Border Patrol Whipping

They’ll deny it, just like they deny everything else knowing nobody will waste their time digging through old posts. But they absolutely ran with it and everyone knows it
how much longer until you're shouting that someone is a snowflake?
I am just praying for the mid terms to get here

Praying not just for a wave but a flood that beats the flood of Noah

Then despite having to hold my nose I am going to send money and my support to Republicans and Donald Trump in 2024

Praying for an Immaculate Election in which the Pubs get enough votes to impeach in the House and remove in the Senate not only Biden and Harris but impeach the whole White House staff and Cabinet

I would offer a bonus in cash to any human on earth that can show a path to Green energy and electric vehicles within the next few years

Go back to the horse and buggy being replaced by cars or wagons getting replaced by trains and you get the idea

You cannot destroy where we are at without a clear solid bridge to the next step

I think every day to myself what idiotic person calls for electric vehicles when it will take hundreds of only possible nuclear plants and probably 100 trillion to convert if not in the hundreds of trillions

I ask myself every day what has happened to America that people cannot even see that trying to make these changes overnight is not doable in any universe
I am just praying for the mid terms to get here

Praying not just for a wave but a flood that beats the flood of Noah

Then despite having to hold my nose I am going to send money and my support to Republicans and Donald Trump in 2024

Praying for an Immaculate Election in which the Pubs get enough votes to impeach in the House and remove in the Senate not only Biden and Harris but impeach the whole White House staff and Cabinet

I would offer a bonus in cash to any human on earth that can show a path to Green energy and electric vehicles within the next few years

Go back to the horse and buggy being replaced by cars or wagons getting replaced by trains and you get the idea

You cannot destroy where we are at without a clear solid bridge to the next step

I think every day to myself what idiotic person calls for electric vehicles when it will take hundreds of only possible nuclear plants and probably 100 trillion to convert if not in the hundreds of trillions

I ask myself every day what has happened to America that people cannot even see that trying to make these changes overnight is not doable in any universe
We have become an America of laziness and have let too many things slide over the years. I am at fault myself for letting things slide.
That said, thought I'd share this:
I think the Border Agents will be charged as child sex perverts as the whipping the children sounds like something a kink would do

I know it’s a stretch but we are already in the Twilight Zone regarding common sense and rule of law
Of course not, @DW4_2016 and the rest can't admit they are wrong, no matter. They will deflect and spew some trump saying from 2016,
i can't imagine i made a big stink about someone being whipped since i don't really even remember that story. In cages, yes. but what was the border patrol whipping incident? you'll have to remind me. i actually don't watch CNN
i can't imagine i made a big stink about someone being whipped since i don't really even remember that story. In cages, yes. but what was the border patrol whipping incident? you'll have to remind me. i actually don't watch CNN
There was a story published and reports that border patrol were whipping migrants with their reigns (i guess that's what they call, i don't know horses) when they weren't, the whipping was using the reign to guide the horse and get it to move. Was maybe like last summer I think. I know Biden went on camera and called it outrageous or something like that
There was a story published and reports that border patrol were whipping migrants with their reigns (i guess that's what they call, i don't know horses) when they weren't, the whipping was using the reign to guide the horse and get it to move. Was maybe like last summer I think. I know Biden went on camera and called it outrageous or something like that
well then that makes biden a moron. seems like an odd thing to get excited about.
There was a story published and reports that border patrol were whipping migrants with their reigns (i guess that's what they call, i don't know horses) when they weren't, the whipping was using the reign to guide the horse and get it to move. Was maybe like last summer I think. I know Biden went on camera and called it outrageous or something like that

To clarify that whipping the word is reins and they are split reins used to help guide the horse

used for hundreds of years

of course someone made up the whipping part to generate hate which was a false Biden narrative

And the cages for the children were built by Obama and not Trump so another false narrative

I don’t do research on political false narratives but if I did I would want to follow the liberal and Democratic parties as those guys are a gold mine of false narratives
There was a story published and reports that border patrol were whipping migrants with their reigns (i guess that's what they call, i don't know horses) when they weren't, the whipping was using the reign to guide the horse and get it to move. Was maybe like last summer I think. I know Biden went on camera and called it outrageous or something like that
This is one of the images from it - it was a big story at the time:


well then that makes biden a moron. seems like an odd thing to get excited about.
Tell us something we don't know. No matter what you think of Trump, you have to acknowledge that Biden is an idiot.
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To clarify that whipping the word is reins and they are split reins used to help guide the horse

used for hundreds of years

of course someone made up the whipping part to generate hate which was a false Biden narrative

