Can we just have truth?

You are the only person I see talking about Biden in this thread but it's a false equivalency and you know it. Telling the biggest lie in American history, that he still tells to this day, makes Trump singularly dishonest and that alone disqualifies your argument that Biden was also a liar, especially when you consider how bombastic the lies are that Trump tells.

Where are you getting that Trump has a high approval rating? The latest poll shows him underwater by seven points and when you dig into the crosstabs, he only has 31% approval for his foreign policy. Time to stop contributing to the spread of more lies

March 3-4, 20251,174AIpsos

And not only that, for the first time in his second term, the average of all polls show him with a higher disapproval rating than approval.


Do you think im stupid or something?

Do you think im stupid or something?
Actually, I do think you're stupid if you don't think Newsweek can write a truthful story about the actual results of the Ipsos/Reuters poll. You can even look through the crosstabs yourself if you want to fact-check them...... how about them apples!

Let me know when you want to do a comparison of the sources each of us uses...........................................
Actually, I do think you're stupid if you don't think Newsweek can write a truthful story about the actual results of the Ipsos/Reuters poll. You can even look through the crosstabs yourself if you want to fact-check them...... how about them apples!

Let me know when you want to do a comparison of the sources each of us uses...........................................
OK, I'll go first.

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Points for not using an Insurrection Barbie twat, but here's a more accurate map.


I see a map with a lot of population density.

I don't see a map that shows how to win an election. Maybe that is the problem? That's not for me to figure out though.
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For anyone claiming, SDTIGER, it’s politics.

Yeah…. So quit complaining about the BS circular argument you are making. You are unwilling to hold yourself, your party, your principles to any standard.

You can’t. Because the parties don’t have a standard yet you pledge loyalty to it.

As I told my massive left wing MIL:
I have a choice:
I’m gonna marry your daughter or this other woman.
One is gonna cheat on me with 10 men and the other 7 men.

Who do I choose?

“My daughter is not like that” 🤣

Your daughter has been away from under your roof for 30+ years, you have no idea what she’s been really doing.

“That’s true”

But you’ll blindly defend not exactly knowing what she’s been doing. That’s the Dem/Pub parties. People walking around blind listening to Rush Limbaugh, MSNBC, NYT, FOX yet you have no idea what these multi millionaires motivation is.

And no, your daughter is a good girl. But don’t forget, you’ll never really know. 😜
That sounds a lot like conversations I had with my MIL, RIP.
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You do realize the PRIMARY function of the Democratic and Republican parties is to grift?

It’s why neither has achieved competency and incapable of holding office for more than short periods of time.

They are celebrate by cult followers(always blue/red people) in this country through intimidation and fear by accomplishing nothing.

Name the greatest PROACTIVE achievement by the federal govt in the last 25 years?

They aren’t capable of PROACTIVE. Insanely, people give them a pat on the back for RESPONSIVE achievement which 9/10 times they created the problem themselves. Grifting on both the cause and solution.

And I say this everytime cause it bears repeating. I do not respect 90% of people who identify as Dem or Pub. You simply do not have the best interest in this country and live in a world of HALF TRUTHS at best.
How do you classify Trump and MAGA? How about Musk?
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How do you classify Trump and MAGA? How about Musk?
That’s a good question actually. They have their own category in several ways but principally are RESPONSIVE manipulators though appearing as PROACTIVE trash collectors/scavengers.

They are feasting on the primary problem of Public/Dem cult creations. It’s so enormous and NOBODY has done 💩 about it since Clinton. Therefore, they can take out their weapons and start firing and successfully hit targets without assessment.

Now, I agree that transformational change requires aggressive action but using metaphors:
look at FSU and Clemson roster management 2000-2024.

Diametrically opposed. One wild and the other status quo.

The wild mgt got great results and then crashed hard. The other achieved degrading performance, albeit still good but clearly with any objectionable evaluation was cutting off one’s nose despite its face. And, if still continued would degrade Clemson further.

So what’s the point? Positive culture change is rooted in principle and orchestrated change. Doesn’t matter if it’s immigration, capitalism or football rosters. Being TOO successful is actually not good and only benefits a handful of people. Responsible gains stabilize economies and culture. It’s why I refer to the:
Iraq War
Mortgage crisis
Private equity residential RE

As the greatest threats to democracy - PURE THEFT from the average American.

Back to Musk/Trump. Their story will be written in a few years. Can go wild bad(FSU) or wild good(Deion/Colorado). But in order to be on the Deion end, you need incredible buy in from the people. They need to know you are looking out for them……. Almost all the time. Current scorecard, very undetermined and not focused on MAGA pocketbooks.

