For what it’s worth, I had to have a few shots to read this far into the forumThere's a big difference in a vaccine and a shot. A vaccine provides protection from getting the disease. The Covid-19 series is akin to a flu shot in that it won't prevent getting the disease; it only attenuates the severity. If either the flu or Covid-19 mutate from the version of your shot you may have none of the desired protection and all of the medical risks.
My job required me to take the 4 shots (the last being boosters) and I got Covid-19 at the Clemson/GaTech game. Same happened to my spouse and 2 of my sons (the latter 25 & 26 and only one booster per guidelines).
Given the science, I support vaccines that stop diseases like measles and polio because you get true immunity there and would let the individual decide the risk/benefits of taking the flu and/or Covid-19 shots.