What does any of that have to do with Trump? Let me remind you. At the time,(2016), it was also disclosed that the Russians tried hacking the RNC servers as well, but were not successful. Let me also remind you that the whole narrative that Trump colluded with the Russians is based upon information, provided by Russians to a foreign intermediary, Michael Steele; who was paid by Hillary and the DNC. Add in the left winged propagandist media, the Obama intel leadership, the top brass of the FBI/DOJ and you have a plot to overturn an election.
So now, some of you don't believe Mueller or Barr. It's like I've said along, some of you won't believe it even when the facts slap you right in the face. Get ready. More facts are coming.
There's not one drop of logic in your post. All of Mueller's report exonerates Trump. Prosecutors don't exonerate people. They either indict or they don't. One is exonerated if there's no indictment. Prosecutors do not pronounce someone as being exonerated.( SEE CARTER PAGE). Also, This obstruction bs that is bandied about is horseshit. If there was no collusion; by anyone, then there is not a crime to obstruct. Not only that, everything he said or did was done publicly. He wasn't sneaking around trying to influence anything or anybody.