And the cages for the children were built by Obama and not Trump so another false narrative

I don’t do research on political false narratives but if I did I would want to follow the liberal and Democratic parties as those guys are a gold mine of false narratives
This is one of the images from it - it was a big story at the time:


Tell us something we don't know. No matter what you think of Trump, you have to acknowledge that Biden is an idiot.
i've got to say that surely doesn't look like a whip.
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I am just praying for the mid terms to get here

Praying not just for a wave but a flood that beats the flood of Noah

Then despite having to hold my nose I am going to send money and my support to Republicans and Donald Trump in 2024

Praying for an Immaculate Election in which the Pubs get enough votes to impeach in the House and remove in the Senate not only Biden and Harris but impeach the whole White House staff and Cabinet

I would offer a bonus in cash to any human on earth that can show a path to Green energy and electric vehicles within the next few years

Go back to the horse and buggy being replaced by cars or wagons getting replaced by trains and you get the idea

You cannot destroy where we are at without a clear solid bridge to the next step

I think every day to myself what idiotic person calls for electric vehicles when it will take hundreds of only possible nuclear plants and probably 100 trillion to convert if not in the hundreds of trillions

I ask myself every day what has happened to America that people cannot even see that trying to make these changes overnight is not doable in any universe
EVs will never be 100% of the market but they certainly can be 50%. The grid really doesn’t need that much capacity to support the growth because they are typically charging when demand is not high. There are plenty of products that will intelligently charge these vehicles. In fact, it could make the grid more stable by introducing bidirectional charging.
i can't imagine i made a big stink about someone being whipped since i don't really even remember that story. In cages, yes. but what was the border patrol whipping incident? you'll have to remind me. i actually don't watch CNN
Don't be fooled, you do remember the incident, but I do think I have you confused with @dpic73 on this one. Sorry, you both spew the same nonsense so its tuff to keep you two straight!
Don't be fooled, you do remember the incident, but I do think I have you confused with @dpic73 on this one. Sorry, you both spew the same nonsense so its tuff to keep you two straight!
to quote myself;

'what bullshit is this whipping? biden lied or is dumb or fragile? i think we can all agree the guy sucks. not really a revelation.'

seems like 'the whipping' is something i would have stored away based on that comment. real earth shaking stuff.
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You felt the need to call me out by linking a thread where I said nobody gives a shit about that story? Guess what - I still don't.

That's not the point!
The point is, your prez and the whole administration LIED about it and basically continue to deny it. Just a matter of time before all the other lies come out.
Just the tip of the iceberg, unfortunately!
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@moradatiger70 No, they will never call it out. It doesn't suit them and they'll just say what @dpic73 said. It doesn't matter. No one cares. Then next thread they'll call out an obvious lie from the right as some crisis for our country. It's why you don't listen to people like that. They have no moral standing. No real merit to their opinions because ultimately it's about politics, not what's best for any aspect of our country. And to be fair, there are a lot of people on the right that do the same crap. We'll look the other way with dishonesty because it suits our agenda. Best way to stop this and to condemn it all and expect more from people.
@moradatiger70 No, they will never call it out. It doesn't suit them and they'll just say what @dpic73 said. It doesn't matter. No one cares. Then next thread they'll call out an obvious lie from the right as some crisis for our country. It's why you don't listen to people like that. They have no moral standing. No real merit to their opinions because ultimately it's about politics, not what's best for any aspect of our country. And to be fair, there are a lot of people on the right that do the same crap. We'll look the other way with dishonesty because it suits our agenda. Best way to stop this and to condemn it all and expect more from people.
Some of you have a different set of standards for what constitutes a lie when you play your silly whataboutism games. Biden didn't know he was lying, he was reacting to the photos and reports everyone else saw. Should he have waited before reacting publicly or apologized? Yes, but that's a different argument. But let's not pretend the agents were squeaky clean.

"Patrol agents on horseback did not strike Haitian migrants at the Mexican border last year, though there were “failures at multiple levels,” including a lack of supervision and inappropriate use of language during the incident, federal investigators found.
In September, video footage showing Border Patrol agents on horseback, using what appeared to be whips on migrants seeking asylum along the border in Del Rio, was widely circulated, prompting a federal investigation by U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Office of Professional Responsibility.

