CDC has revised the Covid death total...

“Data during this period are incomplete because of the lag in time between when the death occurred and when the death certificate is completed, submitted to NCHS and processed for reporting purposes. This delay can range from 1 week to 8 weeks or more, depending on the jurisdiction, age, and cause of death.”

Some state’s like NC have not reported anything to CDC yet and have 0 deaths listed.

CDC’s estimate will not be accurate for many months until they can do a full demographic study to compare expected deaths of all cases to actual deaths during this time.
So the death toll went from 60k last week to now 38k? Not sure how much more crazy this shit can get at this point.

No. CDC has always consistently lagged the reports states give to the media by weeks or months.

For instance if you go to the SC Government COVID site is says 267 deaths but if you look at CDC is says 170.

NC official site is over 400 and 0 on CDC website.
The truth is so refreshing.

But what ain't refreshing is there's no getting back what was flushed down the toilet.

My old hippie buddies (I could never qualify...never did drugs) used to say:
"We get the Government we deserve."
We damn sure did. And, that needs to change.

REVISED NUMBERS - POINT 12% of population died = .0012
Pretty expensive failed management experiment.........

Forget the COVID..........can we now survive the results of our group "sheep" mentality?

Come on, America.
Let's give a shit, pay attention and get busy getting rid of many of these politicians and pick your OWN ass up.
Some of us saw this coming long ago.

Covid deaths total nearly cut in half....

Welcome back, flu/pneumonia...? We apologize you’ve been ignored.
Beware of the Coronabros...
It’s a time lag. The CDC Director has also said that their numbers are likely significantly to the low side.

Dr Birx said today the projection number is again back in 6 figures
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It’s a time lag. The CDC Director has also said that their numbers are likely significantly to the low side.

Dr Birx said today the projection number is again back in 6 figures

They can't seem to make their mind's up now. She's losing it I'm afraid, I think she's been around Trump to long.
No. CDC has always consistently lagged the reports states give to the media by weeks or months.

For instance if you go to the SC Government COVID site is says 267 deaths but if you look at CDC is says 170.

NC official site is over 400 and 0 on CDC website.
There is no hope explaining basic data to folks. They try to see what they want to see. They want to believe in conspiracies, etc.

There are two different numbers on the CDC site. One that shows "Cases in the U.S." and it is the confirmed and probable cases based on data. It is intended to be a best estimate of what the actual death toll is today once the official reports come in which may lag two weeks. The other number that is lower is the provisional count and it is based only on the cases that have been "received, reported, coded and tabulated". There is a clear disclaimer that there is a lag of as much as two weeks between these numbers. If you look at the "Cases in the US" from two weeks ago and compare it to the new provisional count, the totals track very close.
You scamademics can bond with gorilla glue all you’d like. Everyone knows the numbers are skewed 6 ways from Sunday, and if you actually believe they’re accurate, well..... you don’t really believe that. Lol
haha if you don't believe they are accurate why did you start a whole thread about it? Clown stuff man!
Enjoy the MSM numbers. We all know covid19 is responsible for the guy who just died in a car wreck. The numbers are completely skewed.
The "MSM Numbers" are the CDC numbers. You are arguing that the CDC numbers are false by arguing that the CDC numbers are real. LOL

There are two sets of numbers that mean two different things if you took time to read the disclaimers. There is about a two week lag between the two. Here are your "MSM" numbers off of the CDC site.
I admire the passion and "spunk" from both sides of this issue.

Like anyone on TI truly knows the daily life an interactions of people in Sweden and South Korea.