understand it, many good people are planning to vote for him despite these things.
But to claim they aren't factual? That's just nonsense.
For all those who are saying, "God is in control," I trust you will feel the same way when Joe Biden, a practicing Catholic, wins the presidency. Because, otherwise ...
As for me, God may be in control but - for better or worse - he gives people free choice. Thus we have murders, horrible accidents and ... may I add ... Donald Trump as president of the United States. (And yes, I am a Christian, too.)
Trumpsters have had their 4 years. America is about to get dignity and competence returned to the White House.
You’re misunderstanding how God works. Whatever happens, he has a purpose for it.
I am fully aware that's how y'all think the spaghetti monster works. Here on planet earth this country recognizes the grave mistake it made electing Trump in 2016.
This comes down to what you consider credible sources. You trust the FBI, really?
In regards to his comments about women, let’s just say I’m a much better version of myself from younger days. If you’ve never taken part in “lockeroom talk”, you’re a better man than most others.
If you consider laughing about unwanted sexual groping/assault just "locker room talk," then I can say unequivocally that I am a better man than you. Also that wasn't his younger days, it was 2004.
And just LoL at someone who believes Qanon questioning the credibility of anyone, let alone the FBI.
I’m fully aware you’re in desperate need of getting laid, which most likely didn’t just come about. Hope you find a good release valve. Best of luck!
This comes down to what you consider credible sources. You trust the FBI, really?
In regards to his comments about women, let’s just say I’m a much better version of myself from younger days. If you’ve never taken part in “lockeroom talk”, you’re a better man than most others.
No, I've never been in a locker room where someone bragged about sexually assaulting women. Nor have I ever defended such language.
Way to avoid everything I said.
We will just disagree.
Much of what you say makes little sense, and is out of left field.. or either you just revert to name calling. Lol
My time is very valuable.
Bwahaha, yeah clearly. Good god you are such a pathetic clown.
No, we will not. Grabbing a woman by their private areas without permission is called assault. Don't believe it? Ask any lawyer, or go ahead and try it yourself.
It's yet another fact that you casually dismiss because it's inconvenient to your position.
I rest my case.
What kind of man, who claims to be a Christian no less, tries to find an equivalency between teenage locker room talk and a 58 year old man saying he grabs women by the pussy? A man who loves Trump apparently.
In order to educate you, folks can change in God’s eyes at any point in their life.
Should I invoice you for my time you’re taking? My time isn’t free.
Don’t pretend that’s not on the checklist.
This comes down to what you consider credible sources. You trust the FBI, really?
In regards to his comments about women, let’s just say I’m a much better version of myself from younger days. If you’ve never taken part in “lockeroom talk”, you’re a better man than most others.
Dude... God knows I want Trump to lose this election. But I remember in 2016 he was behind in all the poles too. You are going to hear NOTHING out of me until Biden is actually IN the WH on Jan 20th 2021. Even if he loses, you KNOW that Trump is going to contest the election. If there's NO EVIDENCE of fraud, he'll make it up. And every Trumpian will absolutely believe it.
I'm honestly scared for our country right now. We have the oldest government on Earth. One of the PILLARS of that stability is the peaceful transfer of power from one government to another. Dem to Republican and vice versa. And pretty much every President and candidate we've had in the past 250 years or so has tipped his hat to the winner and accepted defeat. Can anyone see Trump doing that? One of the primary differences between the US and a lot of countries is that the loser of elections, simply goes home and carries on. In scary places, the losers take their guns and head for the hills or start causing unrest. Trump doesn't do things "for the good of the country" he does things "for the good of Trump" and if the US benefits from that... OK... if not, Trump is OK with that too.
I think he hates being president and can't wait to be on OAN every day cryingI actually think trump doesn’t want to get re-elected so you’re probably safe on the contesting piece. He’s done far too much to hurt is stock in the last month to make me believe he’s passionate about another 4 years of getting shit on by the media.
I think he hates being president and can't wait to be on OAN every day crying
On that we agree... I have never had a desire to be President... never. I would be worse than Trump.