Bubba Wallace noose a hoax? Edit: Haha confirmed race baiter


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2011
Lmao color me shocked this turned out to be fabricated

Clay Travis and others seem to think so

Will be interesting to see if it turns out to indeed be a racist or if someone pulled a Lebron
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The picture that compares 2019 is maybe photoshop in some way? Unless crew was wearing covid mask in 11/19.....??

I don’t think it’s a fake story, but what’s real anymore is a mystery also (all news). My .02
That’s a screenshot from a video if I’m not mistaken the entire article shows videos going back to 2017 showing most garage stalls have pull down loops for the door. It’s clear even in the still shot that the garage next door has a pull string that is about 4 feet longer indicating the other has been cut. Also I don’t believe you are seeing Covid masks I think it’s just a collar off of a jacket. Unless crew members were wearing thick jackets in Alabama in June.
dont like liars or people who blow shit out of proportion, but the message is the same ( at least too me). Keep your racist traitorous rags at home, or better yet ... grow up and be a mature member of society.

The South lost ... time to come out of the fox hole Johnny Reb .....
I agree. It doesn't matter if the event happened or not. The discussion is what is important
Clay Travis is such an obnoxious f*ck. Not surprised this is his take.

Came to this thread just to say fvck Clay Travis
I really like listening to him in the morning taking kids to schools. He takes a letter of the law approach to his takes and is typically spot on in the short time I’ve listened. What am I missing as I haven’t been listening long...
I am not a NASCAR guy. And I am only following this story from a distance.


It seem very odd to me that anyone, out side the team, would have access to the garage area. I find it hard to believe there is no security around these cars and that the facility isn't loaded with cameras. Do they really leave the garage area unattended?
Why? Because he's a Democrat that can actually think for himself, and not just regurgitate the echo chamber that you get from every other network. He's all I listen to in the morning.
Clay is not a democrat. He may have once been, but he is not at this point.
This is probably all fake. I have a buddy who works in NASCAR corporate who got blackout drunk on a hunting trip a couple of years ago. He said the sport is about 95% fake. Every car is controlled by one computer and has been this way for about 5 years now. Vegas bankrolls the whole thing. The only real stuff are some of the accidents and apparently some of the guys go off script from time to time. It’s basically WWE in cars
Aliens on the moon.
Actually are (supposed) recordings of our astronauts talking about seeing them.

This is probably all fake. I have a buddy who works in NASCAR corporate who got blackout drunk on a hunting trip a couple of years ago. He said the sport is about 95% fake. Every car is controlled by one computer and has been this way for about 5 years now. Vegas bankrolls the whole thing. The only real stuff are some of the accidents and apparently some of the guys go off script from time to time. It’s basically WWE in cars
This would have fit in with the conspiracy thread
This is probably all fake. I have a buddy who works in NASCAR corporate who got blackout drunk on a hunting trip a couple of years ago. He said the sport is about 95% fake. Every car is controlled by one computer and has been this way for about 5 years now. Vegas bankrolls the whole thing. The only real stuff are some of the accidents and apparently some of the guys go off script from time to time. It’s basically WWE in cars

Is this @Earle36's alt handle?
dont like liars or people who blow shit out of proportion, but the message is the same ( at least too me). Keep your racist traitorous rags at home, or better yet ... grow up and be a mature member of society.

The South lost ... time to come out of the fox hole Johnny Reb .....
Oh, it matters...when liars try to further a fake narrative, it absolutely matters.
I agree. It doesn't matter if the event happened or not. The discussion is what is important
I think it matters if it happened. It’s f’ed up and traumatic to those involved.

and I am not seeing where Travis or anyone else is saying it is a hoax. Maybe it was a mistake/misinterpreted event. Maybe someone intentionally put it there with a racist intent.

Given the attention this has received, I think getting to bottom of what happened is important regardless of which way it went.
I don't know what's more believable: a racist in Alabama hung a noose inside a Black Lives Matter supporter the week that NASCAR banned the white supremacist flag or a Fortune 500 organization orchestrated the noose reveal to endear themselves further to their audience. So much information out there - impossible to know what to believe!
So, hand loops are always made to look like a noose? I'm confused. What does the "hand loop" look like in the other garages?
I really like listening to him in the morning taking kids to schools. He takes a letter of the law approach to his takes and is typically spot on in the short time I’ve listened. What am I missing as I haven’t been listening long...
your kids will get made fun of if they start quoting clay travis
So, hand loops are always made to look like a noose? I'm confused. What does the "hand loop" look like in the other garages?
That's not the point. The point is the hand loop looked like a noose in that garage 8 months ago and was not some intentional racist act. And yes the hand loops did look like a noose in many of the other garages. That was never a problem until this week though.
dont like liars or people who blow shit out of proportion, but the message is the same ( at least too me). Keep your racist traitorous rags at home, or better yet ... grow up and be a mature member of society.

The South lost ... time to come out of the fox hole Johnny Reb .....
Oh, it matters...when liars try to further a fake narrative, it absolutely matters.
Damn ... the irony.
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