This is so commonly referred to. Unfortunately it's done so without an understanding of how our system works. The Supreme Court ruled on what our constitution provides for now. They aren't saying what's right or wrong. They simply rule on what the Constitution states about a given matter. Then it's up to us to decide if we agree or disagree. If we disagree we can go about the process of passing your laws or amending the Constitution to address concerns. This is been done quite a number of times in our past but these days we don't seem to understand that it is still an application that is in place. I agree with the citizens united decision and I also hate it. We need to do something about it. But it's not the Supreme Court's fault that things are this way. It's our fault. In the end our Constitution says what it says and it doesn't say what it doesn't say. The people have the power to fill in the blanks when necessary.