And no, I don’t think nor expect them to function like Dabo(2020-24), it’s bad business. I believe roster changes at the federal govt like SMART 20% dismissal by the Secretary leaders. You think people are gonna respect those folks who clearly aren’t in control with Musk and Trump being the decision makers? Nope.

I know this…. Regardless of whatever narcissists in control from Pelosi Trump Obama Schumer McConnell, the people need to quit listening to them. Quit supporting ANY ideas detrimental to the middle class. The elite are elite enough.

Wanna play your elite games? Fine but not at the perverse sacrifice of the average citizen.

It’s gone on too long. Quit listening to anything NOT financial or security based. Everything else is fraud dressed up for confrontation amongst the people.
That’s a good question actually. They have their own category in several ways but principally are RESPONSIVE manipulators though appearing as PROACTIVE trash collectors/scavengers.

They are feasting on the primary problem of Public/Dem cult creations. It’s so enormous and NOBODY has done 💩 about it since Clinton. Therefore, they can take out their weapons and start firing and successfully hit targets without assessment.

Now, I agree that transformational change requires aggressive action but using metaphors:
look at FSU and Clemson roster management 2000-2024.

Diametrically opposed. One wild and the other status quo.

The wild mgt got great results and then crashed hard. The other achieved degrading performance, albeit still good but clearly with any objectionable evaluation was cutting off one’s nose despite its face. And, if still continued would degrade Clemson further.

So what’s the point? Positive culture change is rooted in principle and orchestrated change. Doesn’t matter if it’s immigration, capitalism or football rosters. Being TOO successful is actually not good and only benefits a handful of people. Responsible gains stabilize economies and culture. It’s why I refer to the:
Iraq War
Mortgage crisis
Private equity residential RE

As the greatest threats to democracy - PURE THEFT from the average American.

Back to Musk/Trump. Their story will be written in a few years. Can go wild bad(FSU) or wild good(Deion/Colorado). But in order to be on the Deion end, you need incredible buy in from the people. They need to know you are looking out for them……. Almost all the time. Current scorecard, very undetermined and not focused on MAGA pocketbooks.

And no, I don’t think nor expect them to function like Dabo(2020-24), it’s bad business. I believe roster changes at the federal govt like SMART 20% dismissal by the Secretary leaders. You think people are gonna respect those folks who clearly aren’t in control with Musk and Trump being the decision makers? Nope.

I know this…. Regardless of whatever narcissists in control from Pelosi Trump Obama Schumer McConnell, the people need to quit listening to them. Quit supporting ANY ideas detrimental to the middle class. The elite are elite enough.

Wanna play your elite games? Fine but not at the perverse sacrifice of the average citizen.

It’s gone on too long. Quit listening to anything NOT financial or security based. Everything else is fraud dressed up for confrontation amongst the people.
Give us a short current summary. Do you support what Trump and Musk are doing at this time? Do you think Trump and Musk are working to help average American citizens or have their own goals and think the middle class will benefit also in the wash?
Give us a short current summary. Do you support what Trump and Musk are doing at this time? Do you think Trump and Musk are working to help average American citizens or have their own goals and think the middle class will benefit also in the wash?

I support the concepts, not the process. (And I’m not a process guy. There’s a more responsible, iterative way.) People will get unnecessarily hurt.

Using a pizza metaphor, I think they may help providing 2 slices while 6 go to a select few of them. (This is an improvement from Biden which was maybe 1 slice to the average American.)

It isn’t MAGA at its core. People will get a better vibe but nowhere near the promise. Again, I don’t rate as better than previous as a preferred measure. Why? Because that’s exactly what they want you to do, I’m the better loser. Yah!!!! Better crumbs for the people.

If MAHA makes a significant dent, I’ll take that.
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literally nothing in that post backs up the President’s claim. Its wild how you’ll post something and claim it as proof or vindication, but what you post is still actually showing how wrong you are.

It’s the way they work with information. MAGA finds a post from someone…usually on X…that supports their position. They never…ever…question the source of the information. It is taken at face-value.
Something to know about DRgoober. DOGE is killing his bottom line. DOGE cut off his credit cards. He makes money off of the gov't. Sucks to be him.

I regret that I provide services and capabilities that the DoD and IC use to make themselves more knowledgeable and skilled in various topics of importance to them.

Well…no not really.

If DoD and IC can’t buy my services and capabilities, or anyones, it has a huge impact on people’s lives. You do care about people’s lives right?