Brainwashed pink haired trans freak melts down during it’s Father’s eulogy


The Mariana Trench
Sep 6, 2022
Hope you’re all proud of me for utilizing gender-neutral language in the thread title. Im trying to be more tolerant, because tolerance is key to maintaining civility in our society, mi right?

Maybe if you post more anti-gay, anti-trans, anti-everyonenotwhitestraightandchristian videos, Trump and the MAGAs will be reelected like a giant red wave.

The tranny in the video was committing literal acts of violence toward a segment of the population and not a peep from you. I thought you were an advocate for outlawing hate speech?
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The tranny in the video was committing literal acts of violence toward a segment of the population and not a peep from you. I thought you were an advocate for outlawing hate speech?

You expect me to care about her thoughts on her father, when you know nothing about what she's experienced? Or is it more important to you that she is a tranny with pink hair?
You expect me to care about her thoughts on her father, when you know nothing about what she's experienced? Or is it more important to you that she is a tranny with pink hair?
Her personal story aside, committing literal acts of violence toward a group of people(white, cis-gendered males) is disgusting. Why can’t you denounce that?
Her personal story aside, committing literal acts of violence toward a group of people(white, cis-gendered males) is disgusting. Why can’t you denounce that?
I've listened to it twice and didn't see or hear about an act of violence. Are we supposed to to be outraged by a random video with a mad person talking OR is it only the ones criticizing someone for being a Trump lover? This is a stupid reason to get knotted panties.
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I mean … my father in law was a brilliant man. Graduate of West Point, Masters from Michigan, Doctorate from USC (the real one) spoke 5 languages and played 10 different instruments… he was quite wealthy and provided very well for his family, but he had his demons. He was a alcoholic and a drug addict and where he never physically abused his kids or his wife, he certainly emotionally abused them.

My wife desperately wanted a relationship with her father …. but he just wasn’t capable. When he wasnt drunk or high, his brain just didn’t operate like “normal” people. It was like having a conversation with a computer.

I share this “Dear Facebook” moment, because … at his funeral (died of a OD) my wife … was angry and she said somethings that you don’t normally hear at a funeral.

Truth is … the father from the video???? Maybe he was a racist ****???? I personally don’t think I would do something like the daughter did, but my Dad is great.

Funerals aren’t for the dead anyways … they are for the living … a time to say goodbye. Don’t want someone to say terrible things about you at your funeral? Don’t be a ****
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I mean … my father in law was a brilliant man. Graduate of West Point, Masters from Michigan, Doctorate from USC (the real one) spoke 5 languages and played 10 different instruments… he was quite wealthy and provided very well for his family, but he had his demons. He was a alcoholic and a drug addict and where he never physically abused his kids or his wife, he certainly emotionally abused them.

My wife desperately wanted a relationship with her father …. but he just wasn’t capable. When he was drunk or high, his brain just didn’t operate like “normal” people. It was like having a conversation with a computer.

I share this “Dear Facebook” moment, because … at his funeral (died of a OD) my wife … was angry and she said somethings that you don’t normally hear at a funeral.

Truth is … the father from the video???? Maybe he was a racist ****???? I personally don’t think I would do something like the daughter did, but my Dad is great.

Funerals aren’t for the dead anyways … they are for the living … a time to say goodbye. Don’t want someone to say terrible things about you at your funeral? Don’t be a ****
Let’s be honest here… Chances are much higher that she is mentally unstable and he was just a normal, conservative guy and that wasn’t good enough to appease the SJW that had been programmed in her psyche
Let’s be honest here… Chances are much higher that she is mentally unstable and he was just a normal, conservative guy and that wasn’t good enough to appease the SJW that had been programmed in her psyche
Sorta like an everyday Trump speech to me. You raging?
I mean … my father in law was a brilliant man. Graduate of West Point, Masters from Michigan, Doctorate from USC (the real one) spoke 5 languages and played 10 different instruments… he was quite wealthy and provided very well for his family, but he had his demons. He was a alcoholic and a drug addict and where he never physically abused his kids or his wife, he certainly emotionally abused them.

My wife desperately wanted a relationship with her father …. but he just wasn’t capable. When he wasnt drunk or high, his brain just didn’t operate like “normal” people. It was like having a conversation with a computer.

I share this “Dear Facebook” moment, because … at his funeral (died of a OD) my wife … was angry and she said somethings that you don’t normally hear at a funeral.

Truth is … the father from the video???? Maybe he was a racist ****???? I personally don’t think I would do something like the daughter did, but my Dad is great.

Funerals aren’t for the dead anyways … they are for the living … a time to say goodbye. Don’t want someone to say terrible things about you at your funeral? Don’t be a ****
Growing up, there was a family across the street that had five kids, including three girls. The father was a horrible man and regularly raped the girls and did other freaky shit like shaving their pubes and keeping them in a drawer. He also beat them on the regular and they were terrified of him. The daughter who was my age used to tell me about it and begged me not to tell anyone or she would be killed (she thought). I can promise you she would have made a similar speech at his funeral...if she went. She is still traumatized to this day and finds it very hard to talk about. Just saying, you can't play a random snippet from someone you don't know and judge them, if you don't know the whole story. You have no idea about the pain that others have gone through, none...
Growing up, there was a family across the street that had five kids, including three girls. The father was a horrible man and regularly raped the girls and did other freaky shit like shaving their pubes and keeping them in a drawer. He also beat them on the regular and they were terrified of him. The daughter who was my age used to tell me about it and begged me not to tell anyone or she would be killed (she thought). I can promise you she would have made a similar speech at his funeral...if she went. She is still traumatized to this day and finds it very hard to talk about. Just saying, you can't play a random snippet from someone you don't know and judge them, if you don't know the whole story. You have no idea about the pain that others have gone through, none...

Your personal anecdotes keep getting crazier and crazier

Hollywood needs to make a movie based on the things you experienced growing up. Just wild