At the time, a Department of Homeland Security official called the footage “extremely troubling,” while then-White House press secretary Jen Psaki deemed it “horrific.”

“It’s outrageous. I promise you those people will pay,” Biden told reporters, referring to the agents in the video, following the release of the footage last year.
The nine-month investigation, which culminated in a 511-page report by the department, found no evidence that agents used horse reins to strike people during an “unprecedented surge in migration” of about 15,000 Haitians near the international bridge. However, agents acted in unprofessional and dangerous ways, including an instance in which an agent “maneuvered his horse unsafely near a child,” investigators wrote. The names of the agents involved were redacted to protect their privacy.
The same agent directed denigrating language toward a migrant, yelling “Hey! You use your women? This is why your country’s s***, you use your women for this,” the report said.
“It’s clear from the investigation that decisions made by some of the agency’s leadership, and the lack of appropriate policies and training, all contributed to the incident,”
Customs Commissioner Chris Magnus said at a press conference Friday afternoon. “But there is no justification for the actions of some of our personnel, including unprofessional and deeply offensive conduct.”
In addition to the administrative and policy failures, the commissioner noted that the “overall chaotic nature of the situation” contributed to the botched outcome.
The migrants were attempting to enter or return to the United States, with many carrying tickets previously issued by the Border Patrol and food for their families. One agent said he gave the migrants a choice of returning to Mexico or being arrested, while another said he could not justify his use of force other than preventing the group from further entering the country. Despite these actions, the report said, no migrants were ultimately forced to return to Mexico.

Investigators also found that the agents on horseback conducted the operation with authorization from their supervisor, who did not receive additional guidance from a higher-ranking official.

More than 30 interviews with eyewitnesses led to the report’s findings, including those with agents directly involved and the department’s officials. Investigators also used video footage, documents and photographic evidence from multiple angles to reach their conclusion.
Though no horse reins were used, agents were found to have used force, or the threat of force, to drive migrants back into the Rio Grande toward the border, investigators found. But one agent admitted to “twirling these split reins as a distancing tactic” despite no mention of such tactics in the patrol’s training documents.
To remedy the agents’ wrongdoings, the department plans to change practices, training and operational methods, as well as implement stricter limits on the use of horse patrol units.
Four agents are facing disciplinary action, which will be determined through a process conducted by a board of senior leaders in the department. The results of the discipline process will be made public upon completion.
When asked about the discipline the agents could face, Magnus said actions could range from reprimand to termination. However, he did not indicate what discipline might apply to the agents involved.
“We have already begun making changes to address agency shortcomings identified in the report, including revising the policies and procedures for utilization of horse patrol units, strengthening command and control during large-scale operations, and development of new trainings,” Magnus wrote in the report.

Influence from public officials, specifically responding to Biden’s remarks calling for discipline last year, played no influence in the investigation, the commissioner said at the press conference.
“I was counting on them to do a fair, thorough, comprehensive investigation without regard to outside influence,” Magnus said, referring to investigators. “They were to disregard anything they heard outside of their own work, and I think the investigation that’s been produced shows that’s exactly what they’ve done.”
When asked about the amount of time it took for the report to come out, Magnus expressed frustration at the length of time and leveled blame at the U.S. Attorney General’s office, which “took a little over five months” to determine not to issue criminal charges relating to the case."

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That's basically c.y.a. for the initial reaction. Harsh language and inappropriate gestures, etc. Very typical of these days.
Some of you have a different set of standards for what constitutes a lie when you play your silly whataboutism games. Biden didn't know he was lying, he was reacting to the photos and reports everyone else saw. Should he have waited before reacting publicly or apologized? Yes, but that's a different argument. But let's not pretend the agents were squeaky clean.

"Patrol agents on horseback did not strike Haitian migrants at the Mexican border last year, though there were “failures at multiple levels,” including a lack of supervision and inappropriate use of language during the incident, federal investigators found.
In September, video footage showing Border Patrol agents on horseback, using what appeared to be whips on migrants seeking asylum along the border in Del Rio, was widely circulated, prompting a federal investigation by U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Office of Professional Responsibility.

At the time, a Department of Homeland Security official called the footage “extremely troubling,” while then-White House press secretary Jen Psaki deemed it “horrific.”

