You know whats funny about Magas? They voted for GWB and supported the Iraq war because they believed the propaganda of our government. Those of us who read history and understood what the CIA and Military were doing in South America in the 80s and Asia in the 60s and 70s, took one look at the evidence and situation and knew right from the start, it was a quagmire. Pubs couldn't even, to this day probably tell you what a Kurd is.
But all the time, ALL THE TIME now that they are online and have 'alternative facts' they lecture others about 'main stream media'. Listen children, you are like the man chained to the wall looking at shadows and claiming they depict a play. You have 0 clue and were against Assange, you were against Manning (probably still are). And you swallow whole the filth that was germenated in an 8 chan pedo board.
Grow up, be an adult and realize, yes your government is lying to you, but its not about Elon Musk, its not about Donald Trump. Its lying to you about taxes, wars and global economic colonialization.
But all the time, ALL THE TIME now that they are online and have 'alternative facts' they lecture others about 'main stream media'. Listen children, you are like the man chained to the wall looking at shadows and claiming they depict a play. You have 0 clue and were against Assange, you were against Manning (probably still are). And you swallow whole the filth that was germenated in an 8 chan pedo board.
Grow up, be an adult and realize, yes your government is lying to you, but its not about Elon Musk, its not about Donald Trump. Its lying to you about taxes, wars and global economic colonialization.