“It’s outrageous. I promise you those people will pay,” Biden told reporters, referring to the agents in the video, following the release of the footage last year.
The nine-month investigation, which culminated in a 511-page report by the department, found no evidence that agents used horse reins to strike people during an “unprecedented surge in migration” of about 15,000 Haitians near the international bridge. However, agents acted in unprofessional and dangerous ways, including an instance in which an agent “maneuvered his horse unsafely near a child,” investigators wrote. The names of the agents involved were redacted to protect their privacy.
The same agent directed denigrating language toward a migrant, yelling “Hey! You use your women? This is why your country’s s***, you use your women for this,” the report said.
“It’s clear from the investigation that decisions made by some of the agency’s leadership, and the lack of appropriate policies and training, all contributed to the incident,”
Customs Commissioner Chris Magnus said at a press conference Friday afternoon. “But there is no justification for the actions of some of our personnel, including unprofessional and deeply offensive conduct.”
In addition to the administrative and policy failures, the commissioner noted that the “overall chaotic nature of the situation” contributed to the botched outcome.
The migrants were attempting to enter or return to the United States, with many carrying tickets previously issued by the Border Patrol and food for their families. One agent said he gave the migrants a choice of returning to Mexico or being arrested, while another said he could not justify his use of force other than preventing the group from further entering the country. Despite these actions, the report said, no migrants were ultimately forced to return to Mexico.

Investigators also found that the agents on horseback conducted the operation with authorization from their supervisor, who did not receive additional guidance from a higher-ranking official.

More than 30 interviews with eyewitnesses led to the report’s findings, including those with agents directly involved and the department’s officials. Investigators also used video footage, documents and photographic evidence from multiple angles to reach their conclusion.
Though no horse reins were used, agents were found to have used force, or the threat of force, to drive migrants back into the Rio Grande toward the border, investigators found. But one agent admitted to “twirling these split reins as a distancing tactic” despite no mention of such tactics in the patrol’s training documents.
To remedy the agents’ wrongdoings, the department plans to change practices, training and operational methods, as well as implement stricter limits on the use of horse patrol units.
Four agents are facing disciplinary action, which will be determined through a process conducted by a board of senior leaders in the department. The results of the discipline process will be made public upon completion.
When asked about the discipline the agents could face, Magnus said actions could range from reprimand to termination. However, he did not indicate what discipline might apply to the agents involved.
“We have already begun making changes to address agency shortcomings identified in the report, including revising the policies and procedures for utilization of horse patrol units, strengthening command and control during large-scale operations, and development of new trainings,” Magnus wrote in the report.

Influence from public officials, specifically responding to Biden’s remarks calling for discipline last year, played no influence in the investigation, the commissioner said at the press conference.
“I was counting on them to do a fair, thorough, comprehensive investigation without regard to outside influence,” Magnus said, referring to investigators. “They were to disregard anything they heard outside of their own work, and I think the investigation that’s been produced shows that’s exactly what they’ve done.”
When asked about the amount of time it took for the report to come out, Magnus expressed frustration at the length of time and leveled blame at the U.S. Attorney General’s office, which “took a little over five months” to determine not to issue criminal charges relating to the case."

Forgive me. Your prez didn't know he was lying! How old are you? Do you think that is an excuse? It just baffles me how people can be so dang oblivious.
Some of you have a different set of standards for what constitutes a lie when you play your silly whataboutism games. Biden didn't know he was lying, he was reacting to the photos and reports everyone else saw. Should he have waited before reacting publicly or apologized? Yes, but that's a different argument. But let's not pretend the agents were squeaky clean.

If he didn't know, that's even worse. It's the President's job to get the facts and THEN offer perspective. If he's just reacting like everyone else, that's even worse. He's the President and part of his campaign was that he would make sure the bully pulpit of the presidency wasn't used for gut reactions and hyperbole as it was during the Trump years. So yeah... total fail.
Forgive me. Your prez didn't know he was lying! How old are you? Do you think that is an excuse? It just baffles me how people can be so dang oblivious.
If you call his reaction to the photos he saw a lie, you must have been raging 24 hours a day during the former guy's reign.

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It’s hilarious when they cry about “whataboutisms” because it’s always just a matter of time

Serious question - what is your purpose on this board other than flying around like a pigeon and shitting in every thread? You add nothing worthy of discussion. Just a flying rat who dirties up the board.
If you call his reaction to the photos he saw a lie, you must have been raging 24 hours a day during the former guy's reign.

Stop digging, stop typing, be quiet, go way, You lose!

The sooner you understand that the better and more constructive conversations you can have!
I've been on the other side, I promise, it happens to the best of us!